Bandwidth Estimation in Network Probing Techniques Utilizing Min-Plus Algebraic Methods
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
The Effectiveness of Jaya Optimization for Energy Aware Cluster Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Stress Analysis and Detection from Wearable Devices
Intrusion-Tolerant Sink Configuration: A Key to Prolonged Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
Channel Estimation and It’s Techniques: A Survey
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Congestion Control Mechanisms for COAP
Impact of Mobility on Power Consumption in RPL
Implementation of Traffic Engineering Technique in MPLS Network using RSVP
FER Performance Analysis of Adaptive MIMO with OSTBC for Wireless Communication by QPSK Modulation Technique
DGS Based MIMO Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications
A Review on Optimized FFT/IFFT Architectures for OFDM Systems
Balanced Unequal Clustering AlgorithmFor Wireless Sensor Network
HHT and DWT Based MIMO-OFDM for Various ModulationSchemes: A Comparative Approach
Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) are new emerging and challenging technology that makes an improvisation in traffic safety and efficiency. The constant growth of the automobile industry is increasing the demand for car safety and the car to car connectivity. It creates a path for Intelligent Transportation System(ITS).The information that is carried by the vehicles can enrol safety measures The group-oriented services are one of the primary application classes that are addressed by VANETs in the recent years. The challenges in VANET are, designing appropriate routing protocols suitable to the traffic model, ensuring proper delivery of emergency messages, security of the data and, avoiding the collision of messages, avoiding flooding of messages, etc. To support such services, broadcasting protocols are used. In this article, the authors review communication routing protocols for broadcasting and mechanisms that alleviate the broadcast storm problem. Moreover the authors analyze the network design considerations in architecture and protocol development, classify and characterize these routing protocols, and conclude with open the issues in disseminating messages for vehicular communication networks.
In this article, the implementations of the Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) and Blind method are studied with respect to their error performance. The main object of this article is a MMSE based adaptive approach, and on the other hand, a blind adaptive approach. The studies of both the schemes are done in a Multiuser detection environment. The multiuser detection environment model takes into account the receiver’s noise model and Multi-Access Interference (MAI) from other users. The first approach does not require any prior knowledge but calls for a training sequence. The second approach does not require any training sequence but requires exact knowledge of the signature sequences of the users and also takes longer to converge. The Bit Error Rates (BER) of both the approaches are given to compare the performance. The results show that Blind method outperforms MMSE at the edge of the cell for low SNRs and approaches similar to MMSE at high SNRs but suffers with a long time of convergence.
Wireless sensor networks are expected to find wide applicability and increasing deployment in the near future. It consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. More modern networks are bi-directional, also enabling the control of sensor activity. The development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance, many industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine health monitoring, and so on. The operation of WSN is normal under ordinary condition. But in case of an emergency situation, like fire break out one of the nodes deployed in the area may get ruined. Under such circumstances, the data collected around the vicinity of the node may be lost. Such kind of situations results in severe packet drop and thus decreases the communication throughput in Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. Hence data aggregation and mobility has been put forward as an essential paradigm. In this paper, the authors propose an alternative mechanism for node failure and a recovery scheme for the vast packet drop problem. Here reference point group mobility model has been used for replacing the damaged node and the aftermath performances are analyzed for various radio propagation models. The simulation is carried out by means of NS2 (Network Simulator).
Extensive research efforts have been put to facilitate distraction free communication in intermittently connected Networks. Nodes within this kind of network experience frequent disconnections due to sparse deployment of nodes, mobility and node failures. Usually, nodes in an intermittent network spend more time in listening to the network rather than transmitting or receiving any useful data. Problem: The energy consumed by idle listening mode is one of the major reasons for battery drain which is the main problem in intermittent network. The solution is that the Design of a new structure for Beacon Interval with one Beacon Frame and checking out the neighbor table for the past record of encounters so as to decrease idle listening without losing network connectivity in the intermittent network. The actual performance of the proposed work is analyzed using the parameters Packet delivery ratio, energy consumption and neighbor discovery in order to check the condition “sleep more without losing the network connectivity” is achieved.
The demands of achieving data integrity during transmission through coding over a wireless network have continued over time due to the high volume of data exchanged. This paper proposes an implementation of Reed Solomon code which is one of the Linear block codes that has been found to be optimal for reliable data transmission with its optimum parameters as n=255 and K=223. This optimum Reed Solomon encoder /decoder, RS(255,223) is implemented with Verilog description for Encoder and VHDL description for Decoder. This paper emphasizes on FPGA (Field Programable Gate Array) prototyping of the RS (255,223) encoder with less utilization of Hardware resources.