Multi-Faceted Traditional and Ritual Resources of Africa
Exploring Second Screening Behaviors of Participants in Blantyre, Malawi: Motivations and Gratification Implications
Factors of Negative Psychic State, Anxiety, and Depression of Waterlogged Farmers in Bangladesh: A Farming Disaster
Transforming Innovative Educational Practices for Environmental Sustainability
Categorizing and Defining the Dominance and Suppression into Positive and Negative Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind States
Importance of Universal Human Values in Education System: An Overview
Self - Esteem and Body Image: A Correlational Study
Competing Gender Discourses: A Multi-modal Analysis of Gender Representations and Femininity in a Philippine Magazine
Technology and Pottery Evolution: Pottery Practices in South Western Nigeria
Awareness of Human Rights, Legal Literacy, and Social Well being of Secondary School Students of Srinagar And Budgam Districts of Jammu and Kashmir
Episodic Medication Adherence among Adolescents with Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV): Roles of Parental Involvement and Peer Pressure in Receiving Treatments in Lagos, Nigeria
Competing Gender Discourses: A Multi-modal Analysis of Gender Representations and Femininity in a Philippine Magazine
Categorizing and Defining the Dominance and Suppression into Positive and Negative Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind States
Qualitative Case Study on HBCU Students' Perceptions of the Sources of Academic Self-Efficacy in Online Learning
Women in Panchayats: The History, the Perspective and the Background
Immigration is a process of transition from one culture to another. The absorption process in the new country usually involves extensive changes on many levels. The present research is a Case Study focusing on the story of Alex, a child at risk who immigrated with his family to Israel. The study describes the process that Alex underwent with a personal mentor who provided guidance with the aim of empowering and advancing him academically, emotionally, and behaviorally. The research question was: What are the factors that bring about a breakthrough, achievement of goals, and transformation in working with new immigrant children at risk? The positive changes we found in Alex's well being were in his behavior and academic achievements. The most significant factors that affected Alex were empowerment and recognition of his qualities, strengths, and weaknesses; addressing his difficulties and coping with them in ways that he chose; conducting simulations; a reflective process; conducting an existential dialog with him throughout the period; and presenting the process as an enjoyable one. Conclusions. When we identify a certain difficulty that a child faces, we must create situations that allow him to learn to cope with this difficulty, next to us, in “greenhouse” conditions and in a protected place. We must explain the importance of asking for help in real time and not only after he feels exhausted, defeated, and helpless. We must be a “good fairy” to the child because children need help when they are distressed.
Diasporic writings have a distinct position in the scenario of world literature. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is an internationally acclaimed poet, novelist and short-story writer who occupies a prominent place in diasporic writing. Oleander girl is a fiction set in India and America. The theme of the novel is the search for the identity of the protagonist. This paper focuses mainly on Korobi Roy's search for her father and thereby her identity. It also illustrates how Korobi was portrayed at the beginning of the novel and how she is changed towards the end whether it is a good change or not. It explains what leads her to come out of all her problems. The strength of the relationship between all the characters of the novel as well as the love of the protagonist towards her family is given focus. The importance of love and how much the protagonist longed for that is vividly described. What are the changes she comes over after the journey and whether she overcomes the crucial situation in her life and whether her family accepts her with her new identity is discussed.
Education is one of the most important processes that individuals undergo to bring about transformation at a personal, societal, country and international level. In Kenya, citizen's access to education enables the attainment of various milestones and eradicates challenges ranging from poverty, illiteracy and diseases. The important stakeholder is the student who receives, disseminates and puts into practice what he has learnt in school to the society. This paper provides a discourse on how different components such as psychosocial, environmental and parental background of students have been bedeviling their academic progress silently. The paper thus concludes that if any meaningful and productive learning has to take place in our schools, these grievances have to be addressed promptly and effectively.
National Means cum Merits Scholarship (NMMS) scheme is to identify the excellent students from economically weaker sections for class 8th and enable them to continue their studies and complete secondary education. Teachers' responsibility is of vital significance in the development of society. The study's objective was to find out teachers' responsibility in students' participation in the scholarship examination among government schools. The investigator adopted a descriptive survey method, and samples have been randomly selected from 50 government secondary school teachers in Salem district. Statistical techniques used are Mean, Standard Deviation, 't' test and 'F' test. The major findings of this study are that there was a significant difference between teachers' responsibility in the participation of students in the scholarship examination among government schools of their locality (t=6.25, p<0.01), with educational qualifications (t=17.07, p<0.01), and teaching experience (t=4.30, p<0.01). The recommendation of this study is that the government shows more interest to the secondary school students to get awareness about NMMS examination; all government schools must provide the model reference books for NMMS examination; and it will help the curriculum planners to make the needed changes in the text books by making provision for varied contents related to the competitive examination of the students.
Shelter employment is the best choice for the mentally ill people to be independent. However, there are many issues associated with it. The three main issues discussed in this paper are lack of resources, lack of staff support and stigma associated with mental illness. Also, shelter employment has a significant role in the recovery process of mentally ill patients, but there are barriers to implement it in mental health services. The three levels of interventions (individual level, institutional level and national level) should be implemented to overcome these barriers and to develop shelter employment in all mental health services.