Blockchain Scalability Analysis and Improvement of Bitcoin Network through Enhanced Transaction Adjournment Techniques
Data Lake System for Essay-Based Questions: A Scenario for the Computer Science Curriculum
Creating Secure Passwords through Personalized User Inputs
Optimizing B-Cell Epitope Prediction: A Novel Approach using Support Vector Machine Enhanced with Genetic Algorithm
Gesture Language Translator using Morse Code
Efficient Agent Based Priority Scheduling and LoadBalancing Using Fuzzy Logic in Grid Computing
A Survey of Various Task Scheduling Algorithms In Cloud Computing
Integrated Atlas Based Localisation Features in Lungs Images
A Computational Intelligence Technique for Effective Medical Diagnosis Using Decision Tree Algorithm
A Viable Solution to Prevent SQL Injection Attack Using SQL Injection
Currently, distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) is a very serious threat in the internet. Large number of packets are send to a victim to jam the traffic so that the attacker can use the data of the victim. Various attack methods, its mechanisms, flooding attacks etc (Mirkovic and Reiher, 2005) are briefed in this paper. The scopes of DDOS attacks, measures and solutions to the attacks are hereby explored with effectiveness in various attack scenarios. A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is an attack where the perpetrator uses more than one unique IP address, often thousands of them. Attacks may involve forging sender's Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (IP address spoofing) as an alternative or augmentation of DDoS, making it difficult to identify and defeat the attack. For specific targeted purposes, including disrupting transactions and accessing databases, an application layer DDoS attack is done, which requires less resource and often accompanies network layer attacks.
In this era, Human identification and authentication play a very important role in human life, since the fingerprint is unique for all human beings. It helps the person to identify or secure the system. In this paper, a method is proposed by which a vehicle can be ignited using a helmet or fingerprint of the user. Nowadays, as the injuries and the death rate due to accidents are increasing, an automated helmet based system is designed through which the driver will not be able to start the motorcycle engine without a helmet. Also, to overcome the theft activity fingerprint module is used to start the vehicle.
Automation has become a very important part of human life. Internet of things (IoT) has brought a drastic change in the daily life of human beings. Earlier the food industry was lagging behind all other industries. Nowadays, the adoption of wireless technologies and emergence of mobile devices has led to automation in the food industry. The food industry also increases business opportunity; the automated food ordering system for any restaurant will attract people. In this paper, the manual menu system is replaced by an automated touch screen based menu system. In this system, the input module is the touch screen sensor which is placed on Graphical Liquid Crystal Display (GLCD) which is used to get the input from the user, the second module, is the microcontroller which accepts the order from the input module, and the output module is the ZigBee module which is used to communicate between the user table and the receiver end.
A major problem today for vehicle owners is that they are in constant fear of having their vehicles stolen from a common parking lot or from outside their home. Currently, most of the people are having their own vehicles. Stolen in parking lots and sometimes while driving in insecure places. The safety of vehicles is extremely essential for public. The main theme of this paper is Vehicle tracking which basically concentrates on tracking the vehicle location at the time of vehicle theft. In order to prevent vehicle theft an ignition controlling technique has been used. When the owner removes the key from the ignition lock, the system turns ON. When a person tries to steal the vehicle, an alert will be sent to the owner (authorized person) in the form of message by GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) and GPS (Global Positioning System) technologies. When vibrations are detected, SMS is send to owner of the vehicle, so that the owner in return can send a ‘stop’ message.
A distributed system is a network of physically separated computing resources that are connected by some means of communication medium. It is a communication intensive system, where each system sends and receives some messages to keep itself updated with the current system status. It provides various advantages such as good resource sharing, reliability, extensibility and good performance. In distributed system, there is a chance that some processors of the system are overloaded; at the same time some processors are idle or underloaded, and hence the performance of the system is degraded. The Load Balancing Algorithm aims (LBA) to have all processing elements to equal workloads over the long term. The performance of a distributed system heavily depends on the performance of Load Balancing Algorithm employed to it. Load Balancing Algorithms work on different matrices such as rate of resource utilization, communication overhead, reliability, scalability, stability, and fault tolerance. LBA helps in optimal utilization of resources in distributed system.
Nowadays, the investigation of Human gender classification (Yong et al., 2012; Mahmood et al., 2012) is capable and powerful, of predicting human gender by utilizing statistical tools and methods. There are a few numerical computational tools that fill in as instructive tools and are likewise accessible for business use to contrast different tools. In this paper, statistical tools like Python, R and MATLAB along with their advantages, working environment, features and challenges are discussed. Here, a review on the most important software tools for image classification applications is presented. Additionally, which software tool is best for beginning learners to learn image learn classification with accurate results and for analysing output results perfectly are also discussed.