Mathematical Modeling of Higher Overtone Vibrational Frequencies in Dichlorine Monoxide
Some Types of Generalized Closed and Generalized Star Closed Sets in Topological Ordered Spaces
Optimizing Capsule Endoscopy Detection: A Deep Learning Approach with L-Softmax and Laplacian-SGD
Kernel Ideals in Semigroups
Modeling the Dynamics of Covid-19 with the Inclusion of Treatment, Vaccination and Natural Cure
Calculation of Combined Vibrational Frequencies in Cl₂O using Lie Algebraic Method
An Introduction to Various Types of Mathematics Teaching Aids
A Simple Method of Numerical Integration for a Class of Singularly Perturbed Two Point Boundary Value Problems
A New Approach to Variant Assignment Problem
A Homotopy Based Method for Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations
Proof of Beal's Conjecture and Fermat Last Theorem using Contra Positive Method
Trichotomy–Squared – A Novel Mixed Methods Test and Research Procedure Designed to Analyze, Transform, and Compare Qualitative and Quantitative Data for Education Scientists who are Administrators, Practitioners, Teachers, and Technologists
Algorithmic Triangulation Metrics for Innovative Data Transformation: Defining the Application Process of the Tri–Squared Test
A New Hilbert-Type Inequality In Whole Plane With The Homogeneous Kernel Of Degree 0
Introducing Trinova: “Trichotomous Nomographical Variance” a Post Hoc Advanced Statistical Test of Between and Within Group Variances of Trichotomous Categorical and Outcome Variables of a Significant Tri–Squared Test
Surfaces in R3 with density
In this paper, we study
In this paper, we define the inverse surface of a tangent developable surface with respect to the sphere Sc(r) with the center and the radius r in 3-dimensional Euclidean space
We obtain the curvatures, the Christoffel symbols and the shape operator of this inverse surface by the help of these of the tangent developable surface. Morever, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions regarding the inverse surface being flat and minimal.
In this paper, the authors define the new generalized difference sequence spaces , and . We also study some inclusion relations between these spaces.
In this paper, firstly, we consider non-null curves of
In this paper, we have investigated the synchronization and anti-synchronization behaviour of two identical dynamical model of mimas-tethys system (Moons of Saturn) evolving from different initial conditions using the active control technique based on the Lyapunov stability theory and Routh-Hurwitz criteria. The designed controller, with our own choice of the coefficient matrix of the error dynamics that satisfy the Lyapunov stability theory and the Routh-Hurwitz criteria, are found to be effective in the stabilization of the error states at the origin, thereby, achieving synchronization and anti-synchronization between the states variables of two nonlinear dynamical systems under consideration. The results are validated by numerical simulations using mathematica.
Extraction of meaningful information from large experimental data sets is a key element in bioinformatics research. Recent advances in high-throughput genomic technologies enable acquisition of different types of molecular biological data Orly Alter (2003). Present evidence, based on systematic studies of the entire GenBank database Buldyrev (1998). Statistical approaches help in the determination of significance configurations in Protein and Nucleic acid sequence data Ying Guo (2008). In the last two decades the researchers have drawn much attention about liver cancer. Liver cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the liver. It is relatively rare form of cancer but has a high mortality rate. The aim of this paper is analyzed the liver cancer DNA sequence data using Latent values and Stationary distributions. The reasonable results verify the validity of our method.