Performance Evaluation of High-Rise Diagrid Steel Structures with Different Angle and Base Width
Advancements in CubeSat Development: Applications and Structural Analysis
Analysis of the Erosion and Accretion Dynamics of the Teesta River: Shifting Patterns from 1993 to 2023
Advanced Computational Approaches for Structural Integrity Assessment: Multi-Scale Modelling and Experimental Validation
Transforming Disaster Response: The Role of Agentic AI in Crisis Management
Study on Strength Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate Concrete
A Step By Step Illustrative Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis and Find the Nodal Displacements for a Two Dimensional Plate Structure
Lateral - Torsional Buckling of Various Steel Trusses
Comparative Study on Methodology of Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis Over DSHA and PSHA
A Step by Step Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis of Beam and Bar Problems in Civil Engineering Including Sizing Optimisation of a Beam
Investigation on the Properties of Non Conventional Bricks
Analysis on Strength and Fly Ash Effect of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement using M-Sand
Investigation on Pozzolanic Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Effect of Symmetrical Floor Plan Shapes with Re-Entrant Corners on Seismic Behavior of RC Buildings
Effect of Relative Stiffness of Beam and Column on the Shear Lag Phenomenon in Tubular Buildings
Elevated storage tanks play an important role in transmitting water at longer distances and storing water for emergency situations. In elevated water tanks, the whole mass is directly supported on columns, hence the columns are responsible for resisting lateral forces, so designing columns in such a way that a columns will face less structural damage is most important. In this paper, elevated circular water tank is analyzed in Staad.Pro by using a time history analysis method. Here, the structure is analyzed for an empty condition for ordinary columns and with some modification in whole slender column. In this paper, the major concern is about frame of modified elevated tank, where a wing slab is attached with column. The capacity of both tanks is 500 m3 with a 4 m bracing interval. Through time history analysis by using El-Centro earthquake time-acceleration data, the authors have checked the force distribution, stress contours in columns and beams of both the structures, and the time-displacement and time-velocity graphs at same nodes in both structures at 4 m interval and compared them. Also, they have checked the mode shapes in terms of frequency, time period and mass participation for both the structures. Hence, lower non-linearity is obtained for less time period, of seconds as compared to ordinary tank.
Externally pressurized thin cylindrical shells are usually designed based on buckling criteria. The resistance of cylindrical shells under critical buckling pressure load is mainly deteriorated by the geometrical imperfections present on these structures. The dent is one of the local geometrical imperfections, which may be formed in the shells owing to accident or impact loading on them during erection or during on service. In order to numerically investigate the influence of dent dimensions (dent width, dent depth, dent length, and dent inclination) and cylindrical shell dimensions (R/t ratio and L/R ratio) on the buckling resistance of stainless steel dented cylindrical shells, numerical models are generated with a centrally located dent. These models are analyzed using nonlinear general FE software ANSYS with ring type boundary condition at both bottom and top edges.
The terrorist attacks, threats, accidents imposed protuberant danger conditions and odious aesthetic view of public, commercial structures. Thus the study of dynamic response of engineering structures subjected to blast load becomes an interesting area in engineering research communities. Structures under blast and impact loads usually under go large plastic deformations and consequent failure occurs. In designing of structures, the design process for blast impact resisting structures has become more imperative. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of structural response and its characteristics under blast load on the basis of experimental and numerical methods are succinctly reviewed. The current advances in this research area are focused and illustrated. The concept of blast wave and its critical structural responses are classified on the basis of different materials and safety of the structure. Majorly availed numerical and experimental methods were discussed in a wide range with incisive description. The dynamic parameters, such as impulse velocity, acceleration, and displacement of structure under blast load are delineated on the basis of existing numerical techniques and experimental analysis.
This study was done to check if the stone dust can be used as a partial replacement to fine aggregate. The tests like compressive strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength, Density, Modulus of Elasticity, and Permeability were conducted on cubes, beams, and cylinders. Concrete of M30 was designed for W/C ratio of 0.45. The present research work shows that the characteristics of concrete using stone dust and copper slag as partial replacement to fine aggregate are superior when compared to the control concrete.
To perform the seismic assessment of reinforced concrete structures, the initial stage is to develop the seismic fragility function and use it to construct the fragility curve to determine the probability of failure of structures during earthquake. The Reinforced concrete structural wall with increase in number of stories is considered under simulated earthquake loading to establish the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)-based seismic fragility functions. Time history analysis method is used for developing the seismic fragility function and curves of low to mid-rise Reinforced Concrete (RC) structural walls. Time history method is also used to safeguard the safety of the RC structure from the damages due to earthquake. Time history analysis of the building or structure is done using ETABS software. A MATLAB code is used to plot the fragility curve for four damage states. As the earthquake causes huge damage to the reinforced concrete buildings or structures, it is essential to analyze and study the behavior of the building structure, whether it resists the damages caused to the structure due to shaking of the ground.
Over the past several decades, a number of researchers have been investigating the innovative seismic materials like Magneto Rheological (MR) Smart Damper. In this research, smart damper is particularly used for Semi - Active vibration control. Many researchers have proposed smart damper device to reduce the entire structural control of vibration. Due to latest high mechanical technology, dynamic range is too large, power requirements are too low, and there is a capacity of large force with different applications to attract and also protect tall buildings, infrastructures, against very severe earthquake and wind loading. This research presents an experimental investigation of single axis shake table with 3-story frame structure and diagonally installed with magneto rheological damper to find the Maximum displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The focus of this concept is to develop a fundamental understanding of frame structures using the purpose of design and fabrication of these smart material devices in structures for natural hazard mitigation.
The global warming is caused by emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide into the atmosphere (Kumar & Ramujee, 2016; Bhalchandra & Bhosle, 2013). In terms of global warming, the High performance technology could significantly reduce the carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere caused by cement industries. The present experimental studies are carried out in order to develop a relationship between compressive strength and flexural strength of hybrid fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete. In the present study, the existing relationship in IS 456:2000 was evaluated and then a similar relationship equation was developed for fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete of G40 grade Geopolymer mixes incorporated with different percentages from 0% and maximum up to 2% of hybrid fibers taken by weight of binder (Kumar & Ramujee, 2016). The results of the present experimental study have shown increase in strength properties of Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete (HFRGPC). It was analyzed that the compressive strength and flexural Strength were related together and the 0.5 power relationship was found to be high when compared to Open Platform Communications (OPC) based concrete. Thus the alternative equations were proposed for the HFRGPC.
The earth provides all the support to any structure depending on various soil conditions. Foundations are the substructures that transmit the load of the structure to earth in such a way that the soil does not get over stressed and do not deform. Types of footings used vary depending on the type of structure, for example, in structures such as transmission towers or water tower, the circular footing is used essentially. Circular footings have been used since ages, but ring footing got less attention than a circular one, despite its greater efficiency and cost-saving nature. Thus, in order to develop new and economical technologies, studying the benefits of rings over circular footing is essential, which is the prime objective of this paper. The parameter (bearing capacity) has been studied experimentally as well as an attempt of numerical analysis is done, in order to understand the behaviour of the sand under the ring footing. The experimental values of the bearing capacity of the ring footing are obtained by performing a series of laboratory tests on the model footing for three different radii ratio 0.2, 0.4, 0.6. While numerical analysis was performed using an empirical equation available in literature. The values of these analyses were then compared and it was determined that the theoretical values were quite higher than that of the experimental values of bearing capacity.
The principle objective of this paper is to study the structural behavior of High-Rise RC structure for different plan configurations, such as rectangular building along with Plus, C, L, and H-shape in accordance with the seismic provisions suggested in IS: 1893-2002 using ETABS. The analysis involves load calculation manually and analyzing the whole structure on the ETABS 9.7.1 version for dynamic analysis, i.e. Response Spectrum Analysis and Time History Analysis confirming to Indian Standard Code of Practice. For time history analysis, past earthquake ground motion record is taken to study response of all the structures. Analysis is carried out for seismic zone IV by taking medium soil condition. After the analysis, various responses like maximum storey displacement, maximum storey drift, storey shear, and maximum overturning moment are plotted so as to match the results of the linear and non-linear dynamic analysis.