A Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen Using Different Types of Blacks
Windblown Sand Modelling and Mitigation for Civil Structures: A Probabilistic Approach
Electrical Conductivity of Saturated Fine-Grained Soils: Modelling and Classification Applications
Dynamic Fracturing and Deformation of Geomaterials- A Multiscale Experimental and Analytical Approach.
Estimating the Soil Moisture Index using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) And Land Surface Temperature (LST) for Bidar and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Roughness Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Merlin and Total Station Equipment
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Dumping in Ranchi City, Jharkhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Unsaturated Seepage Modeling of Lined Canal Using SEEP/W
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of RC Beams with Openings Using CFRP
A Seasonal Autoregressive Model Of Vancouver Bicycle Traffic Using Weather Variables
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Data-Driven Models
Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Measuring Compressive Strength of Puzzolan Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method
Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India
Landslides are one of the major natural hazards that are experienced in hilly terrains all over the world and Himalayas are no exception to this. Though primarily attributed to natural causes, landslides are increasing in frequency and magnitude due to anthropogenic disturbances. This has resulted in enormous damage to both life and property. Hence, identification of landslide prone areas is essential for safer strategic planning of future developmental activities. Slope stability analysis with steepest slopes is an ever increasing research field. This paper describes the investigations carried out on a major potential landslide site of 52 m at Hirpora stretch of Mughal Road National Highway 144. There were a lot of failure surfaces, however, geotechnical analysis has been carried on a slope on the verge of failure with major susceptibility to failure. The analysis has been carried by Fellinius method and later cross checked with the results of Morgenstern-Price solution carried out by Geostudio Geoslope software. Thus evaluation of slope stability has been carried out for suggesting appropriate mitigation measures and hence the severe landslide susceptible sites can be stabilized. Adopting effective engineering mitigation techniques may help the decision makers to choose the appropriate strategies to minimize the landslide hazard.
The road humps are used to improve the safety by reducing the speed of the moving traffic. Road humps have negative effects on the roadway capacity. The effect of a heavy vehicle passing on a road hump on the speed and density for heterogeneous traffic across urban arterial road stretches in Bengaluru city is studied. It will be investigated how the speed of passenger cars and two-wheelers changes as a result of the deceleration effect of a heavy vehicle driving over a road hump. Variations in the density of passenger cars and two-wheelers as a result of a heavy vehicle's deceleration on a road hump will also be investigated.
Alternate material substitution in concrete has been deemed to refine both mechanical and durability properties, and this tradition may contribute to imperishable concrete growth. It has therefore become crucial to look for an auxiliary to the usual river sand. Waste foundry sand (WFS) is one such reassuring material that demands to be extensively appraised as a substitute for fine aggregates to be used in concrete. The incorporation of tiny, closely situated and consistently scattered fibres to concrete would uphold as a crack arrestor and would consequentially enhance its static and dynamic properties. This project aims at examining the effect of foundry sand and glass fibres in concrete. The physical properties of the constituents were tested. Compressive, tensile and flexural strength were evaluated for the concrete manufactured using foundry sand and glass fibres using analytical approach. MLRA and ANN techniques were used to develop mathematical models and prediction values respectively. Further these results were validated with the results available from literature survey. With the introduction of foundry sand as partial replacement to fine aggregate and addition of glass fibres in varying proportions, strength properties were evaluated. Compressive strength increased with gradual increase in foundry sand percentage. Tensile and flexural strength were enhanced with the inclusion of glass fibres.
In this project, unpolished reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate is tested in the form of RAP concrete to use it in rigid pavement application. Accordingly, mix proportions were designed by varying the percentage of RAP aggregate in RAP concrete. For rigid pavement application, concrete must satisfy required flexural resistance along with stability and durability for its entire design period. So, strength requirement of RAP concrete containing various percentage of RAP aggregate is determined by casting and conducting tests on cubes, beams and cylinders. It has been found that up to 30% of virgin aggregates can be replaced by unpolished RAP aggregate without compromising on strength requirements. Durability aspect of RAP concrete is found out by conducting coefficient of thermal expansion and fatigue behaviour (subjected to various stress ratios) tests. Results of coefficient of thermal expansion are 15-20% higher compared to the values of conventional concrete (10 x 10-6). Thermal expansion of concrete containing RAP is little on higher side yet it satisfies the code requirements. The reason for the higher value owes the inclusion of bitumen in the form of RAP. These values are still below the threshold values because of the high stiffness of the concrete matrix relative to that of the RAP aggregate. Results of Flexural fatigue test showed that there is a decrease (20-25%) in the values of elastic modulus of RAP concrete subjected to various stress ratios. Reason for decrease in the elastic modulus of concrete owes to the addition of unpolished RAP aggregate. Overall fatigue behaviour is satisfactory up to 30% aggregate replacement in conventional concrete by RAP aggregate.
Geopolymer concrete is an eco-friendly concrete as it produces less CO2 compared to ordinary Portland cement. The scarcity of natural river sand has led to many investigations to find a substitute for fine aggregates. Pond ash which is an industrial waste, has been used as substitution for fine aggregates. The current paper investigates effect of pond ash gradation on mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete by ANN and MLRA analysis. Various data samples collected from literature were fed into ANN and MLRA tool box in MATLAB and Microsoft Excel respectively to obtain the strength predictions. The outcomes of analysis of ANN and MLRA model showed that ANN and MLRA results match well with experimental data from literature. The predicted strength results of geopolymer concrete having pond ash belonging to zone II exhibited better strength properties than geopolymer concrete having pond ash belonging to Grade I, III and IV.