Sustainable School Furniture Manufacturing: A Case of a Basic Workshop Innovation in Zimbabwe
Design and Testing of a Low-Cost Manually Operated Briquette Press for Sustainable Biomass Utilisation
Development of Arc Welding Defects for NDT Certification in Zimbabwe using Design of Experiments
A Comprehensive Examination of Various Edible and Non-Edible Oils
A Comprehensive Review of Tribological Performance of Coatings on Automotive Piston Rings
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
A non-circular container used for storage and transportation of delicate items, avoiding direct contact with the environmental conditions is studied here from the stiffness point. Corrugated sheet used as side panels of the container is subjected to internal pneumatic gauge pressure of 0.1 to 0.35 bar, which increases the stiffness leading to smaller sheet thickness. A combination of the corrugated sheet and plain sheet of smaller thickness is subjected to internal pressure, and its stiffness is compared with that of a corrugated sheet of larger thickness. These two different options for the side panels are analysed numerically through Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS software and results are validated with the experiment conducted. The container structure developed for experimental purpose is depicted here and has been analysed under different pressure conditions to determine its sustainability. Thus it is found that a single corrugated sheet of larger thickness exhibits better stiffness than the combination of corrugated sheet and plain sheet. The use of a single corrugated sheet has been proposed for the side panel of a non-circular container, which gives better structural rigidity with optimized weight and manufacturing suitability.
Aluminium alloys offer good mechanical properties and are lightweight. The most widely used non-ferrous metals in engineering are aluminium and its alloys, and are widely used in the automotive and aerospace industries. Aluminium alloys as a class are considered as the family of materials offering the highest levels of machinability, as compared to other families of lightweight metals such as titanium and magnesium alloys. This machinability quantifies the machining performance and may be defined for a specific application by various criteria, such as tool life, surface finish, chip evacuation, material removal rate, and machine-tool power. Some of the methods employed for optimization of process parameters are Taguchi method, ANOVA, Genetic Algorithm (GA), Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The present work mainly focuses on optimization of process parameters for drilling of aluminium alloy Al7068 by varying the composition of one of the major elements, Mg in the alloy. Drilling of Al7068 alloy was carried out in the drill machining centre Hartford Pro-1000 with the experiments conducted based on Taguchi's L16 Orthogonal Array to get the optimized values of the drilling parameters. The coolant Quaker cool 7101 AFH had been used for drilling operation. The drilling parameters selected were feed, speed, depth of cut, drill bit diameter, and material composition varied in 4 levels. The ANOVA plots were studied to determine the influence of the process parameters (drilling parameters) on machining responses, such as surface roughness, material removal rate, machining time, machining force, and machining power. The results from ANOVA analysis indicate that feed rate highly impacts on the surface roughness, speed on material removal rate, material composition on machining time, machining force, and machining power.
Dropwise condensation and filmwise condensation are experimentally investigated with the help of an experimental setup, by varying the mass flow rate of the cooling water. Dropwise condensation is achieved in a nickel-chromium coated copper tube, whereas filmwise condensation is seen in non-coated plain copper tube. The heat transfer co- efficient for both the cases are calculated experimentally and theoretically by using the Nusselt's formula of condensation. From the evidence, the most effective method of condensation by varying the mass flow rate can be found. This is necessary to understand the theory of dropwise and filmwise condensation. The paper contains the experimental steps involved in performing the experiment, precautions, and final result of the experiment. An error analysis is to be made to check the accuracy of experimental and theoretical results.
The primary objective of the study is to examine the drag coefficient and its effect on a bluff body. Drag plays a vital role in a bluff body than a streamlined body due to the creation of more wake region behind the body. So in order to remove the wake region, a skid is attached at different angles in the rear end of the bluff body. Then the 2D bluff body is analyzed using the K-epsilon turbulence model by Computational Fluid Dynamics in Fluent 6.3. The coefficient of drag (cd) for a unit rectangular bluff body is usually 0.643. The maximum reduction of drag is obtained by comparing Cd of the unit rectangular bluff body with the skid attached bluff body. A standard bluff body is examined with some modifications like skids located at different angles. A wind tunnel is used to test bluff body experimentally. The advantage of this work lies in fuel consumption variation of aerodynamic bluff bodies.
The effect of dressing and grinding fluid in cylindrical traverse rough and finish cut grinding processes were analyzed by various researchers and the same is reviewed in this paper. The choice of wheel and machine cutting parameters, and the effect of dressing and grinding fluid were also predominant parameters in relation to the improved productivity, accuracy, and decreased cost of grinding process. The operation of removing dull grains and deposited metal particles on the outer surface of the grinding to achieve suitable wheel topography of the grinding wheel is called dressing. The application of grinding fluid in grinding process reduces heat in the grinding zone, provides lubrication between grinding wheel and the work material, and removes of metal particles and dressed abrasive grains resulting in improved accuracy and surface finish.