Enhancing Mobility with Advanced Prosthetic Ankle for Lower Limb Amputees during Bike Riding and Everyday Activities
Therapeutic Device for Relieving Symptoms Induced by Knee Osteoarthritis
A Vibrating Ingestible Bio-Electronic Stimulator Modulates Gastric Stretch Receptors for Illusory Satiety
Advancements and Challenges in Automatic Milking Systems: A Comprehensive Review
Design of an Adaptive Portable Oxygen Concentrator with Optimized Battery Efficiency and Environmental Sensitivity
Diagnosis of Air-Gap Eccentricity Fault for Inverter Driven Induction Motor Drives in the Transient Condition
Modelling and Simulation Study of a Helicopter with an External Slung Load System
Comparative Study of Single Phase Power Inverters Based on Efficiency and Harmonic Analysis
LabVIEW Based Design and Analysis of Fuzzy Logic, Sliding Mode and PID Controllers for Level Control in Split Range Plant
Trichotomous Exploratory Data Analysis [Tri–EDA]: A Post Hoc Visual Statistical Cumulative Data Analysis Instrument Designed to Present the Outcomes of Trichotomous Investigative Models
This article presents touch screen technology and its interfacing with a controller to control the speed of single phase induction motor. The main objective of this article is to use remote sensing and speed control of an AC motor using touch screen technology and microcontroller concept which is less space consumption and design [2]. In addition to speed control, this work has an additional function of providing safety to motors when it works in high temperature which is sense by the sensor. When the temperature of the motor exceeds certain limit, the motor turns off suddenly with an emergency alarm.
In many industries, there are few nonlinear elements present in the system. Many industries used conventional controllers like P, PI and PID for controlling the controlled variable of the process. Controlling the nonlinear processes is a challenging task. In this paper conventional PI controller parameters are tuned using Fuzzy rules for maintaining the liquid level in the conical tank at desired level. Fuzzy rule base reasoning method used to determine a tuning parameter α based on the error and the rate of change of error of the process. This tuning parameter is used to calculate the Proportional gain and Integral gain of the PI Controller. Time domain analysis and performance indices are calculated and compared with Zeigler Nichols tuning method
Robotic manipulators have been extensively used in the industrial applications such as paint spraying, welding, accurate positioning system etc. where joint angles of robotic manipulators are directed to follow some given trajectories as close as possible. Therefore, trajectory tracking problem of robotic manipulators is the most significant and fundamental task for researchers to work upon. Robotic manipulator systems are inevitably subject to structured and unstructured uncertainties resulting in imprecision of its dynamical models and it is difficult to obtain a suitable mathematical model for the robotic control scheme. Robotic manipulators are dynamically coupled, multi-inputmulti- output, non-linear and time variant complex systems. This paper presents the dynamics of two link robotic manipulator. In this paper, PID (Proportional Integral Derivative), CTC (Computed Torque Control), SMC (Sliding Mode Control) and RBFNN (Radial Basis Function Neural Network) controllers are designed and implemented to the joint position control of two link robotic manipulators for pre-defined trajectory tracking control. Simulated results for different controllers are compared to show reduction in tracking error and performance improvement of two link robotic manipulators. Tracking performance and error comparison graphs are presented to demonstrates the performance of the proposed controllers. Further, comparison between chattering of SMC and RBFNN-SMC for joint 1 and joint 2 is also shown. The simulation work is carried out in MATLAB environment.
A multi tank level control system is an example of interacting systems. In this paper, the authors considered two first order systems connected in series, one rectangular tank which has inflow of liquid into the tank and out flow. The outflow of first tank is the inflow for second tank through a control valve. The control System is intended to maintain the level of liquid in the second tank at some predefined value irrespective of changes of inflow to the first tank. Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller is a powerful controllers used in process industries to regulate and control process variables. The errors of the process variables are minimized proportionally, integrally and derivatively. Fractional Order PID controller gives better results for changes in set point and disturbance rejections. The change in inflow or changes in predefined values are treated as disturbances to the process. According to these disturbances, they need to implement better tuning algorithms to Fractional Order PID controllers. In this paper, they implemented different Fractional Order PID control algorithms on a multi tank level control System and their responses are observed and also compared with Conventional PID controllers.
When a dielectric resonator is not entirely enclosed by a conducting boundary, it can radiate, and so it becomes an antenna, named Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs). DRAs consist of dielectric materials in its radiating patch also called as dielectric resonators (DRs) on one side of the substrate and has a ground plane (metal) on the other side. DRAs have several merits, including high radiation efficiency, flexible feed arrangement, simple geometry and compactness. There are wide applications of DRAs and it can be designed for the compactness, wide impedance, low profile, circular polarization, and for the high gain.