Blockchain Scalability Analysis and Improvement of Bitcoin Network through Enhanced Transaction Adjournment Techniques
Data Lake System for Essay-Based Questions: A Scenario for the Computer Science Curriculum
Creating Secure Passwords through Personalized User Inputs
Optimizing B-Cell Epitope Prediction: A Novel Approach using Support Vector Machine Enhanced with Genetic Algorithm
Gesture Language Translator using Morse Code
Efficient Agent Based Priority Scheduling and LoadBalancing Using Fuzzy Logic in Grid Computing
A Survey of Various Task Scheduling Algorithms In Cloud Computing
Integrated Atlas Based Localisation Features in Lungs Images
A Computational Intelligence Technique for Effective Medical Diagnosis Using Decision Tree Algorithm
A Viable Solution to Prevent SQL Injection Attack Using SQL Injection
Data warehouses or databases may store large amount of data. In such databases, much processing power is needed for mining association rules. Therefore the solution used is a distributed system. In data mining, association rules are useful for analyzing and predicting customer behavior. They play an important part in shopping basket data analysis, product clustering, catalogue design and store layout. In this paper, the authors have used a protocol Unifying Lists of Locally Frequent Item sets (UNIFI) [1] for mining association rules in vertically partitioned data. In this Proposed system, the authors have aimed to implement the UNIFI protocol for Association Rule Mining in vertically distributed database. This protocol depends on the Fast Distributed Mining (FDM) algorithm like UNIFI-KC (Kantarcioglu and Clifton) in [6]. FDM is an unsecured version of the apriori algorithm.
Self-organization presents a suitable model for building complex distributed systems which are self-managed. Here, the self-organizing behavior in multi-agent system is one of the most interesting aspect, where, an integrative selforganization mechanism is employed which associates the three principles of self-organization such as cloning, resource exchange and relation adaptation. Estimating the performance of this technique, it defeats when examined with three distinct assessments here and the scenario pretends to be agents with identical capacity. In this research paper the authors have considered agents with distinct capacities and the authors have aimed to design a paradigm to associate dynamic coalition pattern formation technique with self-organization, in an agent network which is well structured. Depending on self-organization rules, coalition formation is incorporated and it facilitates agents to dynamically adjust their degrees of entanglement in distinct coalitions and to unite new coalitions at any time if necessary. To attain the self-adaptation concept, a covenant protocol is employed.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine) is important in our day-today lives for withdrawing money from our bank accounts. Android application for ATM finder is used to find ATMs around the user’s place, and it will reduce the time of searching the ATM. This application is a advanced and simple application in which ATM locator helps to find not only ATM's around us but also their service availability such as its working condition. This quick click series app is built for speed and ease of use. Types of ATM locations are preloaded to assist us with the optional name search, and it can also be done with the use of GPS. The ATM will periodically update its current status to the Bank, and in the proposed system the updated information from the Bank is obtained and utilized in the app to track the ATMs current service (Active or De-active). This will reduce the user's valuable time by making available the current working status of the ATM.
Distributed database system is a network in which multiple clients are connected logically, but physically they are distributed and each client has their own database. Replication process in such a environment plays a vital role for reducing response time. The process of creating exact copy of file is known as replication. Replication process can be executed in two ways, one is static replication and another is dynamic replication. In a static replication, created replica exist in the system till user deletes it manually or it’s time expired. In dynamic replication, it will behave with change in user behavior and it will automatically create new replicas or delete replicas to improve performance. Data replication, as one of the popular services in a distributed database system, is used to increase the data availability and scalability. In this paper, the authors have proposed a data replication protocol in which they replicate those file which are popular in all, and replication process for those file whose success rate is high. In this paper proposed system uses the advantages of both static and dynamic replication.
Clustering analysis is used to partition data set based on objects within a group and the clustering results are influenced by choice of distance measure and the clustering algorithm. Clustering analysis has been applied to group of author's hindex and g-index with similar or dissimilar features. Validity measure is calculated to determine which is the best clustering by finding the minimum value for our measure. In this paper, the authors have presented the effective validations possible with Davies-Bouldin index, Silhouette index and quantization error