Biomaterial Strategies for Immune System Enhancement and Tissue Healing
Qualitative and Quantitative Performance Optimization of Simple Gas Turbine Power Plant using Three Different Types of Fuel
Efficient Shopping: RFID-Powered Cart with Automated Billing System
Medical Drone System for Automated External Defibrillator Shock Delivery for Cardiac Arrest Patients
A Critical Review on Biodiesel Production, Process Parameters, Properties, Comparison and Challenges
Review on Deep Learning Based Image Segmentation for Brain Tumor Detection
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Approaches, Observations, and Outlooks
Integration of PMS Software and Decision Matrix Tool Based on Data Acquired from Latest IT Advanced Sensors and 3D CAD Models in Marine Operations Field
The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Hilly Areas of Nepal
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Dynamic Changes in Mangrove Forest and Lu/Lc Variation Analysis over Indian Sundarban Delta in West Bengal (India) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
An Analysis of Machining Forces On Graphite/Epoxy, Glass/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Composites Using a Neural Network Approach
Deformation Behaviour of Fe-0.8%C-1.0%Si-0.8%Cu Sintered P/M Steel during Powder Preform Forging
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Achieving Manufacturing Excelence by Applying LSSF Model – A Lean Six Sigma Framework
Design and Analysis of Piezo- Driven Valve-Less Micropump
Hydraulic modelling is considered as an important tool in the planning and operational decision for a water supply network. Technological advances made a number of evolutions in this field and real time operational modelling is a recent addition. Hydraulic modelling tools have been used extensively for earthquake recovery and what/if investigations in the post-earthquake Christchurch. A number of rebuild strategies have been modelled as part of postearthquake recovery work. Rezoning (smaller pressure zones reduced pressure) of water supply network is proposed to make the network less vulnerable to earthquakes. Rezoned water network was tested using sophisticated hydraulic modelling tools (with real time automatic control systems) and results are reported in this paper. A pilot field study was conducted on future rezoned network to validate the findings of hydraulic modelling study and the findings are also summarised in this article. The field study pointed out a number of low pressure related issues that the hydraulic modelling tools were unable to predict properly. As the model was calibrated using flow and pressure data collected from trunk main infrastructure, it was unable to predict pressure correctly at individual boundaries. A real time hydraulic modelling tool can be a better option for earthquake damage assessments in real time and also to test earthquake vulnerability of the proposed water network. Real time modelling will potentially help to reduce surprises or unusual findings during real time data collections and field-studies.
The continued use of vast amounts of gravel in maintenance of low volume traffic roads does not only depletes it, but also is un-sustainable in the medium to long term run compared to bituminous sealing of them using low cost materials. One of the materials required to achieve the later are chippings. In Uganda, only few kilometers of these roads can be sealed in a financial year due to low indicative planning figures for road maintenance and this makes hand crushing of the chippings possible as only a small quantity will be required. This leads to employment creation and protecting the environment from noise and dust pollution caused by machine blasting. Haulage distances for these chippings from the quarries to sites of application also impact considerably the cost of these low cost sealing projects. It is against the above background that hand crushed samples from Akia and Ngeta quarries were taken and analyzed for their suitability as surfacing materials for single surface dressing of low volume traffic roads. All the parameters analyzed were within the permissible limits.
Thermal conductivity is an important thermal transport property, the magnitude of which is basis to determine the thermal application of any material. A relatively simple and ease at use measuring equipment using the principle of calorimeter is developed to get the value of thermal conductivity of insulation materials at low and medium temperature range. The details of components used, assembly, its working is entailed herein with necessary information. The thermal conductivity of materials and composites developed using hand-layup technique is calculated and the result is also validated by comparing with value calculated theoretically for composites. In composites, the filler material used is bamboo fiber, which shows the effect of decrement in thermal conductivity compared to the glass fiber in common epoxy matrix. The time to reach the steady state is evaluated for different cases and was found to be dependent on flow rate. The effective flow rate range is identified to get near to accurate value. The time taken to reach the steady state was found to reduce on increasing the flow rate within the effective range. On analysis, it is found that besides thermal conductivity of specimen, increase in temperature of cold plate and coolant outlet at steady state act also as a function of flow rate. The repeated results with negligible difference have arrived for particular specimen on varying the related parameters. Error is found in the measured value when compared to the standard value that can be owed to measurement of primary parameters in the process.
The Indian MST radar is sited at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Gadanki, Andhra Pradesh. The MST radar is used to study and characterize the dynamic changes of atmosphere in the regions of Mesosphere, Stratosphere, and Troposphere (MST). MST radar was developed with an active phased antenna array consisting of 1024 Yagi-Uda antenna elements and operated by a frequency of 53 MHz. In this article, a sparse iterative parameter estimation approach for spectral estimation for the radar data has been introduced. Separable models occur normally in spectral analysis, like radar signal processing and astronomy applications. The proposed algorithm for the simulated complex signal which may contain more than one frequency component in presence of noise has been tested. For simulated signal, the algorithm has proven to estimate the power spectrum at low SNR conditions also. Finaly, the proposed algorithm (PALG) has been applied to MST radar data collected on 9 Feb, 2015 to compute Doppler spectrum. After computing Doppler spectrum and Doppler velocities, the wind parameters like Zonal U, Meridional V, and Wind velocity can be calculated from the Doppler velocities. The obtained wind velocity components of the MST radar data is validated through the Global Positioning System (GPS) balloon data.
The main objective of this research was to examine the corrosive inhibition property of 1,1-biss-2-Naphthol on the aluminum surface in 3 M HCl environment by weight loss, gasometric, Tafel plot, and impedance spectroscopy techniques. Weight loss results show that addition of1,1-biss-2-Naphthol to the examined solution significantly increases the protection efficiency (decreases dissolution rate). Gasometric studies show that addition of 1, 1-biss-2-Naphthol to the aggressive acid solution effects on the rate of evolution of hydrogen gas. The Tafel plot results show that the synthesized compound 1, 1-biss-2-Naphthol behave as mixed type and hinders cathodic aluminum and anodic aluminum reactions. Impedance studies show that enhancement in the depressed semi circle is due to the positive effect of synthesized compound 1, 1-biss-2-Naphthol.
This paper focuses on exploring and analyzing the process of robot design and hardware implementation of the studies made on the autonomous mobile robot navigation reported in the paper, “Application of Deep Q-Learning for Wheel Mobile Robot Navigation” (Mohanty, Sah, Kumar, & Kundu, 2017). Incorporating autonomous robots into daily life for serving humanity has been a long-term goal for the robotics plethora. An autonomous mobile robot has tremendous application in various environments since they work without human intervention. The robot is defined as a device that is composed of the electronic, electrical, and mechanical systems with a brain imported from computer science. In this paper, a mobile robot is introduced which was fabricated using Raspberry Pi 3 B as a processing chip, range sensors, and camera, which are used for extracting raw sensory data from the environment and feeding it to the robot. The composed mobile robot can be remotely accessed from anywhere around the globe without being in the vicinity of the robot and can be controlled by the means of any gadget, regardless of whether a portable workstation, a versatile, or a tablet, which makes it perfectly suitable for surveillance, exploration, and military applications. For training the robot in the virtual environment, a simulation model was developed in python from scratch. The pre-trained model from the simulation was deployed for further training of the robot in the actual environment. Algorithms like obstacle detection and image recognition were merged together to equip the mobile robot with necessary controls. In the end, the progress of the robot was analyzed in different real environments and the performance accuracy of the obstacle avoidance ability of the mobile robot was calculated based on hit-rate matrices and tabulated.
For a river management, it is necessary to identify the vulnerability and their effects on the morphology of river bed and riverside lands. This study aims to focus on the identification of vulnerable zone with erosion and shifting of the 22 km stretch River Yamuna along Delhi between Wazirabad Barrage and Okhla Barrage. An attempt has been made to use GIS and RS techniques for change detection of river courses for past and present geographical data sources of river courses. Using three dry season satellite images of Landsat MSS (60 m) for 1980 and 1989 and Landsat8 (30 m) for 2017, largely pre and post construction of major barrages and bridges have been considered. The bank line movement rates (m/yr) of the river were analyzed under three periods: 1980-1989, 1989-2017, and 1980-2017. The result indicates that the downstream of Wazirabad barrage and upstream of Okhla barrage have changed significantly due to varying reason of erosion, accretion, and construction activities. Rate of shifting in both the upstream of Okhla barrage and downstream Wazirabad barrage is more in between 1980-1980 as compared to 1989-2017. The rate of shifting between 1980-1989 in downstream of Wazirabad barrage was 3.6 times more between 1989-2017. The rate of shifting between 1980-89 in upstream of Okhla barrage was 3.4 times more between 1989-2017. The most effective factors in morphological changes are the changes in regime because of dam construction, reduction of runoff, and accumulation of sediment loads on the riverbed.