Design and Construction of Efficient Solar Sun Tracking System

D.V. Ashok Kumar*, Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy**, V. Sankar***
*Associate Prof.of EEE RGMCET,Nandyal.
**Controller of Examinations,JNT University,Hyderabad.
***Prof of EEE JNTU Engg College ,Anantapur.
Periodicity:February - April'2007


In solar systems, it is required to improve existing solar collector system to provide higher efficiency.  The existing system receives solar energy only for few hours and charges a small battery, which is not economical for the cost spend. This project is a new method where we can observe sun light for 12 hours and multiple batteries can be charged one after another. In this paper, a real time embedded micro controller PIC16F877A along with amorphous silicon based photovoltaic cells are used to improve the efficiency of solar systems. The collector, as per sun movement can collect maximum possible light energy from morning 6 AM to 6 PM.  From this, at least 300% extra energy can be created compared with the existing. The energy created doesn’t create any type of pollution and is trouble free.  The light sensors for various angles starting from 00 to 1800 are used. All the outputs from the sensors will be fed to an embedded system chip, which will have ADC of 10 channels. The user can view which area light is greater. The collector will move in the direction where more amount of light is present. The mechanical model will be driven by a powerful stepper motor, which consumes very less energy for movement. Solar collector is fixed to the mechanical model. Collector direction towards sunshine is dependent on the rotation of stepper motor. Stepper motor-coupled mechanical model must be placed in an open place. Real time light sensors are arranged in parabolic curve type mechanism. The light received will be converted into electrical signals and fed to embedded controller along with PC. On the PC screen it indicates the amount of light in various angles.  A fabricated model of typical solar system using PIC16F877A has been developed and the test results are presented.


Solar Collector System, Solar Sun Tracking System, Stepper motor, Embedded Micro Controller PIC16F877A, Multiplexer.

How to Cite this Article?

D.V. Ashok Kumar, Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy and V. Sankar (2007). Design and Construction of Efficient Solar Sun Tracking System. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 2(3), 28-34.


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