Enhancing Mechanical Engineering Education in Zimbabwe through Identifying Critical Equipment, Facilities, and Maintenance Strategies for Effective Training at Universities
Additive Manufacturing: A Catalyst for Economic Development in Zimbabwe
Investigating Fiber Laser Marking Parameters for Titanium Alloy to Enhance Orthopaedic Implant Traceability and Corrosion Resistance
Mechanical Properties of a Composite Formed from Bamboo Granules and Glass Fiber
Seed Dropping Drone
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
The use of alternative fuels in the transport sector can help mitigate the vehicles' greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve this goal, together with a positive energy balance in the global production process of piston coatings and gasoline blends, it is essential that added coatings and gasoline blends to petrol does not reduce the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. The aim of the work has been to characterize the effect of Magnesium Partially Stabilized Zirconium (Mg-PSZ) piston coatings for different gasoline blends of ethanol and butanol on engine behaviour like engine performance parameters efficiencies, and emission characteristics. Blends of proportions of 20% ethanol and 20% butanol gasoline blend has been tested. The engine performance parameters of SFC is 1.78% minimized at B20 for Mg-PSZ, break thermal efficiencies is 4.5% maximized at B20 for Mg-PSZ, emission characteristics of HC is minimized by 2.38% at E20 and CO is minimized by 3.65% at E20 for Mg-PSZ coated piston is compared with the normal piston of gasoline, and gasoline blends at different concentrations have been made through the analysis in the combustion chamber of the testing engine.
Heat pipes are one of the major and key component in terms of the transportation of the fluid medium. The objective work represents a 2D numerical simulation analysis for a stepped heat pipe provided with different intermittent promoters along the internal surface of the pipe. Three geometrical shapes of grooves namely triangular, rectangular and square were selected. The characteristics of the flow in terms of velocity, pressure and temperature are analyzed using the ANSYS – FLUENT software. Four models were considered for analysis namely M1, M2, M3, and M4, and the model depicting higher heat transfer rate along the surface of the walls is identified. The simulated data is then compared with the generated regression data.
The nozzle is employed to accelerate and expand or compress the fluid flow. It is generally used to control the rate of flow, velocity, and pressure. The shape of the nozzle also plays a vital role in the process. A nozzle is a tool that directs or modifies the entering fluid which may be a gas or a liquid and rises its velocity. A nozzle can be a channel or canal or tube or a pipe that helps in modifying the speed of the stream of fluid. We have convergent and divergent or both convergent-divergent types of nozzles. Also the varying cross-sections of the area of the nozzles affect the speed of the fluid. That means when the area of the nozzle is reduced, the rate of nozzle fluid raises and in the same way as the area of the nozzle is raised or increased, then the rate of nozzle fluid is reduced. This paper focuses on the study of flow in nozzles and the application of the nozzles for different shape of pintle to increase the performance of propulsion.
A thermal power plant works on Rankine cycle. In this paper a case study of thermodynamic analysis of Rankine cycle has been chosen to enhance the efficiency of the existing thermal power plant in a steel industry. The practical Rankine cycle efficiency has been analyzed based on the existing value, and theoretical investigation for the improvement of the existing efficiency. A numerical calculation approach is used for improvement of the efficiency by considering the different improvement methods such as reheating, combination of reheating and regeneration of the cycle and other factors, based on the obtained results. From the calculation, suitable improvement method can be adopted in the thermal power plant for better efficiency.
Abrasive water suspension jet (AWSJ) machining process mostly cut stronger materials and some steel tools in industries. This process encourages material removal without the involvement of heat. Nozzle wears resulting in uneven diameter of the center tube and outlet, which is the major problem of AWSJ machining process. The wear is caused due to abrasive type, nozzle dimensions and water jet variations. It is not possible to experimentally calculate the wear in the nozzle and control nozzle wear, hence this affects the surface finish through AWSJ machining process. In this research work the effect of geometry, abrasive size, wall shear stress and skin friction coefficient on single-step nozzle has been designed using GAMBIT 2.2.30 software and analysis is done by ANSYS Fluent 6.2.2 software. This simulation studies the wall shear stress and skin friction coefficient over the wall of the nozzle, thus analyzing the nozzle wear during machining process.
A vibratory feeder is a machine that uses both vibration and gravitation to feed material to the machine. Each component of this machine undergoes continuous stress due to dynamic load acting on it for producing a vibratory effect. Due to this cyclic stress, the performance of the machine gradually reduces and leads to failure. In this case study, a mechanical vibro feeder has been analyzed based on the failure data. To analyze the data, Maintenance Significant Items (MSI) have been identified to prioritize the components that lead to the failure of the entire system and concentrating only on these MSI's results in the reduction of the investment time and resources. Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) chart is used to identify the MSI's based on the rankings of Risk Priority Number (RPN). Finally by using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), main root causes that lead to failures of the critical components have also been identified.