Biomaterial Strategies for Immune System Enhancement and Tissue Healing
Qualitative and Quantitative Performance Optimization of Simple Gas Turbine Power Plant using Three Different Types of Fuel
Efficient Shopping: RFID-Powered Cart with Automated Billing System
Medical Drone System for Automated External Defibrillator Shock Delivery for Cardiac Arrest Patients
A Critical Review on Biodiesel Production, Process Parameters, Properties, Comparison and Challenges
Review on Deep Learning Based Image Segmentation for Brain Tumor Detection
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Approaches, Observations, and Outlooks
Integration of PMS Software and Decision Matrix Tool Based on Data Acquired from Latest IT Advanced Sensors and 3D CAD Models in Marine Operations Field
The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Hilly Areas of Nepal
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Dynamic Changes in Mangrove Forest and Lu/Lc Variation Analysis over Indian Sundarban Delta in West Bengal (India) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
An Analysis of Machining Forces On Graphite/Epoxy, Glass/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Composites Using a Neural Network Approach
Deformation Behaviour of Fe-0.8%C-1.0%Si-0.8%Cu Sintered P/M Steel during Powder Preform Forging
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Achieving Manufacturing Excelence by Applying LSSF Model – A Lean Six Sigma Framework
Design and Analysis of Piezo- Driven Valve-Less Micropump
The Indian power sector more than tripled its installed capacity from 30 GW in 1981 to over 110 GW in 2003-04; however the country is still plagued by severe peaking and energy shortages. These shortages are exacerbated by inefficiencies in power generation, distribution and end use system. The efficiencies in the end use system are due to irrational tariffs, technological obsolescence of industrial equipment, and lack of awareness, a nascent energy service industry and inadequate policy drivers. This paper presents an analysis of partial loaded induction motor with energy efficiency.
Attributes under investigations include,
1) effect of using oversize induction motor
2) voltage regulators
3) experimental study in 1 HP motor
4) case study at 55 kW Motor
Combined Cycle power plants have recently become a serious alternative for standard coal and oil-fired power plants because of their high thermal efficiency, environmentally friendly operation, and short time to construct. The combined cycle plant is an integration of the gas turbine and the steam turbine, combining many of the advantages of the both thermodynamic cycles using a single fuel. The heat recovery steam generator forms the backbone of combined cycle plants, providing the link between the gas turbine and the steam turbine. The performance of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) strongly affects the overall performance of a combined cycle power plant. In the present paper performance simulation and exergy analysis of heat recovery steam generator is done to analyze the effects of various design and operating parameters on the performance of combined cycle power plant. For the exergy analysis, the selected objective is the minimization of thermal exergy losses, taking into account the irreversibility due to the temperature difference between the hot and cold streams and pressure loss in the hrsg. Exergy analysis of HRSG is necessary to find out the locations where exergy losses are more and how the irreversibilities will change with various hrsg parameters. The effect of various parameters like pinch point, approach point, steam pressure, steam temperature, mass flow rate of gas and gas temperature are studied on irreversibilities of different sections in HRSG, loss in exhaust gases, mass of steam generated and exergetic efficiency. It is found that selection of pinch point play an important role on the performance of HRSG. Exhaust gas temperature of the turbine and mass flow rate of gas increases the steam production. To reduce the exergy losses the approach point should be as low as possible and the temperature of feed water entering into the economizer should as high as possible. The steam pressure and temperature is selected such that having low latent heat and high quality to get more work.
We find today, a time bomb ticking under India's social and economic foundations. At a time when the level of education needed for productive employment is increasing, opportunity to go to college for bottom half population is decreasing. The academic values in institutions are eroding. Sweeping changes to halt sharp increases in tuition fees, and increase of public and other sources of revenue for higher education is the urgent need.
Can you imagine Communication between earth and stars through Interstellar Internet from 93 billion miles away.With the help of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) know-how, reality soon may catch up with imagination.
In 1979 psychologist Baird participated in a NASA study group, which included astronomers, engineers and physicists, on the feasibility of detecting and understanding an extraterrestrial message. He concluded that introspection and a wider perspective is required first, putting aside many narrow earth-bound assumptions and mindsets.
To improve competitiveness, industrial companies have to reduce cost and environmental impact while improving safety and reliability in design and manufacture of their products. Selecting the most effective design option is usually time consuming; late decisions may eventually jeopardise the balance of the whole project. Because the processes of design assessment are very complex and the data and information available at the early design stage may not be complete for decision-making in many circumstances, it may be extremely difficult to assess the design options due to the great uncertainty involved. A fuzzy reasoning approach has demonstrated its usefulness and accuracy in assessing design option under combinations of conditions where there is a lack of design date and information. This paper presents the development of a new fuzzy-based intelligent decision making support system for modelling various design variables for engineering product design at the design stage. An example is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.
This paper describes the development of different training scenarios for engineering students on experimental laboratory platforms in the field of robotics. The system in its current configuration is designed to enable distance training of students in real scenarios of robot manipulator programming. From a technological perspective, our research efforts are directed towards the adaptation of concepts and techniques developed in thefield of telerobotics and virtual reality, and their integration in such e-laboratory settings.
The paper focuses particularly on the educational impact of such systems. Our goal is to assess the performance of elaboratory scenarios in terms of the efficacy of training provided to students. The results of two experimental studies already been conducted- are of main interest. The experiments on different student users are still in process.
In this paper, we propose and discuss a fully automated system for marking and plagiarism detection for programming assessment using self organizing map (SOM) and fuzzy logic. The plagiarism approach involves finding similarities between programs submitted by students, and rank them depending on their similarity metrics based SOM clustering. The distance from the cluster centroid for individual assignment is calculated using fuzzy technique. The system is a syntax dependant approach for C language and is based on a tree data structure with leafs and attributes that denote the semantic translation of the given program. The system has been tested successfully on real world programming assignments from software development course.
The purpose of this experimental study was to see the effect of Computer software support on the attitude towards electronics subject of students while working in laboratory of electronics science. In this experimental study there were two groups as experimental group and control group. The experimental group performed the experiments using computer software support for selected practical in electronics, while controlled group was studied by traditional method. The target population consisted of students offering electronics subject in undergraduate science streams. The sample was students who attended the Electronics achievement test at four selected science colleges affiliated in Amravati University Amarvati (Maharashtra State- INDIA). There were 150 students used as the sample in the study.The investigator developed an attitude scale having 25 items by covering various aspects related to electronics experiments and laboratory communication. There were 21 positive and four negative items on five-point scale (Likert type). The difference of points in pre test and posttest decided the change in Attitude. The findings showed that the computer software support used for laboratory communication was much effective in bringing an attitudinal change among the students. There was a remarkable enhancement in attitude for all items.
A fast heuristic algorithm for the solution of one dimensional cutting stock problem which has a wide variety of applications in industrial production planning is presented in this paper. In contrast to common linear programming relaxation methods, a procedure which retains the integrality requirements at each iteration is presented here. Instead of minimizing the trim loss, minimization of the number of stock pieces required to satisfy a given demand is considered.