Design of an Exercise Monitoring System for Early Warning Heart Rate Risk Alarm with Confidence Intervals and Correlation Index Analysis
IoMT-Based Seizure Detection System using Optimizing Algorithm
Embedded Sensor Belt for Cattle Stomach Measurement Monitoring with Automated Alert Functionality
Design and Development of a Device for Skin Disease Prediction using Various Parameters
Innovative Solutions for Varicose Veins using Arduino-Powered Prediction and Therapy
Verilog Based UART System Design
Intel ® Processor Architectural and Integrated Development Environment Exploration
IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring Framework with Automation
An Integrated Model of Digital Fuel Indicator and GPS Tracking System for Vehicles
Designing of an Embedded system for Wireless Sensor Network for Hazardous Gas leakage control for industrial Application
Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks
Fault Analysis on Grid Connected MPPT BasedPhotovoltaic System
High Efficiency Hybrid Intelligent Street Lighting Using A Zigbee Network And Sensors
Design of Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using Interdigital Embedded Open Loop Triangular Resonator Loaded with Stubs
License Plate Localization Using Novel Recursive Algorithm And Pixel Count Method
Development of smart sensor module, of high performance, large adoptability and portability, to sense the physical parameters is highly needed for electronic instrumentation. Therefore, based on an innovative technology of advanced microcontroller, an ammonia sensor module is designed and presented in this paper. The composition of nano sized (35 nm) Manganese-Zinc ferrites are synthesized by co-precipitation and formation of single phase compositions are confirmed by x-powder diffraction. The thick film sensor has been designed by screen printing technique on glass substrate and implemented for sensor module development. The electrical resistance (R) measured against concentration of ammonia gas decreases with increasing concentration of ammonia gas. On inspection of this data, it is found that, the synthesized composition is mostly sensitive to ammonia with very fast reverse recovery. Using this thick film of the compositions as ammonia sensor, data acquisition system has been designed using TLV271 operational amplifier with as high input impendence. Deploying on-chip resources of the AVR microcontroller, an embedded system is designed to produce the ammonia gas data in percentage (%). The use of on-chip ADC not only reduces the hardware complexity but also increases the accuracy due to 10-bit resolution. The software is developed in embedded C, wherein calibration of the signal to engineering unit is emphasized. This helps to enhance the portability of the present sensor module.
Road accidents have become the major issue during these days. Accidents bring loss to our economy. Much remarkable work has been done on the driver alert system through this project. Using the ARDUINO series of Microcontrollers with compatible sensors and components, the accidents could be reduced in an efficient way. Alcohol sensor senses, whether the driver is in a drunken condition and sends signal through a message using GSM and the vehicle will automatically stop. If the driver is drowsy, eye blink sensor detects the drowsiness and alerts the driver. Auto-dimmable headlights gain attention due to danger caused by sudden glare on drivers at night conditions which makes automatic dimming of headlight necessary by placing a wireless transmitter and receiver on both the vehicles. The mechanical parameters such as engine failure, brake failure, etc. are also analyzed. Brake failure sensor and fuel dry sensor is used to analyze whether the brake has a failure and whether the fuel is nearing the empty condition or not. It is also an essential one for both vehicle and the driver's safety measure like accident avoidance in the realistic driving conditions.
In the field of embedded technology, advancements are taking place due to emerging technologies. Emphasizing the deployment of the on chip resources of ARM LPC 2378 microcontroller, an embedded system is designed to measure soil moisture. Recently, agriculturists are demanding high-tech instrumentation to monitor various parameters such as temperature, light intensity, humidity, gas concentration, concentration of fertilizers, pH, soil moisture, etc. Out of various soil parameters, the soil moisture is playing significant roles on the crop growth. Considering this demand, an embedded system is designed to measure soil moisture and the results are interpreted in this paper. The sensor, comprising two steel electrodes, is designed in the laboratory and implemented. The on chip ADC of LPC 2378 is deployed. In order to provide better isolation, signal conditioning stage is designed around the instrumentation amplifier AD620. The firmware is designed in embedded C using SCARM. For calibration of the system test bed is designed in the laboratory. The system is implemented for the measurement of soil moisture and the results obtained are discussed.
This paper deals with the development of an embedded system to measure the linear displacement deploying electromechanical transducer, LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer). On survey it is found that linear displacement measurement have key applications in Instrumentation and Testing, Process and Packaging, Automation, Robotics, Suspension Measurement and Monitoring, Machine Presses, etc. Moreover, in such domain this displacement is in micrometer range. Hence, easy, immediate and preciseness in digital readout is quite essential for further processing or decision making. Therefore, microcontroller MCS-51 series based system is developed to measure the linear displacement, emphasizing the LVDT transducer developed in the laboratory to sense mechanical motion or vibrations. The developed LVDT transducer is interfaced through the microcontroller AT89S52, which has promising features like lowpower, high-performance CMOS 8-bit, In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash memory, etc. The data acquisition system (DAS) DAS is developed utilizing operational amplifier TLC 271 and ADC 0804. The smart LCD module, 16 x 2, is interfaced to AT89S52 for digital read out. The Kiel Vision3, IDE, is utilized to develop firmware in embedded C. The system under investigation is calibrated to scientific unit and tested.
A shopping mall is a popular spot where people get their day-to-day necessities. We can observe an immense audience at these malls on holidays and weekends. The cashiers have to put more efforts to complete billing and payment process. Scanning of all purchased products takes long time and generates long queues at cash counters. To overcome this problem, we proposed a smart shopping cart system fixed in a trolley. The trolleys are equipped with barcode scanner and Arduino in it. The products placed in trolleys are automatically scanned by barcode scanners and gets updated in the database. Consequently, it also creates the invoice for the products purchased.
Artificial satellites have revolutionized human civilization to get closer and know happenings around the world instantly. They communicate with the control station with details collected with the designated purposeful devices configured or installed or mounted as payloads. This article informs details on the construction of a nano satellite or CubeSat. Embedded technology has developed as a field where a standalone devise can be fabricated in a very small area/volume including its firmware. Embedded technology has invaded into every useful area of applications. Generally, the launched CubeSats have limited mission with limited objectives like, technology demonstration, amateur radio, earthquake detection, biological research technology demonstration, gamma ray detector, measuring the effect of antifungal counter measures on yeast strains in microgravity, ionospheric research, radiation effects on bipolar-transistor-based circuits, earth imaging and space environment measuring, deployable membrane technology demonstration, infrared camera imaging, orbital debris and small asteroids monitoring, demonstrating increased orbital energy with controlled solar sailing in Earth orbit, monitoring Green house gases, and much more. Modules made using embedded technology for specific and creative solutions can be payloads in CubeSats. Colleges and students have the possibility to launch their own satellites, as their own experiments – testing technologies and helping humanities.