IoT Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities
Soulease: A Mind-Refreshing Application for Mental Well-Being
AI-Powered Weather System with Disaster Prediction
AI Driven Animal Farming and Livestock Management System
Advances in AI for Automatic Sign Language Recognition: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Approaches
Design and Evaluation of Parallel Processing Techniques for 3D Liver Segmentation and Volume Rendering
Ensuring Software Quality in Engineering Environments
New 3D Face Matching Technique for an Automatic 3D Model Based Face Recognition System
Algorithmic Cost Modeling: Statistical Software Engineering Approach
Prevention of DDoS and SQL Injection Attack By Prepared Statement and IP Blocking
Quality is the fundamental requirement for a user of a product that’s why it is the moral responsibility of a quality producer to understand it and produce it. Prediction of software quality can only be possible either on the basis of historical data gathering during implementation of same or identical software projects or it can be made using design metrics collected during design phase of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). With the help of such a prediction technique one can at least roughly predict quality of the next iteration for the required system. In recent years the key challenges for quality prediction system have grownup only due to tremendous growth of customers and products. In this survey paper we have discussed and compared different software quality prediction techniques by which we can improve the quality of a software based on the object oriented paradigm with the others and collects them at a single place. This study provides a better comparative analysis to select an appropriate approach according to our need.
Intrusion detection system for relational database is responsible for issuing a suitable response to an anomalous request. We propose the notion of database response policies to support our intrusion response system tailored for a DBMS. Our interactive response policy language makes it very easy for the database administrators to specify appropriate response actions for different circumstances depending upon the nature of the anomalous request. The two main issues that we address in context of such response are that of data matching, and data administration. We propose a novel Joint Threshold Administration Model (JTAM) that is based on the principle of separation of duty. The key idea in JTAM is that a policy object is jointly administered by at least k database administrator (DBAs), that is, any modification made to a policy object will be invalid unless it has been authorized by at least k DBAs. We present design details of JTAM which is based on a cryptographic threshold signature scheme, and show how JTAM prevents malicious modifications to policy objects from authorized users. We also implement JTAM in the PostgreSQL DBMS, and report experimental results on the efficiency of our techniques.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is mainly inspired by the foraging behavior of ants. In this paper, we have proposed a modified model for ant system, entitled as Gaussian Probabilistic Ant System (GPAS) for probabilistic pheromone updating. This proposed algorithm is implemented by incorporating a probabilistic property in the pheromone trail deposition factor, stated as ? (rho).We use the equation proposed by Karl Friedrich Gauss, well-known mathematician and physical scientist, in our GPAS, for updating ?. Trail deposition factor, ?, is in general a static factor and here it has been made probabilistic so as to increase the effectiveness of the ant system in finding the optimal tour for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). GPAS modifies its properties in accordance to the requirement of surrounding domain and for the betterment of its performance in dynamic environment. The experimental evaluation conducted to find out the usefulness of the new strategy, using selective benchmark problems from TSP library [6]. Our algorithm shows effective and comparable results as compared to other existing approaches.
Network simulator is the standard simulator used for designing of new protocols as per considered as best one to give the correct results. NS-2 is the simulator that works in three phases. One is the TCL scripting and other two are the high level language based such as C++ or JAVA. This paper deals with the concept of how to make necessary coding and the various type of scripting for showing optimization of energy and bandwidth in MANETs. This paper also shows how the throughput, bandwidth and energy efficiency of the network structure is optimized by using the NS-2 simulator. The AODV protocol is an extensive protocol being used for routing in ad hoc networks but it does not provide support to error recovery and dead state notation and for this we modified the existing AODV protocol to form its modified version termed as OADOV (Optimized —AODV).
Software maintenance is single most expensive activity in entire software development. One way to control the maintenance cost is to utilize software metrics during design phase of development. This paper examined application of K-means clustering technique for identifying the maintainable classes using object-oriented metrics. In this work data clustering technique’s K-means clustering is used to evaluate a software system’s maintainability of Object oriented system based model mainly UIMS (User Interface Management System and QUES (Quality Evaluation System) class’s data. Among the clustering techniques, K-means or Partition clustering will construct non overlapping groups. In this paper we are not only present preliminary experimental work of software maintenance using software metrics for the sample data is being simulated on Matlab but also present the significant level of goodness of clusters using Chi-square Test. . Experimental results on MatLab shows that the algorithm is able to decide the cluster with goodness of fit among clusters using Chi-Square Test that provides the help to the software designers and maintainers to take the appropriate action at design level. It can also be used by software designer to change or modify the design of difficult to maintain classes at design level of software.