Teachers' Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities of using Multimedia in English Language Teaching
Enhancing Cognitive Development in Educational Contexts: The Impact of Wordplay on English Creative Writing
A Comparative Analysis of Student Perceptions of English Language Programs in Japan and India: Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Confidence, Support, and Recommendation
Learning Vocabulary through Concordancing vs. ChatGPT; Machine or AI?
Designing Instructional Materials using Animated Movies as Resources for Intentional Vocabulary Learning
Enhancing English Language Proficiency through Dr. Seuss: Integrating Literature, Technology, and Culturally Responsive Teaching in ELT
Beauty in Brevity: Capturing the Narrative Structure of Flash Fiction by Filipino Writers
Exploring the Coalescence of Language and Literature through A Stylistic Analysis of Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo's “When It's A Grey November In Your Soul”
Oral Communication in Accounting Practice: Perspectives from the Philippines
Developing ESL/ EFL Learners' Grammatical Competence through Communicative Activities
Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group
Move Sequences In Graduate Research Paper Introductions And Conclusions
Interactional Metadiscourse in Turkish Postgraduates’ Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of How They Introduce and Conclude
English Language Teaching at Secondary School Level in Bangladesh: An Overview of the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Method
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners' BeliefsAbout Language Learning And Language Learning Strategy Use
Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) demands innovative Instructional Designs (ID) in the 21 century. Being a descriptive qualitative research, this paper aimed to (1) identify the ID used in the English language curricula of a private tertiary level institution in the Southern Luzon, Philippines, (2) determined the elements that the ID of the English language curricula in the institution contains, and (3) attempted at proposing an outcome-based ID in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Occupational (EOP) Purposes courses. Ten English teachers, sampled purposively, participated in the study. Based on the data that were analyzed using content analysis, results revealed that (1) the ID of the English language curricula in the institution is actually non-existent, and that the instructors are uncertain about it. Second, some instructors subtly referred to (2) the syllabus as the only element in the ID of the English language curricula in the institution. They also advised sound elements (i.e. objectives, lessons, activities, outcomes, evaluation) that can be integrated in an ID for EAP and EOP courses. Accordingly, (3) an ID so-called as OBE EAP-EOP Model: An Instructional Design in English for Specific Purposes courses based on the OBE paradigm has been developed and proposed assimilating the suggested ID elements. The ID, however, is yet a proposal. In this regard, forthcoming research investigations shall focus on the other components or stages of instructional design.
Undeniably, one language may be considered more valuable than other languages. Hence, most bilingual communities suffer from language imbalances. The present study attempts to identify the factors of code-switching during classroom presentations. Its functions were identified through analysing conversational contexts in which it occurs. Through descriptive method, a total of 258 students participated in the study. Findings revealed that the core factor on why students resort to code-switching during classroom presentations is due to a limited English vocabulary. Other factors were explored in the study. These results will provide information and understanding of students' learning motivation by looking into factors that contribute to code-switching during classroom presentations.
The present paper attempts to establish that peer team teaching of a prescribed English lesson of I year B.Tech course by the students will provide more opportunities to enhance their public speaking skills. This kind of classroom activity will also help them to develop their vocabulary, reading skills, team working skills, etc. It is assumed that the students attain reasonable proficiency in reading and writing when they enter into tertiary level education, but they lack proficiency in speaking skills. In this context, the researcher endeavors to conduct teaching sessions by the students' teams to know whether such classroom activities help students to enhance their public speaking skills. The students' teaching sessions will be facilitated and observed by the researcher. To conduct the sessions, first year B.Tech students will be taken for the sample study and a lesson from the prescribed textbook will be provided to the students to read, explain/ present their own views in front of faculty members and entire class. The study will be covered in 3 hours ELCS lab session followed by feedback session. To collect students' feedback, questionnaires will be generated and used.
The main objective of this paper is to provide insight/idea to teachers of English to approach activity based peer language teaching in ESL classrooms. It aspires to establish the fact that students' speaking skills can be improved more if they are motivated and given autonomy to speak in the given context.
Parents' involvement is highly needed for ensuring holistic development of their words; however parents can only assist the child when they themselves have adequate knowledge, required skills, and proper awareness regarding various aspects of children's growth and development. To have adequate communication skill among parents, ensuring better language and communication in their words is one of the most significant aspects. Hence, the present study seeks to examine the impact of training programme on developing functional Sign language among parents of students with deafness. Pre-test-post-test experimental design was employed for the study. Samples were selected through convenient sampling. The collected data were analyzed using t-test. Results show statistically significant difference between pre and post test scores of functional Sign language of parents of students with deafness post intervention. However, no significant difference was found out between pre and post test scores of functional Sign language of parents of students with deafness after training programme with reference to their educational status, gender, age, and locality. The findings are presented and discussed as to justify the need for training parents in functional Sign language to develop their communicative skills properly which in turn can ensure better communicative and other allied skills in their words.
This particularistic qualitative case study design examined reading strategies, approaches, and resources teachers of ELL (English Language Learner) students in kindergarten through third grade use to support reading development and promote the home to school connection regarding literacy proficiency. The purpose of this study was to examine strategies, resources, and approaches used to support home-to-school partnerships focused on reading development of K-3 ELLs in the X Public School District. Data analysis resulted in six emergent themes consisting of 22 teacher interviews. The first finding in this study that was revealed through teacher interviews identified guided reading, visual aides, reader's theater, and modeling/oral reading fluency as strategies that contribute to ELLs reading proficiency. In the second finding, teachers identified inviting parents to volunteer in the classroom, sending home a reading log that helps track the students' reading at home, and inviting parent participation in extracurricular activities as approaches to encourage partnerships regarding reading development of ELLs. The results of this study provided recommendations for educational leaders to provide teachers specific professional development to encourage parent participation to focus on increasing students' reading development that is tailored to the students' and caregivers' language needs. For future research, it is recommended that the study be replicated using different school districts to determine if similar findings were consistent across different districts.