Teachers' Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities of using Multimedia in English Language Teaching
Enhancing Cognitive Development in Educational Contexts: The Impact of Wordplay on English Creative Writing
A Comparative Analysis of Student Perceptions of English Language Programs in Japan and India: Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Confidence, Support, and Recommendation
Learning Vocabulary through Concordancing vs. ChatGPT; Machine or AI?
Designing Instructional Materials using Animated Movies as Resources for Intentional Vocabulary Learning
Enhancing English Language Proficiency through Dr. Seuss: Integrating Literature, Technology, and Culturally Responsive Teaching in ELT
Beauty in Brevity: Capturing the Narrative Structure of Flash Fiction by Filipino Writers
Exploring the Coalescence of Language and Literature through A Stylistic Analysis of Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo's “When It's A Grey November In Your Soul”
Oral Communication in Accounting Practice: Perspectives from the Philippines
Developing ESL/ EFL Learners' Grammatical Competence through Communicative Activities
Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group
Move Sequences In Graduate Research Paper Introductions And Conclusions
Interactional Metadiscourse in Turkish Postgraduates’ Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of How They Introduce and Conclude
English Language Teaching at Secondary School Level in Bangladesh: An Overview of the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Method
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners' BeliefsAbout Language Learning And Language Learning Strategy Use
Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh
The present study investigated the relationship between Iranian EFL learners' beliefs about language learning and language learning strategy use. A sample of 104 B.A and M.A Iranian EFL learners majoring in English participated in this study. Three instruments, the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP), Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI), and the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) were used for data collection. Multiple Regression analysis showed that meta-cognitive strategies were significant predictors of "foreign language aptitude", "nature of foreign language learning", "learning and communication strategies", and "motivation and expectation". Affective strategies also turned out to be predictors of "the nature of foreign language". Another finding was that cognitive strategies were negative predictors of "learning and communication strategies". The findings of the present study may have significant, theoretical and pedagogical implications for learners and teachers.
This study investigated reading strategies used by adult learners' to read materials in English language for their studies. The population of the study consisted of students of Universiti Sains Malaysia. A sample of 80 (40 postgraduate and 40 undergraduate) TESOL students enrolled in the University was selected randomly. The data were collected by administering a piloted questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS. The results of the study revealed that TESOL students used different strategies in reading textual materials. The main reading strategies appeared to be adjusting reading speed;focusing on typographical features; summarizing; re-reading the text; taking notes; reviewing the text; underlining or circlingimportant information; using tables, figures, pictures and contextual clues, and guessing the meaning of unknown words and/ or phrases. The study further demonstrated that in spite of using the mentioned reading strategies; the learners need to know how to use dictionaries, pauses, visualization and critical evaluation of the text. Based on findings of the study preparation of proper guidelines and their effective use by TESOL students, teachers and researchers to enhance reading comprehension were recommended.
This research probed into the reading experiences of adult readers in their first language (L1) and second language (L2). Qualitative in nature, the investigation focused on twelve (12) adult readers , six (6) males and six (6) females, whose first language is Filipino. Data were gathered through interviews and focus-group discussions. Based on the data gathered, the participants are motivated to read when the materials given are in line with their interest (e.g. self-help and current events). They are also inclined to read L2 materials over L1. The participants' interests are not simply limited to the topics but also to the language of the material. They feel strongly that a material written in L2 is more accessible and reliable. Although the reading process is highly personal, the participants showed that they adapt similar reading strategies when reading hypertexts which they modify to fit their needs, interest, exposure, and strategies.
This article is on semantics of words and expressions of various grammatical constructions that make reference to violence as reported in the Nigerian media, particularly, the newspaper where such words and sentences about violence are prominent. Twenty-four (24) headlines/captions on violence were randomly selected from Nigeria dailies for data analysis. Semantic roles were used to analyse the different words and expressions that made up the headlines/captions. Halliday's Scale and Category theory showing how text boundaries can be split have been employed to facilitate the analysis. The items (instruments) used for violence are meant to cause damage, havoc and loss of lives. The events (eventive) of violence are devastating and can enhance more restiveness in any society. The analysis of the data, show that semantic implications for the media, journalists and the Nigerian State is that most of the citizens in the Nigerian state become afraid or worried at the sight of newspaper captions/headlines carrying violent expressions. Also, other people in other countries who read Nigerian dailies carrying violent expressions/words are discouraged to visit Nigeria because of safety concerns. Lastly, certain locations in Nigeria which are prone to violent activities are avoided by both Nigerians and visitors to Nigeria.
The aim of the study is to find out the effectiveness of mind mapping technique over conventional method in teaching English at high school level(VIII), in terms of Control and Experimental group. The sample of the study comprised, 60 VIII Standard students in Tiruchendur Taluk. Mind Maps and Achievement Test (Pre-test & Post-test) were developed by the investigator. Two equivalent group Pretest-Posttest Experimental Design was employed for this study. In analysis Mean, S.D. and 't'values were computed and the present study reveals, that the Mind Mapping Technique is more effective than the Conventional method.