Biomaterial Strategies for Immune System Enhancement and Tissue Healing
Qualitative and Quantitative Performance Optimization of Simple Gas Turbine Power Plant using Three Different Types of Fuel
Efficient Shopping: RFID-Powered Cart with Automated Billing System
Medical Drone System for Automated External Defibrillator Shock Delivery for Cardiac Arrest Patients
A Critical Review on Biodiesel Production, Process Parameters, Properties, Comparison and Challenges
Review on Deep Learning Based Image Segmentation for Brain Tumor Detection
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Approaches, Observations, and Outlooks
Integration of PMS Software and Decision Matrix Tool Based on Data Acquired from Latest IT Advanced Sensors and 3D CAD Models in Marine Operations Field
The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Hilly Areas of Nepal
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Dynamic Changes in Mangrove Forest and Lu/Lc Variation Analysis over Indian Sundarban Delta in West Bengal (India) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
An Analysis of Machining Forces On Graphite/Epoxy, Glass/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Composites Using a Neural Network Approach
Deformation Behaviour of Fe-0.8%C-1.0%Si-0.8%Cu Sintered P/M Steel during Powder Preform Forging
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Achieving Manufacturing Excelence by Applying LSSF Model – A Lean Six Sigma Framework
Design and Analysis of Piezo- Driven Valve-Less Micropump
Databases of genomic information assist molecular biologists in understanding the biochemical functions, macromolecular structure, and evolutionary history of organisms. We present an introduction to molecular biology, discuss how and why molecular biologists use genomic databases, describe search algorithms, discuss the notion of relevance in genomics, and outline current and future directions for genomic IR. Information retrieval is important in various biomedical research fields. This covers the theoretical background and the state of the art and future trends in biomedical information retrieval. Techniques for literature searches, genomic information retrieval and database searches are discussed. Literature searches techniques cover name entity extraction, document indexing, document clustering and event extraction.
Genomic information retrieval techniques are based on sequence alignment algorithms. This also briefly describes widely used biological databases and discusses the issues related to the information retrieval from these databases. Terminology systems are involved in almost every aspect of information retrieval. The various types of terminology systems and their usage to support information retrieval are reviewed. They are homology, database, and indexing, clustering, ontology’s. In order to efficiently retrieve relevant information and improve precision, modern information retrieval systems usually index documents, or group similar documents together to facilitate the identification of relevant documents.
New information retrieval new techniques are being developed that may lead to more sophisticated information retrieval systems with both a high recall and a high precision. These consist of literature search, genomic sequence searches and database searches. It also reviews the use of terminology systems in information retrieval and its importance in supporting information retrieval and integration (e.g., the integration of semantically related but syntactically variant information). Homology searches are the building blocks of many studies, such as comparative genomics, gene prediction and phylogenetic analysis.
The performance of the autocorrelation method of LP analysis has always been limited when the speech signal is corrupted by noise. In order to overcome these limitations a new approach for LP analysis needs to be designed. A number of efficient LP analysis methods have been proposed. These are Moving maximum Method, Moving maximum Method and Average threshold Method. In this paper Conventional Auto correlation method is compared with the efficient LP analysis methods.
In this paper, the robustness of the proposed methods is measured between the spectrum of the efficient LP analysis method on clean speech and the spectrum of the efficient method on speech signal affected by noise. As the level of noise distorting the speech is increased, the LPC spectrum resulting from the proposed method is expected to keep its general shape.
Energy conservation is now faced with the challenge of applying the latest technology for facilities and improvements which can be justified on its own merits. Air conditioning units are designed to remove heat from interior spaces and reject it to the ambient air. While this heat is of low grade variety, it still represents wasted energy. The most obvious form of heat recovery is for heating water. The feasibility of using a heat pipe heat exchanger for recovering heat from a 3 ton A/C unit is studied. In this research, the characteristic design and heat transfer limitations of a single heat pipe for four types of working fluids have been investigated. A homogenous wick was selected by calculating the capillary pressure desired to transport the working fluid from condenser to evaporator. After calculating the heat flux, a heat pipe heat exchanger was designed. The HPHE was then constructed and tested under the operating conditions. The effectiveness of HPHE under the operating conditions was found to be satisfactory.
In this article the author presents Smart polymers: Smart material in Biotechnology.
In solar systems, it is required to improve existing solar collector system to provide higher efficiency. The existing system receives solar energy only for few hours and charges a small battery, which is not economical for the cost spend. This project is a new method where we can observe sun light for 12 hours and multiple batteries can be charged one after another. In this paper, a real time embedded micro controller PIC16F877A along with amorphous silicon based photovoltaic cells are used to improve the efficiency of solar systems. The collector, as per sun movement can collect maximum possible light energy from morning 6 AM to 6 PM. From this, at least 300% extra energy can be created compared with the existing. The energy created doesn’t create any type of pollution and is trouble free. The light sensors for various angles starting from 00 to 1800 are used. All the outputs from the sensors will be fed to an embedded system chip, which will have ADC of 10 channels. The user can view which area light is greater. The collector will move in the direction where more amount of light is present. The mechanical model will be driven by a powerful stepper motor, which consumes very less energy for movement. Solar collector is fixed to the mechanical model. Collector direction towards sunshine is dependent on the rotation of stepper motor. Stepper motor-coupled mechanical model must be placed in an open place. Real time light sensors are arranged in parabolic curve type mechanism. The light received will be converted into electrical signals and fed to embedded controller along with PC. On the PC screen it indicates the amount of light in various angles. A fabricated model of typical solar system using PIC16F877A has been developed and the test results are presented.
Biomass mainly in the form of wood is the oldest form of energy used by humans. Biomass generally means a relatively dry solid of natural matter that has been specifically grown or has originated as waste or residue from handling such materials. The thermochemical conversion of biomass (pyrolysis, gasification, combustion) is one of the most promising non-nuclear forms of future energy.
In the present study, the model reported in literature is simulated to study the effects of pyrolysis fraction on the outlet gas concentration in a downdraft biomass gasifier. It is found that the air to fuel ratio is one of the key parameters in the reduction zone of downdraft biomass gasifier. It effects the value of pyrolysis fraction in the model, and indirectly proportional to the pyrolysis fraction. Steady state composition and temperature profiles for the reduction zone of the downdraft biomass gasifier are also predicted for various values of air to fuel ratio.
A straightforward method for high order system simplification is proposed that gives in exact models of lower orders. This paper establishes a design for subsets of selective state vector of linear time invariant discrete time multivariable system. By the help of dominance measures, the dominant eigen values can be retained in the reduced order of the system. This is needed to identify the state variables that have significant participation in a selected mode. The computations involved in the design of large order system can be minimized with the help of suitable reduced order models. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design method.
This paper reports on the characteristics of in-cylinder flow at the time of fuel injection and subsequent interaction with fuel spray, which are helpful in validating the engine performance and exhaust emissions for a Diesel Engine. The in-cylinder flow is largely determined by the swirl and tumble motion during the intake stroke and the squish flow into and out of the piston bowl.
The flow was simulated (Using CFD software) for steady state conditions from which the characteristics of the helical ports are analyzed in terms of flow rate for different valve lift positions, generation of angular momentum and induced in-cylinder flow motion. The transient flow simulation shows the different characteristics of the flow motion in cylinder and piston bowl during intake and compression strokes.
The intake port fluid dynamics also significantly affects the ignition delay, the magnitude and timing of the diffusion burn, the magnitude of premixed burn and the emission of nitrous oxide and soot. Computations are used to optimize the swirl flow characteristic of an intake port system over a wide range of operating conditions. The relative success of the computational approach is evaluated through comparison with experimental data obtained from the AVL’s (Ansalt fur Verbrennungsmotoren, Prof. List Graz, Austria) paddle wheel principle of swirl measurement test rig, which have been dealt within this paper.
Texture is an important spatial feature, useful for identifying objects or regions of interest in an image. Classification and Segmentation of textures in tissues is very difficult due to high variability of the data within and between images. In this paper, a visualization-based approach for training a texture classifier is presented. Powerful Gabor filter is used to extract texture feature and a self-organizing map (SOM) and K-Means are employed for visual training, segmentation and classification, providing very promising results in the classification and segmentation of tissues. From the results, it is evident that the incorporation of colour information enhanced the colour texture Classification and Segmentation and the developed frameworks are effective.
Turbo coding is a powerful encoding and decoding technique that can provide highly reliable data transmission at extremely low signal-to-noise ratio. According to the computational complexity/delay of the employed decoding algorithms, such as maximum a posteriori algorithm (MAP), log maximum a posteriori algorithm (Log-MAP) and Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA), the realization of turbo decoders usually takes a large amount of memory space and potentially long decoding delay. Therefore, an efficient method to reduce decoding complexity/delay becomes one of the key factors toward successfully designing turbo decoders. In this paper, reducing decoding complexity/delay of turbo decoding algorithms is approached by parallel SOVA (T-SOVA) scheme. The best schemes are presented for various variables considering trade-off between decoder performance and complexity. This method will reduce the decoding complexity/delay by at least 50% without big impact on the system performance.
This paper describes a mathematical model for electromagnetic simulation of single and two-phase linear reluctance motor energized by DC source throughout electronic inverter. The Linear motor electromagnetic performances are analyzed by applying Simulink program for both operation modes. Comparison analysis with respect to the linear force, displacement, operation time are discussed , where it states that a two-phase operation mode is preferable for light loading, while at heavy loading the preferable mode is single-phase operation.
On the another hand two-phase reluctances motor realized independency with respect to the initial and steady—state time and loading operation. This advantage leads to loss reduction, fast response and stable electromagnetic torque. Analytically obtained motor characteristics are discussed with respect to the velocity and time response. Experimental prototype model should be realized with aim to verify the analytical results.