Two Factor Authentication Based on Speech and an Index Password

C. Shobabindu*
Associate Professor, CSE Department, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2015


Day-to-Day usage of internet is increasing for services like online shopping, online banking, email, etc., where authentication is necessary. Among the authentication techniques most commonly used are username and password. Using the password, an attacker can crack easily using guessing method. So, to strengthen authentication more than one factor is used. This paper proposes a two factor authentication scheme which uses the text dependent speaker verification system that speech as the first factor and text password as the second factor. During the login, the user utters the speech (passed as the first factor) and later, user is asked to give index value along with a sentence to form password (passes second factor). If both the factors are matched only then the user is authenticated and is allowed to access. The usability and performance analysis of the proposed TFA (Two Factor Authentication) is carried out using Morae Tool.


TFA, Authentication, Passwords, Speech, Usability.

How to Cite this Article?

Shobabindu. C (2015). Two Factor Authentication Based on Speech and an Index Password. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 4(2), 33-41.


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