A Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen Using Different Types of Blacks
Windblown Sand Modelling and Mitigation for Civil Structures: A Probabilistic Approach
Electrical Conductivity of Saturated Fine-Grained Soils: Modelling and Classification Applications
Dynamic Fracturing and Deformation of Geomaterials- A Multiscale Experimental and Analytical Approach.
Estimating the Soil Moisture Index using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) And Land Surface Temperature (LST) for Bidar and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Roughness Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Merlin and Total Station Equipment
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Dumping in Ranchi City, Jharkhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Unsaturated Seepage Modeling of Lined Canal Using SEEP/W
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of RC Beams with Openings Using CFRP
A Seasonal Autoregressive Model Of Vancouver Bicycle Traffic Using Weather Variables
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Data-Driven Models
Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Measuring Compressive Strength of Puzzolan Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method
Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India
The load transfer mechanism of deep beams is very different from normal flexural beams and these beams are likely to have strength controlled by shear as against flexure. Failure of concrete in shear is highly undesirable owing to its brittleness. However, the intrusion of short steel fibres in concrete matrix impart substantial ductility and enhances shear strength of RC beams. The contribution of various factors attributable to the development of shear strength of fibre concrete beams has been extensively investigated in this study and an analytical model has been formulated to predict the shear strength of fibre based RC beams. The various parameters contributing to the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams are shear span-to-depth ratio, reinforcement ratio, strength of concrete, volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibres. The proposed model for estimation of shear capacity of beams was then compared with existing models and that of with ACI code. A good agreement was noted between them.
Morphometric analysis is more efficiently used in geomorphology and hydrology to interpret basin hydrologic behaviour since Horton’s period. Morphometric analysis concomitant with time of concentration and runoff coefficient are used in this study for the analysis of hydrologic responses of Sirsa basin. Toposheets-based drainage lines are used in this study; while Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data are used for relief and slope analysis. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data was used to prepare land use/cover map. Some selected morphometric parameters and hydrologic behaviour of the basin as well as its twelve sub-basins were analyzed. The overall analysis of the whole basin indicates low to moderate peak flood. A sub-basin wise analysis indicates that only three higher order downstream sub-basins are flood prone. The study is very useful for watershed prioritization.
The rapid increase in the capacity of thermal power generation in India has resulted in the production of a huge quantity of fly ash. The prevailing disposal methods are not free from environmental pollution and ecological imbalance. Large stretches of scarce land, which can be used for shelter, agriculture or some other productive purposes, are being wasted for disposal of fly ash. The production of each ton of cement releases an equal amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The usage of cement can be reduced by using the other possible cementing materials without compromising the strength and durability. FaL-G, finds extensive application in the manufacturing of building components and materials such as solid bricks, hollow bricks and structural concretes. It is free from conventional cement. It is free from conventional cement. FaL-G technology enables production of bricks with a simple process of mixing, moulding and water curing. Due to such appropriate technology apart from economy, conservation of energy and pollution control are also achieved. Housing is a great problem in today's world. The most basic building material for construction of houses is the usual burnt clay brick. A significant quantity of fuel is utilized in making these bricks. Also, continuous removal of topsoil, in producing conventional bricks, creates environmental problems
Common river sand is expensive due to excessive cost of transportation from natural sources. Also large–scale depletion of these sources creates environmental problems. Use of hazardous industrial wastes in concrete-making will lead to greener environment, reuse of these wastes from construction and demolition is one of the most important purposes around the world. One of the most important wastes, due its wide range of reuse possibilities, is ceramic waste from the construction and ceramic industry. In ceramic industry about 30% production goes as waste, which is not recycled at present. In this paper, an attempt has been made to find the suitability of the ceramic industrial wastes as a possible substitute for conventional fine aggregate. Experiments were carried out to determine the mechanical properties of concrete with ceramic waste as fine aggregate at four different proportions (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) and to compare them with conventional concrete. The gradation and the properties of fine and ceramic aggregates were very much close to each other. Test results indicates that the workability of ceramic waste fine aggregate concrete is good and the strength characteristics are comparable to those of the conventional concrete.
Self compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with congested reinforcement without vibration. Any attempt to increase the stability of fresh concrete (cohesiveness) requires using increase amount of fine materials in the mixes. Self compacting concrete is made from almost the same ingredients as that of conventionally vibrated concrete except that relative proportions of these ingredients are to be carefully selected to impart self compacting property of fresh concrete without a need for any external compacting and vibrating equipment. An increase in the flow ability of concrete is known to increase the risk of segregation. Therefore it is essential to have proper mix design. None of the test methods and design procedures for Self compacting concrete have yet been standardized and included in Indian Standard Code. In the present investigation a rational mix design is established and self compactability testing methods have been carried out from the view point of making it a standard concrete by using mineral admixtures like micro silica and fly ash for imparting High Strength Self Compacting Concrete. The flow properties of resulting concrete is characterized in the fresh state by methods used for Self compacting concrete, such as Slump-flow, V-funnel and L- box tests respectively. Further the strength and durability properties are examined for High Strength Self Compacting Concrete mix of grade M100.