Optimizing Multigenerational Renewable Energy Systems Through Integrated Geothermal and Wind Energy Solutions
Wireless Charging Stations Utilizing Solar Energy for Electric Vehicles
Optimal placement of distributed products to improve network reliability under network operation conditions
Optimized Multi-Antenna Wireless Communication: Enhancing Beamforming, Security, and Energy Efficiency
Maximum Power Point Tracking for a Photovoltaic Power System using the Direct Algorithm
Multi Area Load Frequency Control of a Hybrid Power System with Advanced Machine Learning Controller: Case Study of Andhra Pradesh
A New Hybrid Cuckoo Search-Artificial Bee Colony Approach for Optimal Placing of UPFC Considering Contingencies
Efficiency and Investment Comparison of Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin Film Solar Panel Types at Karabuk Conditions
Design of a Grid Connected PV System and Effect of Various Parameters on Energy Generation
Comparative Analysis of Harmonics by Shunt Active Filter using Resonant Current Control in Distribution System
Optimal Distributed Generation Placement for Maximum Loss Reduction using Teaching Learning Based Optimization through Matlab GUI
Development of Power Flow Controller for Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources Using Lyapunov function
Detection and Location of Faults in Three Phase 11kv Underground Power Cables By Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Design of PV-Wind Hybrid Micro-Grid System for Domestic Loading
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in various areas of Power System; A Review
: This paper presents hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization based method to solve optimal power flow in power systems incorporating FACTS controllers such as Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifter (TCPS), Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for security enhancement under single network contingencies.A fuzzy contingency ranking method is used in this paper and observed that it effectively eliminates the masking effect when compared with other methods of contingency ranking. The fuzzy based network composite overall severity index is used as an objective to be minimized to improve the security of the power system. The proposed optimization process with EPSO-IPM is presented with case study example using IEEE 30-bus test system to demonstrate its applicability. The results are presented to show the feasibility and potential of this new approach.
Various methods have been practiced for boasting up the output of solar photovoltaic module. Tracking more sun rays on solar PV panel is one of the effective schemes for increasing up the output. This sun tracking can be possible though automatic sun tracker or reflection methods. Comparatively the reflection method has more simplicity in mechanism than automatic tracker. Tracking more sun rays with reflection process provided satisfactory result. In dealing with reflection method we have found various types of reflectors like white foam reflector, standard reflector, aluminum reflector etc. In this paper, we have demonstrated the effectiveness of various reflectors on solar PV panel at different angles. From this analytical paper we can determine the effective reflector to increase the output of solar PV panel.
The three phase inverter is proposed to control the active and reactive power flow from the renewable energy source to a three phase generalized micro grid system. The proposed control system not only controls the grid power flow but also reduces the grid current total harmonic distortion in the presence of typical nonlinear loads. The control system shapes the grid current taking into account the grid voltage unbalance, harmonics as well as unbalance in line side inductors. The stability of the control system is ensured by the direct method of Lyapunov. SRC is also proposed to improve the performance of the current controller by estimating the periodic disturbances of the system. The proposed control system (implemented digitally) provides superior performance over the conventional multiple proportional-integral and proportional-resonant control methods. A new inverter modelling technique is also presented to take care of unbalances both in grid voltages and line side inductors.
This article presents contingency analysis of power system by Fast Decoupled Load Flow method using Mi-power software. In the modern days the power system is becoming wide and complex and hence system security is one of the challenging tasks for the operation engineers. Contingency Analysis (CA) is critical in power system analysis and it gives the knowledge about the system state in the event of a contingency. Contingency analysis technique is being widely used to predict the effect of outages like failures of equipment, transmission line etc, and to take necessary actions to keep the power system secure and reliable. The off line analysis to predict the effect of individual contingency is a tedious task as a power system contains large number of components. Practically, only selected contingencies will lead to severe conditions in power system. The process of identifying these severe contingencies is referred as contingency selection. In this work single line outage contingency case is analyzed for different loading conditions and demonstrated through IEEE 6-Bus System.
The design of high speed Content Addressable Memory (CAM) offers high-speed search function in a single clock cycle. Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is a type of solid-state memory in which data are accessed by their contents rather than physical locations. It receives input search data, i.e., a search word, and returns the address of a similar word that is stored in its data-bank. In previous system, we introduced a parity bit that leads to sensing delay and increase the power consumption. It takes more time to sense the match line. In this paper, we used keyword based search method. The concept of this method is to pre-compare several bits of the match line in advance. Through the mechanism of the keyword search pre-comparison scheme, it can decide that whether the other bits would be compared or not and which reduces even more sensing delay and reduce the power.