i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology (JPSY)

Volume 11 Issue 2 August - October 2017

Research Paper

Designing Toys to Support Children's Development

Tom Page* , Gisli Thorsteinsson**
* Senior Lecturer, Loughborough Design School, United Kingdom.
** Professor, Department of Design and Craft Education, Iceland University of Education, Iceland
Page, T., and Thorsteinsson, G. (2017). Designing Toys to Support Children's Development. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.2.13776


This article reports a study that aimed to contribute to the theory of good toy design in terms of the value of using toys for children development. Moreover, the study attempts to evaluate ways in which children play and study the toys they commonly use with respect to how it influence their adulthood. The authors firstly looked into the literature of toy design and children development and then they carried out an interview with an elder designer. The study underlines the importance of good toy design to support children's maturity and self-realisation. It, also, show the complex the role of a toy designer is in terms of design a valuable toy. Furthermore, the study demonstrates a subject to the demands of users as well as regulations. In addition to the interview a questionnaire was given to 28 partaker's ages 18-25 years; the subject was a retrospective view of toys and their influences on the partaker's existing lifestyle. The main conclusions draw from the study was that using toys in our childhood influence the development of key skills, but, also, shape our negative or positive view on our childhood. The conclusions demonstrate the importance that toy designers both draw upon academic research and carry out their own in order to create powerful toys of quality.

Research Paper

Utilizing Action Research to Improve Counseling Education Course Work for Culturally Diverse Students

Sabina De Vries* , Deirdre Mcdonald**, Mary G. Mayorga***
* Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
** Instructional Services Manager, Texas A&M University, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
*** Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Health and Kinesiology, Texas A&M University, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Vries, S.D., Mcdonald, D., and Mayorga, M. G. (2017). Utilizing Action Research to Improve Counseling Education Course Work for Culturally Diverse Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 11-17. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.2.13778


This article informs counselor educators and psychologists on how to utilize action research to evaluate diverse students, course work, and to improve classroom instruction. A paucity exists in research investigating educational needs of diverse counseling students. The present action research study examined educational experiences of diverse counseling students enrolled in a research course. The sample consisted of 70% Hispanic/Latino students, and a little less than half were older adults; 80% of the participants were female. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed. Findings, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Research Paper

Belief Patterns and Anxiety Levels of Turkish EFL Students in Relation to Level of Instruction

Aysegul Okay* , Cem Balcikanli**
* Research Scholar, Department of ELT, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
** Associate Professor, Department of ELT, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Okay, A., and Balçikanli, C. (2017). Belief Patterns and Anxiety Levels of Turkish EFL Students in Relation to Level of Instruction. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 18-28. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.2.13784


This study investigates whether there is a relationship between anxiety levels and belief patterns of Turkish EFL students in relation to level of instruction. A total number of 207 students voluntarily participated in the study. To gather quantitative data, adapted Turkish versions of Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) were used, and qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The quantitative data analyses revealed that low-proficient students are more anxious than their high-proficient peers. In addition, a significant relationship was found between students' anxiety levels and four belief patterns: high-anxious students believed that (1) English is a difficult language; (2) they do not have language aptitude; (3) they will not eventually learn to speak English; and (4) they feel self-conscious when speaking English in front of other people – the opposite beliefs were found to be true for low-anxious students. The qualitative data analyses also supported the finding that learner beliefs and anxiety have a close relationship. The implications are discussed.

Research Paper

Mental Health and Adjustment of Higher Secondary School Students

P. Velmurugan*
Associate Professor, Bishop Agniswamy College of Education, Muttom, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Murugan, P. V. (2017). Mental Health and Adjustment of Higher Secondary School Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.2.13785


The main objective of this study is to find out the relationship between mental health and adjustment of higher secondary school students. Mental Health Scale developed by Sakthimani (2010) and Adjustment Inventory developed by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Singh (2007) were used to collect the relevant data. The sample consists of 103 higher secondary school students of whom 53 are male and 50 are female. The data are analysed by 't' test and Karl Pearson's Product moment correlation. The result indicates that there was significant relationship between mental health and adjustment of higher secondary school students.

Research Paper

Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Standard Students

J. Johnsi Priya*
Assistant Professor, Meston College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai, TamilNadu, India.
Priya, J. J. (2017). Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Standard Students. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 11(2), 36-44. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.11.2.13786


There is a general assertion among mathematics instructors that learners need to acquire problem solving expertise, figure out how to communicate using mathematics knowledge and aptitude, create numerical reasoning and thinking, to see the interconnectedness amongst mathematics and other subjects. Based on this perspective, the present study aims to examine the mathematical problem solving ability of eleventh standard students. A sample of 810 Eleventh standard students (406 boys and 404 girls) was selected from different schools of Chennai district, using the stratified random sampling technique. Survey method of research has been adapted. The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability test constructed by the investigator was used to collect data from the eleventh standard students. Mean, standard deviation,'t' test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data with the help of SPSS (Version 20.0). The analysed data were tabulated and tested with hypothesis. Finding shows that the mathematical problem solving ability of girl students is significantly higher than boys. There is no significant difference among government, government aided, and self-financing higher secondary school students in their Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. It is also observed that the students from high socio-economic status found to be higher than their counterparts in their mathematical problem solving ability.