Glaucoma Detection Based on Fundus Images using Machine Learning Techniques
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Lung Cancer Diagnosis using LungNet-TL Model
Optimized Hybrid Model Combining Hidden Markov and Stochastic Neural Networks for Groundwater Quality Forecasting in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India
Second-Order Polynomial Interpolation Filters for Image Demosaicking with Perceptual-Based Tone Mapping and Quantum-Inspired Optimization
E-Commerce Product Recommendation using Machine Learning Techniques
Crowdsourcing, refers to process of solving large scale and complex problems by crowd. It is one of the significant recent trend in internet and the mobile market that focuses on human-powered solving of large scale problems in diverse domains. The quality-control approaches of crowdsourcing systems mentioned in this paper will enhance the quality of the project developed by crowd. This paper describes crowdsourcing, basic elements in crowdsourcing, quality control in crowdsourcing, advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing, Some of the crowdsourcing projects such as Amazon Mechanical Trunk, Threadless and Wikipedia have been discussed.
Student attendance management system deals with the maintenance of the student's attendance details. It generates the attendance of the student on basis of presence in class. It is maintained on the daily basis of their attendance. The staffs will be provided with the separate username & password to make the student's status. The staffs handling the particular subjects responsible to make the attendance for all students. Only if the student present on that particular period, then the attendance will be calculated. The students attendance reports based on weekly and consolidate will be generated.
Nowadays modern technology's rule is becoming more important in solving our daily problems quickly, cheaply and effortlessly. Our college with all its departments needs a well automated system for managing its resources such as Financial Department, Registration Department or the Library And/or the Warehouse. IBECS is an intranet-based system that replaces the handwork with a well-designed and easy to use computer software that is accessible from smart phones, PC and other devices allowing the employees to manage and control theirs data easily in just few clicks. Reliability and security are the major advantages that an employee get from IBECS. The system will contain many features to improve the user experience and get the tasks done as fast as possible. It has a took care of GUI (Arabic, English) to suit all types of users.
Object identification plays a critical role in security inspection such as luggage, parcel and cargo inspection against object detection under a risky environment. This system automates this process by analyzing scanned the luggage or parcel images. For analyzing the image for object identification it uses edge and structure information of the object. This system uses reference object model which is represented using Prevailing Color Structure Descriptor(PCSD) for identifying object from scanned color images. The Prevailing Color Structure Descriptor(PCSD) is based on RGB-SIFT descriptor which is invariant in various lighting conditions and different orientation of object. This research scheme gives the high end processing in the field of Object Recognition because this technique focuses on RGB SIFT along with an Image Segmentation Scheme. In this method for recognizing the object both color and structure properties of object used, for representing the object geometric transformation as well as color information used. So this object identification robust, accurate and invariant against lighting condition and affine transformation. This would be more helpful for object detection in Airport and Defense Environment. This type recognition will support both Color and Gray Scale in all formats like JPG, BMP and GIF. In this FOD is tested against several images and its results are marked. This gives 91.22% average precision accuracy of detecting objects.
The number of services emerging on the Internet are generating huge amount of data leading to big data. Storing such data using traditional storage approaches is impractical which can be solved using Big Table capable of storing number of services in the form of multi dimensional sorted map again searching for a services and to recommend it to the new users requires large computations. In the present work theses problems are solved by using the Clustering based Collaborative Filtering (ClubCF) approach and Mash Up data set with 6888 services along with their description and their functionality is considered for Clustering with the help of Agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm.
Day-to-Day usage of internet is increasing for services like online shopping, online banking, email, etc., where authentication is necessary. Among the authentication techniques most commonly used are username and password. Using the password, an attacker can crack easily using guessing method. So, to strengthen authentication more than one factor is used. This paper proposes a two factor authentication scheme which uses the text dependent speaker verification system that speech as the first factor and text password as the second factor. During the login, the user utters the speech (passed as the first factor) and later, user is asked to give index value along with a sentence to form password (passes second factor). If both the factors are matched only then the user is authenticated and is allowed to access. The usability and performance analysis of the proposed TFA (Two Factor Authentication) is carried out using Morae Tool.