Approach Based Case Selection Strategy
Design and Development of Dental Implants
Evaluation of Efficacy, Treatment Outcome, and Stability of Tooth Movement with Clear Aligner Treatment - Clinical Study
Recent Advances in Periodontal Regeneration – A Review
Conceptual Review of Clear Aligner Therapy (CAT)
Computerized Cepholometric Surgical Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery with Facad 2d Software
Cheiloscopy and Palatoscopy - An Aid for Human Identification
Root Resorption in Orthodontics
A Review of Wegener's Granulomatosis - A Rare Granulomatous Disease
Management of Palatogingival Groove Associated with Localized Periodontitis - A Case Report
Approach Based Case Selection Strategy
Drug Induced Oral Erythema Multiforme: A Case Report
Comparison of TMA, Stainless Steel and Timolium for Friction, Load Deflection and Surface Characteristics
Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Ki - 67 (Immunocytochemistry) and AgNOR in Detecting Early Changes in Smokers and Tobacco Chewers.
One Step Apexification "The Apical Barrier Technique”
The prevalence of malocclusion is now high among the majority of the population, showing variations among different ethnic and population groups. It is well-documented in various literatures that the present prevalence of malocclusion is several times greater than it was only a few hundred years ago. The purpose of this study is to assess the objective and subjective levels of severity and orthodontic treatment need in the Coimbatore population using the OCCLUSAL and IOTN indices. The study sample comprised two hundred outpatients (78 male and 122 female) aged above 13 years with a full complement of adult dentition. Study models and photographs were taken, and subjective and objective assessments of the traits were quantified using the respective index scoring sheets. The data was analyzed using the Normality test and Frequency test to assess the severity and treatment need. A chi-square test was performed to assess gender association with the frequency of the problem, and Spearman's correlation test was performed to assess the correlation among the three variables used in this study. The findings from all the indices indicated a high prevalence of malocclusion in terms of severity and treatment need for this population. The objective and subjective findings showed poor correlation for both severity and treatment need, which could be due to patients' own perception of the problem. There was no gender difference in terms of the severity of malocclusion in this population.
Procedures for correcting chin discrepancies aim to achieve aesthetic objectives without significant functional changes. Genioplasty is a versatile technique commonly used to correct chin deformities caused by angle variations during the osteotomy procedure. The intra-oral approach and minimal tissue detachment have decreased the risk of unexpected bone resorption while maintaining blood supply, resulting in more aesthetically pleasing outcomes.
The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental fluorosis and dental caries among 6-12 year old school children in Rewari district, Haryana, and to examine the relationship between the two. A total of 1195 children from six different areas with varying levels of naturally occurring fluoride in their drinking water were examined under natural daylight. Dental fluorosis and caries were recorded using the WHO index (1997) and Dean's Fluorosis index.The severity of dental fluorosis was found to increase with higher fluoride levels in drinking water, while dental caries decreased with an increase in fluoride concentration. Therefore, despite producing unacceptable and unaesthetic dental fluorosis, fluoride was shown to be an effective anti-cariogenic element. It can be concluded that government authorities should provide a central water supply to prevent the unwanted effects of fluorosis.
The most common reason for a retained primary tooth is a congenitally missing permanent successor. Maintaining a grossly decayed retained primary molar is a challenge for pedodontists. When such a retained tooth presents with carious pulp exposure, endodontic treatment can help maintain the space and prevent arch length discrepancy. The purpose of this case report is to emphasize the root canal treatment of a retained mandibular primary molar using Gutta-percha.
Facial pain is often the most common presenting symptom that brings a patient to the dental office. The causes of facial pain are multifactorial, ranging from a simple toothache to more complicated causes of neuralgia. Additionally, there is a category that presents a diagnostic challenge to the clinician and causes great anxiety to the patient, especially when it is not relieved. We present a case where a male patient suffered from severe pain in the orofacial and neck region, which remained undiagnosed for a period of ten years.