Teachers' Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities of using Multimedia in English Language Teaching
Enhancing Cognitive Development in Educational Contexts: The Impact of Wordplay on English Creative Writing
A Comparative Analysis of Student Perceptions of English Language Programs in Japan and India: Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Confidence, Support, and Recommendation
Learning Vocabulary through Concordancing vs. ChatGPT; Machine or AI?
Designing Instructional Materials using Animated Movies as Resources for Intentional Vocabulary Learning
Enhancing English Language Proficiency through Dr. Seuss: Integrating Literature, Technology, and Culturally Responsive Teaching in ELT
Beauty in Brevity: Capturing the Narrative Structure of Flash Fiction by Filipino Writers
Exploring the Coalescence of Language and Literature through A Stylistic Analysis of Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo's “When It's A Grey November In Your Soul”
Oral Communication in Accounting Practice: Perspectives from the Philippines
Developing ESL/ EFL Learners' Grammatical Competence through Communicative Activities
Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group
Move Sequences In Graduate Research Paper Introductions And Conclusions
Interactional Metadiscourse in Turkish Postgraduates’ Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of How They Introduce and Conclude
English Language Teaching at Secondary School Level in Bangladesh: An Overview of the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Method
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners' BeliefsAbout Language Learning And Language Learning Strategy Use
Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh
Applied linguistics affords Linguists the opportunity of solving language related problems using various methods. In this paper, we x-ray the Nigerian University classroom situation in the teaching of the English language viz – a – viz the use of functional interactive method. Following Littlewood (1981) and Krashen (1982), we posit that the teaching and learning of English language in the Nigerian classroom situation needs to be done in two ways, so as to aid easy acquisition of the language: provide natural discourse and the need to put learners at the core of the learning. Apart from these, the teacher's roles are highlighted as: identifying learners' strategy, teaching the standard, accentuating standard not status and providing a comprehensive input. A comprehensive blend of the learners' and teachers' roles will make interaction meaningful in the Nigerian Universities ESL classroom.
The objective of the thesis is to bring out the trauma of the immigrants who are stuck up by the nostalgic and glorious past in their alien world. The cultural and social restrictions faced by the characters who live in their separate but intertwined worlds are brought in a detailed manner. Anita Rau Badami, one of the newest writers in the field of diasporic literature, even with her, a few literary writings has been able to carve a niche for herself in the literary world. Badami has dealt with the complex problems faced by women. Tamarind Mem depicts the relationship between a mother and a daughter who are trying to make sense of their past with different perceptions. The novel unfolds how the past cultural restrictions shape the personal lives and aspirations of the characters. Can You Hear the NightBird Call? Badami narrates the lives of three women which are linked together through their experience of violence. In other words, the novel spans sixty years in the history of the Sikh community in Punjab and Canada.
In “Introduction”, the purpose and aim of the present study is stated. It details some of the major events in the life of the author and her achievements which are relevant for the understanding of her characters, vision of life and her development as an artist. “Estranged Relationship” deals with the problems prevailing in the family of the two novels Tamarind Mem and Can You Hear the Nightbird Call? Familial relationship is a universal issue and it has attracted the attention of many writers. “Shakiness of Memory” deals with the nostalgic reminisences in the two selected novels for discussion which psychologically affect the characters. Memory is a thought of something that one remembers from the past. “Conflicting Cultures” deals with the problems of the immigrants in a foreign land. Immigration is the movement of people to another country or region to which they are not native in order to settle there. Finally “Summation” recounts all the findings made in various areas of the current research and also includes a discussion of further research areas viable in respect of the writer.
To investigate the use of language learning strategies (LLS) by Iranian EFL learners across proficiency levels, a total of 180 Iranian adult female EFL learners were selected and divided into three different proficiency level groups. To collect data, Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was used. One-way ANOVA procedures were used to analyze the obtained data. The results showed significant differences between the elementary level and the advanced level participants in their use of cognitive strategies, but the differences between the intermediate level group and the other two groups (elementary and advanced) were not significant. The same results were found in the participants' overall use of LLSs. However, in the use of the other five categories of LLSs across proficiency levels, no significant differences were found. The findings also showed that among the six learning strategies of SILL, cognitive strategies were the most frequently used strategy type followed by metacognitive strategies, and affective strategies were found to be the least frequently used type of LLSs.
This paper examines the linguistic habit of “prepositional intraference” in Educated Nigerian English (ENE) with a view to establishing why and how Nigerians produce prepositional intraference variations and how the variations distinguish ENE morphosyntax from native English morphosyntax, particularly Standard British English (SBE). Intraference in this paper is a coinage and reconceptualisation for “the overgeneralisation of linguistic materials and semantic features” (Selinker, 1984), “internal language transfer” or “intralingual interference” (Richards and Sampson, 1984), and “the internal principle of linguistic variability (Labov, 1994).” Questionnaire, observation and the recording of spontaneous speeches were used to gather data to substantiate the incidence of prepositional intraference in ENE. The method of data analysis is mainly qualitative, involving a comparative and textual analysis and explanation of examples in tables and a graph. It was discovered that as a result of certain sociolinguistic factors, educated Nigerians redeploy prepositions in several ways and contexts in which native English speakers will not. These distinguish ENE morphosyntax from other internal varieties of English.
The study enlightens the effectiveness of Multimedia Package in learning communicative skill in English. Objectives of the study: To prepare a Multimedia Package for developing communicative skill in English and to find out the impact of Multimedia Package in improving communicative skill in English. Quasi Experimental method was adopted in the study. Subject: Eighty Students of standard VII from Subramaina Devasthanam Higher Secondary school, Vadavalli were selected as sample for the study. Forty two students were considered as Controlled group and thirty eight students were considered as Experimental group. Achievement test was used as tool for the study. Finding: Interactive- Multimedia Package is more effective than conventional methods in improving communicative skill in English.