A Review of Key Esthetic Elements in Smile Designing
A Short Review on Impact of Lighting on Shade Selection and Neutralization Techniques in Dental Clinic
Legal Concerns in the Digitalization of Dentistry- A Narrative Review
Orthodontic Treatment of Class 3 Malocclusion using Mysmartalign (MSA) Clear Aligners: A Case Report
Mandibular Radix Entomolaris: The Hidden Secret of Your Teeth's Anatomy
Computerized Cepholometric Surgical Prediction in Orthognathic Surgery with Facad 2d Software
Cheiloscopy and Palatoscopy - An Aid for Human Identification
A Review of Wegener's Granulomatosis - A Rare Granulomatous Disease
Root Resorption in Orthodontics
Management of Palatogingival Groove Associated with Localized Periodontitis - A Case Report
Legal Concerns in the Digitalization of Dentistry- A Narrative Review
Drug Induced Oral Erythema Multiforme: A Case Report
Comparison of TMA, Stainless Steel and Timolium for Friction, Load Deflection and Surface Characteristics
Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy of Ki - 67 (Immunocytochemistry) and AgNOR in Detecting Early Changes in Smokers and Tobacco Chewers.
One Step Apexification "The Apical Barrier Technique”
Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) represents a group of hereditary defects in enamel, which are not associated with any other generalized defects. It is entirely an ectodermal disturbance that affects only the enamel. A 24-year-old male patient presented with discolored and hypersensitive teeth. This clinical report describes an interdisciplinary approach to AI using a metal-ceramic fixed dental prosthesis to restore the form and function of teeth with careful consideration of the patient's expectations and requests.
Benign Migratory Glossitis (BMG), also known as geographic tongue, is a benign condition characterized by asymptomatic smooth erythematous patches on the dorsum of the tongue. The condition is often discovered during routine clinical examination and may recur at different sites, giving it a migratory appearance. Typically, the condition resolves completely. This article reports a case of BMG in a two-year-old child who exhibited mild symptoms and nutritional deficiencies.
The enhancement of esthetics in restorative dentistry involves skills and techniques used to improve the art and symmetry of teeth and the face to enhance the appearance and function of the teeth. Esthetics can be affected by developmental disturbances such as supernumerary teeth (mesiodens), enamel hypoplasia, microdontia, and secondary factors like trauma, mutilated teeth, and drug-induced discolorations. Various treatment options can be employed to enhance esthetics using both direct and indirect methods. This paper presents the esthetic management of mesiodens.
Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry, especially in the field of cosmetic dentistry. The importance of tooth whitening for patients and consumers has led to a dramatic increase in the number of products and procedures available in recent years. The mechanism of tooth whitening by peroxide occurs through the diffusion of peroxide through enamel, causing oxidation and lightening of stains. Tooth whitening is highly effective in providing fast, non-invasive cosmetic changes. The effects of bleaching can last for several months, but may vary depending on the patient's lifestyle. This article reviews various bleaching techniques and recent advances in both vital and non-vital teeth.
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is an uncommon benign odontogenic lesion that predominantly affects young female patients, usually in their second decade of life, and accounts for approximately 3% of all odontogenic tumors. It is noteworthy that in about 74% of cases, this tumor is associated with an unerupted tooth, and in over two-thirds of cases, it is associated with the maxillary (65%) canine. Rarely, the lesion occurs in the mandible. This report describes a case of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor on the right side of the mandible associated with an impacted canine (43) tooth in a 17-year-old female patient.