Self compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with congested reinforcement without vibration. Any attempt to increase the stability of fresh concrete (cohesiveness) requires using increase amount of fine materials in the mixes. Self compacting concrete is made from almost the same ingredients as that of conventionally vibrated concrete except that relative proportions of these ingredients are to be carefully selected to impart self compacting property of fresh concrete without a need for any external compacting and vibrating equipment. An increase in the flow ability of concrete is known to increase the risk of segregation. Therefore it is essential to have proper mix design. None of the test methods and design procedures for Self compacting concrete have yet been standardized and included in Indian Standard Code. In the present investigation a rational mix design is established and self compactability testing methods have been carried out from the view point of making it a standard concrete by using   mineral admixtures like micro silica and fly ash for imparting High Strength Self Compacting Concrete. The  flow properties of resulting concrete is characterized in the fresh state by methods used for Self compacting concrete, such as Slump-flow, V-funnel and L- box tests respectively. Further the strength and durability properties are examined for High Strength Self Compacting Concrete mix of grade M100.


Studies on Strength, Acid Attack and sulphate Attack of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Using Mineral Admixtures

S. Sesha Phani*, Seshadri Sekhar**, P. Srinivasa Rao***, P. Sravana****, Sarika. P*****
* Deputy Executive Engineer, Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams, Hyderabad.
** Principal, Ashoka Institute of Engineering & Technology, Andhra Pradesh, India.
***-**** Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
***** Student, Dept of Civil Engineering, VNR&VJIET, Bachupally, Hyderabad.
Periodicity:December - February'2013


 Self compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with congested reinforcement without vibration. Any attempt to increase the stability of fresh concrete (cohesiveness) requires using increase amount of fine materials in the mixes. Self compacting concrete is made from almost the same ingredients as that of conventionally vibrated concrete except that relative proportions of these ingredients are to be carefully selected to impart self compacting property of fresh concrete without a need for any external compacting and vibrating equipment. An increase in the flow ability of concrete is known to increase the risk of segregation. Therefore it is essential to have proper mix design. None of the test methods and design procedures for Self compacting concrete have yet been standardized and included in Indian Standard Code. In the present investigation a rational mix design is established and self compactability testing methods have been carried out from the view point of making it a standard concrete by using   mineral admixtures like micro silica and fly ash for imparting High Strength Self Compacting Concrete. The  flow properties of resulting concrete is characterized in the fresh state by methods used for Self compacting concrete, such as Slump-flow, V-funnel and L- box tests respectively. Further the strength and durability properties are examined for High Strength Self Compacting Concrete mix of grade M100.


Self Compacting Concrete, Segregation Resistance, Filling Ability, Passing Ability, Mineral Admixtures, Durability Properties

How to Cite this Article?

Seshaphani, S., Sekhar, S. T., Rao, S., Sravana., and Sarika. P. (2013). Studies On Strength, Acid Attack And Sulphate Attack Of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Using Mineral Admixtures. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 3(1), 30-34 .


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