A Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen Using Different Types of Blacks
Windblown Sand Modelling and Mitigation for Civil Structures: A Probabilistic Approach
Electrical Conductivity of Saturated Fine-Grained Soils: Modelling and Classification Applications
Dynamic Fracturing and Deformation of Geomaterials- A Multiscale Experimental and Analytical Approach.
Estimating the Soil Moisture Index using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) And Land Surface Temperature (LST) for Bidar and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Roughness Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Merlin and Total Station Equipment
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Dumping in Ranchi City, Jharkhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Unsaturated Seepage Modeling of Lined Canal Using SEEP/W
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of RC Beams with Openings Using CFRP
A Seasonal Autoregressive Model Of Vancouver Bicycle Traffic Using Weather Variables
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Data-Driven Models
Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Measuring Compressive Strength of Puzzolan Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method
Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India
Bacterial concrete has emerged as a corrective measure for treating cracks in structures such as bridges, RCC buildings, RCC pipes, channel linings, flooring, etc. it cracks and reduces its resistance and also has an impact on the reinforcement once it has come into contact with water, carbon dioxide and various chemicals. To repair cracks in concrete, regular maintenance and special treatment is required, which can be extremely costly. In this paper, Bacillus subtilis bacteria with calcite lactate are used as part of different percentages, such as 5%, 10% and 15% of cement weight for M20 grade concrete. The effect of crushed rock sand on the strength properties of bacterial concrete studied. SEM and X-Ray Diffraction examined on concrete. Bacteria produce CaCO3 precious stones which hinders the smaller scale cracks and pores in the concrete subsequent to responding with calcium lactate.Upto 10%bacterial solution,the concrete strength increses. An empirical relation between flexural strength and compressive strength is proposed in the formula of ft = 0.66 √fck for river sand mixes and ft = 0.82fck0.48 for crushed rock sand .
Geotechnical site investigation database is very important in reconnaissance phase of construction projects. It can be utilized as potential contributions for planning, designing, and execution of infrastructure projects. Representing correct subsurface conditions and profile of soil properties is still a very difficult issue confronting geotechnical engineers. The present research work is a step toward preparing geotechnical database of different soil properties at various depths of District Bathinda of Punjab state in India.
The Standard Penetration Tests were conducted for the area under study. Soil samples were collected from the boreholes for evaluating engineering properties of soil up to depth of 9.0 m from existing ground surface. The statistical analysis was also done for the data collected from 99 locations distributed widely over different parts of District Bathinda. The analysis has been done for soil type, N-value, bulk density, and shear strength parameters (Angle of internal resistance and Cohesion) of soil along with the water table encountered during soil exploration.
The results show that soil profile consists of silt to silty sand from 1.5 to 9.0 m depth with bulk density varying from 1.67 gm/cc to 1.78 gm/cc for the studied region. The SPT N value, which is 17.4 shows significant soil strength at 9.0 m depth. The shear strength parameters, i.e. the average angle of internal friction varies from 26.90 to 31.100 with negligible value of cohesion along the depth of exploration.
Evaluation of stiffness and strength characteristics of soil is an important aspect in characterization of sites for deep excavation and require as input for defining constitutive relations in finite element software. These properties are often obtained from correlations of Standard Penetration Test (N) values. These correlations were developed for various soil conditions from different site and show a wide variation and can influence the prediction of deep excavation behavior. In this paper, strength parameters of soil were determined from a site specific study and stiffness parameters were derived from exisring empirical correlations. Displacement of a deep excavation was predicted in a finite element software PLAXIS and compared with field observed displacement. The analysis highlighted importance of accurate determination of stiffness parameters in predicting deep excavation behavior and a site specific correlation between stiffness and SPT N value was developed for sandy soil which can be used for predicting deep excavation behavior in similar sites.
Building where we have less utilization of coerced or artificial energy (energy efficient building) is kenned as green building. Buildings consume a plethora of electrical energy for lighting purport which enforced us to bring something incipient that will directly sanction natural light inside the buildings. By introducing plastic optical fibers in conventional concrete along the cross-sectional area the natural sunlight will directly bring in. In this paper, we will exhaustively study a three story building each floor having four rooms omitting corridors, washrooms, staircases and toilets. We will calculate the energy utilized by the building for lighting purport and compare the same building for economization of energy, where we will utilize plastic optical fibers in minimum at two walls per room of 2mm diameter at 202 divests of plastic optical fibers in one square foot. Additionally we will check for the compressive vigor of the translucent concrete and compare with conventional concrete.
Titanium has numerous good properties such as high strength, high corrosion resistance and it has low density allowing weight savings thus making it attractive for using in construction of Marine Risers[8]. This paper presents the dynamic and probabilistic analysis of Titanium Riser under the loadings caused by random sea waves of different heights. The dynamic analysis of riser is done by finite element analysis method using ABAQUS/AQUA. Using the Fracture Mechanics model and stress vs number of cycles (S-N) model various sea states were investigated and reliability of Titanium Riser under deep sea has been estimated. The approach based on reliability considers various uncertainties which helps to make effective designs of risers. Results are presented which shows variation of bending stress of riser with the variation in depth of riser. The stress-time history and PSD (Power Spectral Density) curves shows the effect of nonlinearities on bending stress. The variation of reliability index due to various uncertainties are also presented.
The urbanization in Metropolitan cities like Bangalore due to growth in population, increasing the demand of providing basic requirements such as safe drinking water, sanitation and infrastructure. The efficiency of the RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital (RRMCH) domestic Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), Bangalore will be worked out during the entire project. The selected parameters were pH, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Cake Resistance (RC), and Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)/Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS). The treated and non-treated samples were collected every Thursday and Friday for 5 days and were tested in the RajaRajeswari College of Engineering (RRCE) laboratory. The concentration of varies water quality parameters are related with the Wastewater disposal standards of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards).Removal of Biological characteristics is also examined. Additionally, the problems associated with the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant is discussed, and suitable recommendations have been made to reactivate the sewage treatment plant and to help the RRMCH organization reuse the sewage water effectively.
Topography maps prepared by survey organizations are major source of road network for any area across the world. Thematic maps showing the road network could be generated from such topography maps in the scales ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:25,000. These road maps will represent the connectivity of all the major settlements, but cannot represent few settlements (villages) in certain areas particularly, in coastal parts where the density of settlements (villages) is very high. This is due to the limitation of scale at which these maps were originally prepared. Route maps for any long routes can be derived by utilizing these maps. But planning and designing of bus route services for limited distances in the rural areas where the density of villages is high, the topo maps would not be ideal while considering the best local connectivity. The study was identified by keeping the need of reliable information of image locations put together with road connectivity in rural areas. It was observed that the concern authorities, i.e., the Road Transport Corporation (RTC) are depending up on the not-to-scale maps or Survey of India (SOI) prepared topography maps for design and planning of the Bus service routes. Such input sources could not provide the representation of interior villages/hamlets on the maps due to scale limitations.
The present study is an attempt to create large scaled reliable road network map desired by a local transport unit called a bus depot or regional management, which could be used as a reliable scientific input to the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) Planning Department. These maps are used for identifying the unconnected settlements and invention of new routes, based on population analysis. This study could be a model work with redefined and accurate bus routes of both long route and local services in the study area. For example, Vikarabad bus depot of Rangareddy (old) District in Telangana State. The Geographic Information System (GIS) based route maps would enable the concerned officials to plan, design and run their public transport services (RTC Buses) as per the public requirement/ convenient and to achieve better revenues to the corporation.
If the building structure is not properly designed and constructed according to IS codal provisions, it causes more damages and destruction of the human property, and also loss of living creatures. It is recommended that the structure should be properly analyzed, designed, and constructed with good quality material, so it has become safe to resist the earthquake load. Seismic analysis of the building structure is carried out to determine the seismic response of structure by using Time history analysis method. In this research paper, seismic analysis of a multi-storey building structure is done. The response of the building is analyzed for various seismic loading. ETABs (Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building System) software is used for modeling of the building. By using time history method, we can analyze the base shear, displacement, and storey drift of the building. The comparison is done with equivalent static analysis also to know the variation in results. Matlab program is also used for performing the Time history analysis of the building using Elcentro seismic data.