A Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen Using Different Types of Blacks
Windblown Sand Modelling and Mitigation for Civil Structures: A Probabilistic Approach
Electrical Conductivity of Saturated Fine-Grained Soils: Modelling and Classification Applications
Dynamic Fracturing and Deformation of Geomaterials- A Multiscale Experimental and Analytical Approach.
Estimating the Soil Moisture Index using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) And Land Surface Temperature (LST) for Bidar and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Roughness Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Merlin and Total Station Equipment
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Dumping in Ranchi City, Jharkhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Unsaturated Seepage Modeling of Lined Canal Using SEEP/W
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of RC Beams with Openings Using CFRP
A Seasonal Autoregressive Model Of Vancouver Bicycle Traffic Using Weather Variables
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Data-Driven Models
Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Measuring Compressive Strength of Puzzolan Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method
Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India
In general, population growth, urbanization, and the industrialization of cities have an important effect on air temperature in the area. To study land use and temperature changes, Landsat 8 satellite images were used for the years 1991 and 2016 at the beginning and end of a 25-year period, and after reprocessing, Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification and Vegetation Index (NDVI) were applied. The Kappa coefficient index (for 1991=0.88, and 2016=0.92) and overall accuracy (for 1991=90.90, and 2016=93.75) were used to assess the accuracy of the classification. Results showed that vegetation, water, and land were decreased by 16.14, 6.12, and 13.51 percentages, respectively and urban and road areas were increased by 28.4 and 7.33 percentages, respectively. On average, real and estimated temperatures were increased by 3.7 and 4.52 °C during the period, respectively. Also, the RMSE (1.26) represents an incremental direct relationship between industrialization and LST.
This research study investigates the durability properties of pervious concrete mixture as porosity with interconnected network of pores causes a significant decrease in its strength and resistance against chemical and physical attacks. This study is focused on the degradation of cement base material submitted to sulphate and acid attack. The pH of the solution was controlled at 1 and variation in mass was monitored with respect to time. Durability tests in laboratory were performed to judge the performance of pervious concrete made by blended cement containing limestone powder, silica fume, and metakaolin. The testing program includes abrasion, sulphate, and acid resistance. The test results were compared to the theoretical hypotheses. Durability of pervious concrete exposed to sulphate and acid has been studied on specimen fully submerged in 5% sodium sulphate solution and 1% sulphuric acid solution respectively for 180 days. The study of partial replacement of cement by limestone blends shows that the ternary blends show good improvement against effect of sulphate and acid attack and presents good option of replacement as a substitution in pervious concrete. Due to densification of microstructure of cement paste in ternary blends, abrasion resistance is also improved.
Ever increasing vehicle traffic has over loaded on the performance of toll collecting plazas. Manual toll collection and Electronic toll collection methods are the most commonly adopted methods of toll collection in India along various sections of National Highways and Expressways, which were constructed and maintained on Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. Manually operated toll collection at such plazas can be very difficult, especially during peak travel times, particularly during festivals. It is difficult to manage the queue and assign the required number of toll collecting gates operating in order to allow vehicles quickly and safely. Due to this reason, electronic toll collection servers are the best, but they are being less used by many drivers and still use manual toll collection. This results the drivers compelled to stop in front of the server for payment and create long queues and demand more number of toll collecting servers. To overcome this problem, this research has focused on to determine the performance evaluation of a few electronic toll collection and manual toll collection gates on National Highway (NH) 65 and Outer Ring Road. The arrival rate, service rate, delays, and the queue length data were collected. The arrival rates were input into a passion distribution based queuing model to determine the performance parameters of toll plazas and also the required number of servers at the study plazas.
Artificial Neural Network has been widely used for filling in missing nonlinear data and successfully employed in the hydrologic applications. In this study, Artificial Neural Network is applied to fill in missing discharge data of nineteen discharge stations of Mahanadi river basin located at Chhattisgarh and Odisha in India for the five monsoon months (June-October). However, the overall performance of ANN generally depends on selection of input and output datasets, called input data selection method. The input data selection method applied in this study is using data as input having good (r≥0.9) correlation coefficients with target data. It was observed that coefficient of determination (R2) between observed discharge and predicted discharge for the nineteen stations varied from 0.148-0.954, 0.250-0.991, 0.026- 0.972, 0.148-0.972, and 0.213-0.985 for the months of June, July, August, September, and October, respectively. Predicted discharge of a particular station for a particular month having correlation greater than 0.9 with very few numbers of stations or with no station showed very low match with the observed discharge of that station. Therefore, it can be concluded that Artificial Neural Network requires sufficiently large number of inputs to accurately predict the target.
Structures designed for typical loading often gets damaged or can collapse during severe earthquakes. The beam column joint is the crucial zone in a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame. This paper presents a behavior of the exterior beam column joint, which is analyzed experimentally and numerically using ANSYS software. Understanding the joint behavior is essential in exercising proper judgments in the design of joints. The objective of the present study is to compare the behavior of exterior bamboo fiber reinforced concrete beam-column joint with different modulus of elasticity, which is detailed as per IS 456 and IS 13920. A three-storied RC building in the zone V is analyzed, and one of the exterior beam-column joints at an intermediate storey is designed in ETABS.15. Two one-third scaled specimens and two detailed as per IS 456 were tested under a reverse cyclic loading. The test results indicate failure accrue in bamboo fiber reinforced SCC beam-column joint and helps to compare the failure pattern with conventional SCC concrete replaced with GGBS and alccofine. Enhancements in the performances of beam-column joints for cyclic loading for different modulus of elasticity (E) values were also observed and nonlinear analysis is carried out in ANSYS software.
The dynamic behavior of canal slope under blast load was assessed using numerical modelling approach based on ground vibration samples. Studies were carried out at Yanakandla Mine, Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh over a period of two months and Blast vibrations were monitored at different distances. Based on the signal processing analysis made, regression based statistical analysis was carried out. In addition, curve fitting analysis made between Peak Particle Velocity of ground vibrations and Scaled Distance resulted in a very good coefficient of determination of about 92% between them. A Distinct Element Modelling technique in 3DEC software was carried out for finding the slope stability analysis of the canal located near the mine by adopting a simplified triangular blasting load. Vertical joint was included in the model and analysis was carried out to determine the influence of joint in the rock mass. It was observed that the Peak Particle Velocity values obtained from numerical modelling are in close approximation to the field investigation results.
Chimneys are the industrial structures, which are used to exhaust the gases generated during fuel combustion. As the seismic activity has been increasing day by day in the recent days, the analysis of the chimneys has been governed by the lateral loads such as wind and earthquake loads. In the present study, the seismic behaviour of tapered chimneys of different heights (50 m, 65 m, 75 m, and 100 m) with varying Height/ Bottom diameter ratio of the chimney (H/D ratios : 8,10,12,15, and 18) and varying Bottom diameter/ Bottom Shell thickness ratio of the chimney (D/T ratios : 10,15,20,25, and 30) has been investigated using SAP 2000 software. Free vibration analysis has been carried out to obtain the fundamental natural time period and mass participation ratios. Seismic analysis has been carried out using Response spectrum method as per IS 1893 (Part 4):2015. The effect of the geometric parameters of chimneys on dynamic response parameters such as Top displacement, Base shear have been evaluated and some useful conclusions are drawn.
Hyperboloidal shell structures have applications like cooling towers in thermal power plants. These types of structures have complex geometry and may lead to the failure because of its imperfections in geometry, when subjected to horizontal loads. Geometrical optimization of such structures leads to minimum stresses and deflections and finds out best possible load bearing behavior. This paper deals with the modal analysis of hyperboloidal shell structures of two different heights (143.5 m and 175.5 m). The hyperboloidal shells are modelled by varying height to top diameter ratio (1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5) and height to bottom diameter ratio (1.3, 1.35, 1.4, 1.45, 1.5). Free vibration analysis has been carried out for all the models described above to obtain the fundamental natural time periods / frequencies and mode shapes. This analysis has been carried out using ANSYS and finally, some useful conclusions are drawn.
The use of PZT (Piezoelectric Ceramic Lead Zirconate titanate) transducers is increasing in the structural health monitoring in identifying the damage parameters like corrosion, cracks, etc. A Mass and stiffness change due to corrosion in the steel bar is going to influence the structural responses to change. This results in a change of conductance signatures which serve as an indicator of the state of health of the structure. Based on the changes in the conductance signatures of the healthy and damaged bar, the damage extent and location can be identified. In the present study, the conductance signatures of a smart cantilever bar actuated by the PZT patch by voltage excitation are studied. The effect of vibrations on the admittance signatures of the healthy and the corroded smart bar are studied for various patch locations. From the peak shifts of current output obtained for pristine and the corroded bar, it is found that change in EMI signatures serves as a sensitive diagnostic tool in the damage detection and also the patch location plays a significant role in the damage detection.