Devotees Tracking Using GPS and ISP

S.Sudha*, L.Gowthami**
*-** M.E Student, Embedded System Technologies, KSR IET, Tiruchengode, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2013


Every day, lakhs of devotees gather in Tirupathi.. Tracking the movement of such a large number of people is crucial to the devotees them-selves and the authorities managing the whole event. This letter reports a real-time devotee tracking system that has been designed and implemented. The system relies on a dedicated delay-tolerant wireless sensor network (WSN). This WSN is interfaced to the Internet through gateway(s) available from an internet service provider (ISP) . Energy efficiency, robustness, and reliability are key factors in the design of the system. Each devotee is given a mobile sensor unit which includes a GPS chip, a microcontroller, and antennas. A network of fixed units is installed in the Holy area for receiving and forwarding data. Periodically, each mobile unit sends its user identification (UID), latitude, longitude, and a time stamp. A central server maps the latitude and longitude information on a geographical information system (GIS). The developed system can be used to track a specific or a group of devotees.


WSN, LPL, GIS, CSMA, Mobile Sensor Unit.

How to Cite this Article?

Sudha, S., and Gowthami, L. (2013). Devotees Tracking Using GPS and ISP, i-manager’s Journal on Wireless Communication Networks. 2(3), 28-32.


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