Design of an Exercise Monitoring System for Early Warning Heart Rate Risk Alarm with Confidence Intervals and Correlation Index Analysis
IoMT-Based Seizure Detection System using Optimizing Algorithm
Embedded Sensor Belt for Cattle Stomach Measurement Monitoring with Automated Alert Functionality
Design and Development of a Device for Skin Disease Prediction using Various Parameters
Innovative Solutions for Varicose Veins using Arduino-Powered Prediction and Therapy
Verilog Based UART System Design
Intel ® Processor Architectural and Integrated Development Environment Exploration
IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring Framework with Automation
An Integrated Model of Digital Fuel Indicator and GPS Tracking System for Vehicles
Designing of an Embedded system for Wireless Sensor Network for Hazardous Gas leakage control for industrial Application
Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks
Fault Analysis on Grid Connected MPPT BasedPhotovoltaic System
High Efficiency Hybrid Intelligent Street Lighting Using A Zigbee Network And Sensors
Design of Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using Interdigital Embedded Open Loop Triangular Resonator Loaded with Stubs
License Plate Localization Using Novel Recursive Algorithm And Pixel Count Method
Agriculture plays a very important role in human survival. Now - a - days, the availability of manual power has gradually reduced. In order to reduce the manual work power in the field of agriculture, the authors have proposed a model of multi-purpose agricultural robot to perform dropping seeds, monitoring crops, de-weeding, irrigation and pesticide supply. To provide a proper monitoring, the authors have used a technique of the line following robots. This will involve efficient utilization of water resources, intensive plant and soilmonitoring, condition based use of fertilizers and the ability towork in unstructured environments.
Soldier's health ismore important because they are the defenders who protect our country. Soldier's are affected due to the irregularmonitoring and unavailability of resources at the border. Seriousmanagement problems and less quality of health care leads to various problems inmilitary camp. Real time healthmonitoring enables the detection of abnormal health conditions. Wearable health sensors are drawing serious attention. These devices will transform medical care in unimagined ways. The proposed method will continuously monitor the health condition by using bio sensors and transform health parameter by providing doctors with real time physiological data. Bio sensors are used to detect the soldier's vital parameters such as blood pressure, temperature and pulse rate. Soldier's vital parameters can easily be monitored at a central monitoring station and allow the doctors at the medical camp to know about soldier's health condition. This remote monitoring of the soldier provides a real time storage, visualization and analysis of the physiological data overmobile. Soldier's vital parameters are processed by Virtex FPGA kit. Soldier's vital parameters are measured and stored in the formof Electronic health record using IEEE 11073-10407 for future purpose.
The paper describes about MEMS based Robot which is a kind of robot that can be controlled by our handmovements rather than ordinary old switches and keypad. Already, conventional system performs its task with the help of lithium battery but in this concept, battery backup ismade with optimal concept. The charging concept in the existing systemis overcome with help of solar cells in this project. Micro-Electro- Mechanical Systems consists of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electrical and electronics devices on a common silicon substrate. The sensors in MEMS gather information from the environment through measuring mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical, optical, and magnetic Substance.
Intercontinental Submarines cannot communicate in deep sea and accomplish its purpose unless the accuracy of the signal is tested under the diverse acoustic sound waves. The various underwater noise signals are modulated into message signal like a blue whale up to 240dB, offshore seismic surveys up to 180dB and Peek rock movement up to 180dB could also negatively impact the transmission. The capability of reducing the disturbance signals by the ANFIS based band-pass filter obtains the actual message of underwater submarines. The real time embedded module is constructed with three systems. Firstly, Implementation of Sensor network for analyzing the water pollution in ocean. Secondly, Oceanographic system for analyzing the number of ocean reflected signals visible by the global positioning data. Thirdly, DisasterManagement System(DMS)measuring the sensible parameters (like temperature and pressure) of the deep sea. The implementation of Internet of Things is aweb tool developed for dynamically adjusting and controlling the behavior of submarines and also it communicates with each other to interact with the machine using real time informationwith high encryption standard.
Efficacious recognition and consistent identification of visual features is an important problem in applications, such as Pattern Recognition, Structure from motion, Image Registration and Visual Localization. The input data takings, numerous arrangements such as audiovisual arrangements, interpretations from manifold cameras or multi- dimensional statistics from a scanner. Concurrent performance is a perilous demand to utmost of these applications, which necessitate the finding and corresponding of the visual features in real time. Although feature recognition and empathy approaches have been deliberate in the work due to their computational intricacy therefore pure software execution by unique hardware is far suitable in their performance for real time applications. This paper is a comprehensive review of diverse image processing methods and enormous number of interrelated solicitations in various disciplines, including various real time image processing challenges like Medical, Biometrics, Object Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Image Indexing and Image Retrieval. In this paper, different existing techniques are discussedwith the application areas and also their future scope is explained .