Bandwidth Estimation in Network Probing Techniques Utilizing Min-Plus Algebraic Methods
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
The Effectiveness of Jaya Optimization for Energy Aware Cluster Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Stress Analysis and Detection from Wearable Devices
Intrusion-Tolerant Sink Configuration: A Key to Prolonged Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
Channel Estimation and It’s Techniques: A Survey
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Congestion Control Mechanisms for COAP
Impact of Mobility on Power Consumption in RPL
Implementation of Traffic Engineering Technique in MPLS Network using RSVP
FER Performance Analysis of Adaptive MIMO with OSTBC for Wireless Communication by QPSK Modulation Technique
DGS Based MIMO Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications
A Review on Optimized FFT/IFFT Architectures for OFDM Systems
Balanced Unequal Clustering AlgorithmFor Wireless Sensor Network
HHT and DWT Based MIMO-OFDM for Various ModulationSchemes: A Comparative Approach
Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) and Cooperative Communication provides a new environment in wireless network which can effectively improve the spectrum efficiency of future wireless network. In this paper, a two phase protocol based cooperative relaying for a secondary user along with decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying system is proposed. In the proposed protocol, a dynamic queuing algorithm is used to access and manage the spectrum from a Primary User (PU) to the Secondary Users (SU) without any conflicts between the cognitive users (CR) or Secondary Users (SU) for accessing the same available spectrum. A Multi Behaviour Node System (MBNS) is used to achieve better outage performance for the secondary system when it fails from a relay selection. The proposed scheme achieves the effective spectrum sharing and hence the overall system performance is improved. The simulation result shows the improvement over DF and AF relaying system.
System designed here is for automation of home appliances using Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) technology. This also aims at providing an interfered and continuous control over many household devices. The user module has many buttons, each referring to the device that needs activation. An encoder (i.e. the transmitter phone) encodes the required information and transmits with the help of a FM transmitter. The FM receiver (i.e. receiver phone) receives the modulated signal and demodulates it using a demodulator and the required information is determined by the DTMF decoder. Following this method the required action is achieved. Such a system is very useful in this busy modern world, where everything is being sought for automation. Also included here, is a microcontroller based counter to count the number of people in a room and accordingly alter the lighting arrangements in the room. This satisfies the continuous need for automation of appliances in today’s tech-savvy world. Also this circuit proves to be of great help if one wants to know the number of people present in a room in order to avoid congestion.
Ad-hoc networks generally play a vital role in emerging technologies. The limited communication and computation resources, the unguaranteed connectivity to trusted authorities make known security solutions for wired networks. A novel Tiered Authentication scheme for Multicast traffic (TAM) has large scale of ad-hoc networks. Nodes are grouped into the cluster. Cross-cluster multicast traffic includes a Message Authentication Code (MAC) that is based on set of keys. Each cluster uses unique subset of keys. TAM is combination of secret information asymmetry and the time information asymmetry for inter cluster and intra cluster networks. The topologies used are flat, spanning tree, balanced tree to reduce bandwidth overhead and delivery delay. These topologies are compared for numerical and analytical results that demonstrate the advantage of TAM.
Accurate data extraction is difficult; it is often too costly to obtain all sensor readings, as well as not necessary in the sense that the readings themselves only represent samples of the true state of the world. Clustering and prediction techniques, which exploit spatial and temporal correlation among the sensor data, provide opportunities for reducing the energy consumption of continuous sensor data collection and to achieve network energy efficiency and stability. So as we propose an adaptive scheme to control power-aware data collection in wireless sensor networks by integrating adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme. Our framework is clustering based. A cluster head represents all sensor nodes in the cluster and collects data values from them. Our framework is general enough to incorporate many advanced features and we show how sleep/awake scheduling can be applied, which takes our framework approach to designing a practical algorithm for data aggregation: it avoids the need for rampant node-to-node propagation of aggregates, but rather it uses faster and more efficient cluster-to-cluster propagation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme for clustering-based continuous data collection in sensor networks. When a cluster node fails because of energy depletion we need to choose alternative cluster for that particular region. Our proposed models, analysis, and framework are validated via simulation and comparison with competing techniques in order to achieve better energy efficiency and QoS.
Every day, lakhs of devotees gather in Tirupathi.. Tracking the movement of such a large number of people is crucial to the devotees them-selves and the authorities managing the whole event. This letter reports a real-time devotee tracking system that has been designed and implemented. The system relies on a dedicated delay-tolerant wireless sensor network (WSN). This WSN is interfaced to the Internet through gateway(s) available from an internet service provider (ISP) . Energy efficiency, robustness, and reliability are key factors in the design of the system. Each devotee is given a mobile sensor unit which includes a GPS chip, a microcontroller, and antennas. A network of fixed units is installed in the Holy area for receiving and forwarding data. Periodically, each mobile unit sends its user identification (UID), latitude, longitude, and a time stamp. A central server maps the latitude and longitude information on a geographical information system (GIS). The developed system can be used to track a specific or a group of devotees.