Teachers' Perspectives on the Challenges and Opportunities of using Multimedia in English Language Teaching
Enhancing Cognitive Development in Educational Contexts: The Impact of Wordplay on English Creative Writing
A Comparative Analysis of Student Perceptions of English Language Programs in Japan and India: Effectiveness, Satisfaction, Confidence, Support, and Recommendation
Learning Vocabulary through Concordancing vs. ChatGPT; Machine or AI?
Designing Instructional Materials using Animated Movies as Resources for Intentional Vocabulary Learning
Enhancing English Language Proficiency through Dr. Seuss: Integrating Literature, Technology, and Culturally Responsive Teaching in ELT
Beauty in Brevity: Capturing the Narrative Structure of Flash Fiction by Filipino Writers
Exploring the Coalescence of Language and Literature through A Stylistic Analysis of Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo's “When It's A Grey November In Your Soul”
Oral Communication in Accounting Practice: Perspectives from the Philippines
Developing ESL/ EFL Learners' Grammatical Competence through Communicative Activities
Solidarity and Disagreements: Social Dimensions in Cooperative Writing Group
Move Sequences In Graduate Research Paper Introductions And Conclusions
Interactional Metadiscourse in Turkish Postgraduates’ Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of How They Introduce and Conclude
English Language Teaching at Secondary School Level in Bangladesh: An Overview of the Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching Method
The Relationship Between Iranian EFL Learners' BeliefsAbout Language Learning And Language Learning Strategy Use
Examining the Role of Reciprocal Teaching in Enhancing Reading Skill at First-Year Undergraduate Level in a Semi-Urban College, Bangladesh
The present world is known as Hi-tech world as it is driven by technology. It is the vehicle to get access with this modernized world. However, due to continuous changes taking place in the field of technology, people keep looking for new developments for improving the quality of teaching and learning methodologies. In the fast developing 21st century various innovative technologies are being introduced to teach English in the classrooms. To cope up with this modern trend, communication skills become an essential component in the education of technical students to facilitate not just student's education but to prepare them for their future careers. We have to use modern technologies to teach English to the technical students. The present paper deals with the nature and characteristics as well as the significance of technical communication in various fields, the availability of various technologies as well as the practical uses and benefits of it in technical communication.
Language is a means of identity formation, definition and construction. This study investigates the language of NOUN course materials for gender neutrality. The English course materials randomly selected across subject areas in the English programme are used as data source. The theoretical base of corpus linguistics within the frame work of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used to investigate the phenomenon of gender based choices of NOUN course writers to the end of determining their unconscious political stance in the gender politics. Frequency count of the occurrences of the gender pronouns ‘he, she and they’ are analysed in twenty-three course materials. Line graph and pie charts are constructed based on the collected data. It was found that the gender pronoun ‘she’ is subsumed to the gender pronoun ‘he’ in terms of frequency of usage. Even where it appears that attempts have been made to employ gender sensitivity through a wide usage of the gender neutral ‘they’, it is found that many of the writers that seem to do this are also those that used the male pronoun the most, thus leaving a state of identity indeterminateness in terms of power positioning. It is recommended that NOUN needs to enforce the actualisation of its policy statement on the issue in order to undermine the hegemonic tendencies through determined inclusiveness.
Literature circles and book clubs have become a popular instructional literacy strategy. In recent years, educators attempt to motivate students to read more in quantity and quality at an early age. A case study design was utilized that required undergraduate education majors to participate in literature circles reading historical fiction and engaging in the literature circle as if they were young children themselves. This engagement included attending weekly meetings with peers, writing in a reflective journal, and partaking in all aspects of a literature circle typically found in intermediate, middle and high school classrooms. A pre and post survey was distributed to one section of an undergraduate course engaged in literature circles, and their journey was documented in a self-reflective journal retained over the semester. Observations were also used to corroborate and triangulate data. Results indicate that literature circles increased university students' engagement with text and commitment to the classroom community.
The present study aims at finding out the effectiveness of Mutual learning approach over the conventional method in learning English optional II among B.Ed students. The randomized pre-test, post test, control group and experimental group design was employed. The B.Ed students of the same college formed the control and experimental groups. Each group consists of 25 learners. The 't' test analysis reveals the experimental fact that mutual learning has effectiveness in learning English better than the conventional method. There is a wide scope for the application of mutual learning approach in learning English among B.Ed students.
The importance of the course books in language teaching leads the way to the evaluation of them. Evaluating the teaching materials specially course books can help teachers to understand more about language learning. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate English Results course books which are widely used at Iranian institutes. The focus of the study is on the course books used at advanced lined and evaluating their physical make-up, practical concerns and different sections of them namely vocabulary, reading, grammar, language functions and pronunciation practice.100 teachers from six different institutes participated in the study and completed the questionnaire which was prepared by Hashemi and Rahimpour (2011) for textbook selection and evaluation in EFL context. Results revealed that the course books were generally regarded as appropriate materials. Finally, several suggestions were mentioned for adding to the quality of the course books.
Language, whether indigenous or foreign, is a marker of identity. The language that a man speaks, the names he bears, the songs he sings, the tribal marks on his cheeks, his country's national anthem, coat of arms and national flags are symbols of personal and national identity. Language education policy, which shapes a man's global and local view and perspective, is instrumental in any national rebranding project. The author posits that there is a correlation between indigenous language and national rebranding project. Language is the shaper of ideas, and dissects nature along lines laid down by our language. In support of this theory of cultural relativism and linguistic determinism, the author posits that the rebranding of a nation can only be achieved through a rebranded language policy, and a well planned and implemented multi-lingual education system. Transformation agenda, in any nation, is best accomplished through the utilization of indigenous languages and literature. The author believes that the battered image of Nigerians and Nigeria can be redeemed by indigenous literary works which are rebuttals of the obnoxious negative branding of Nigerians. National rebranding has the objective of re-orientating Nigerians to imbibe a new spirit of patriotism, a new spirit of abhorring or shunning corruption and following the rule of law. The author has proved that the role of Mother Tongue, and andragogical or political education can rebrand Nigeria. The Federal, State and Local Governments therefore have a role to play. These change agents must also work hand-in-hand with parents, traditional rulers, opinion leaders, religious leaders and educational institutions for an effective rebranding enterprise.