Performance analysis of Broadcast Data Dissemination over VANETs

G. Mary Valantina*, S. Jayashri**
* Research scholar, Dept of ECE, Sathyabama University,Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
** Director, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2014


VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) are new emerging and challenging technology that makes an improvisation in traffic safety and efficiency. The constant growth of the automobile industry is increasing the demand for car safety and the car to car connectivity. It creates a path for Intelligent Transportation System(ITS).The information that is carried by the vehicles can enrol safety measures The group-oriented services are one of the primary application classes that are addressed by VANETs in the recent years. The challenges in VANET are, designing appropriate routing protocols suitable to the traffic model, ensuring proper delivery of emergency messages, security of the data and, avoiding the collision of messages, avoiding flooding of messages, etc. To support such services, broadcasting protocols are used. In this article, the authors review communication routing protocols for broadcasting and mechanisms that alleviate the broadcast storm problem. Moreover the authors analyze the network design considerations in architecture and protocol development, classify and characterize these routing protocols, and conclude with open the issues in disseminating messages for vehicular communication networks.


ITS(Intelligent Transportation System), Broadcasting Protocols, Flooding

How to Cite this Article?

Valantina, G.M., and Jayashri, S. (2014). Performance Analysis Of Broadcast Data Dissemination Over VANETs. i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 2(4), 1-5.


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