Authors submit their manuscripts via the Editorial Management System. Each manuscript is checked for relevancy to the Journal and similarity. Only relevant papers with less than 20% similarity will be moved further for review. Papers with more than 20% similarity will not be accepted for review.
If the manuscript is relevant to another Journal published by us, the manuscript will be transferred to another Journal published by us. If the paper is not relevant to any Journal published by us it would be editorially rejected due to scope.
The manuscripts moved to review will be sent to all the reviewers of the Journal with an invitation to review. The manuscript would then be selected by one or more reviewers or editorial board members to review it.
On receiving the invitation to review,
If you decline the invitation to review:
If you accept the invitation to review, you will be able to access the complete manuscript in your login and should do so immediately:
If you have a problem with the time frame or a conflict of interest, please contact the editor for instructions on extending your deadline or cancelling the review assignment as appropriate. If your examination reveals that the manuscript does not fit the scope of the journal, please mention this in the review form.
The manuscript provided for review is a privileged document. Please ensure that it is protected from all forms of exploitation.
The Review
A positive, impartial, and critical attitude towards the manuscript under review is appreciated.
Areas to be considered
If the manuscript requires Ethical Clearances, that should be checked.
Reviewer Registration Form