ISSN Online: 0000-0000 Impact Factor 2023
(Based on Google scholar citation)

i-manager's Journal on Physical Sciences (JPHY)

Unravelling the Magnitude of the Physical world

About the Journal

Journal Particulars
Title i-manager's Journal on Physical Sciences (JPHY)
Frequency Tri-annual
Additional Information 2019 - Quarterly/ 2020 - 2022 - Not Published/ 2023 onwards - Tri-annual
ISSN Currently applying for Online ISSN
Publisher i-manager Publications
Chief Editor Dr. Rajiv Kumar
Principal, Department of Physics,
Goswami Ganesh Dutt Sanatan Dharam (G.G.D.S.D.) College,
Hariana, Hoshiarpur,
Punjab, India.
Profile :
Copyright i-manager Publications
Starting Year 2019
Subject Physics
Language English
Publication Format Online
Phone No 04652-231675
Email Id
Mobile No 8589005850
Address i-manager Publications, 3/343, Hill View, Town Railway Nagar, Nagercoil - 629001, TamilNadu.

Aims and Scope

i-manager’s Journal on Physical Sciences aims at introducing the exciting and innovative concepts of non-living physical world including Earth Sciences, Geology, Astronomy and Physics, and enlightening the knowledge of our readers by presenting research on Astrophysics, Radio Astronomy, Data Analysis and Modelling, Seismicity and Tectonics, Oceanography and Marine Technology, Mineralogy and Engineering Geology and Quantum Physics and its applications.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

We follow stringent publication ethics, and plagiarized papers are not published, and are withdrawn at any stage of the publishing process. Plagiarism is not limited to the Results and Discussion sections; it can involve any part of the manuscript, including figures and tables, in which material is copied from another publication without attestation, reference, or permission.

Publication Ethics & Peer Review Policy

i-manager Publications follow transparent policies right from paper submission to publication through various well defined and time tested processes.

The publisher follows a ‘No Publishing Fee’ policy.

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Review Procedure

The Journal follows a double blind peer-review process. The submitted articles / research papers are reviewed by Professors/Educators in the filed of Physical Sciences.

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  1. Applied Science Source Ultimate

Overall Topics Covered

  • Astrophysics

  • Radio Astronomy

  • Astronomy Education

  • Space Theories and Galaxies

  • Astronomical Models

  • Cosmology

  • Global Geophysics

  • Environmental Science

  • Recent Advances in Data Analysis and Modelling

  • Seismicity and Tectonics

  • Modern Research in Earth Sciences

  • Environmental Science

  • Oceanography Marine Technology

  • Mineralogy

  • Physical Geology

  • Engineering Geology

  • Earth's Interior and Geophysical Properties

  • Earthquakes

  • Modern Physics

  • Soil Physics

  • Principles and Applications of Physics

  • Linear and Nonlinear Physical Models

  • Advances in Physics

  • Nuclear Astrophysics

  • Particle Physics Phenomenology

  • Condensed Matter Physics

  • Quantum Physics and Applications

  • New Materials & Quantum Technologies

  • High-Energy Astrophysics & Extreme Astronomy

  • Applied Optics

  • Astrophysics and Planetary Science

  • Forensic Imaging

  • Functional Materials

  • Water Resource Sciences

  • Paleontology

  • Planetary Astronomy

  • Geochemistry

  • Mathematical Physics