Biomaterial Strategies for Immune System Enhancement and Tissue Healing
Qualitative and Quantitative Performance Optimization of Simple Gas Turbine Power Plant using Three Different Types of Fuel
Efficient Shopping: RFID-Powered Cart with Automated Billing System
Medical Drone System for Automated External Defibrillator Shock Delivery for Cardiac Arrest Patients
A Critical Review on Biodiesel Production, Process Parameters, Properties, Comparison and Challenges
Review on Deep Learning Based Image Segmentation for Brain Tumor Detection
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Approaches, Observations, and Outlooks
Integration of PMS Software and Decision Matrix Tool Based on Data Acquired from Latest IT Advanced Sensors and 3D CAD Models in Marine Operations Field
The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Hilly Areas of Nepal
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Dynamic Changes in Mangrove Forest and Lu/Lc Variation Analysis over Indian Sundarban Delta in West Bengal (India) Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
An Analysis of Machining Forces On Graphite/Epoxy, Glass/Epoxy and Kevlar/Epoxy Composites Using a Neural Network Approach
Deformation Behaviour of Fe-0.8%C-1.0%Si-0.8%Cu Sintered P/M Steel during Powder Preform Forging
A Series of Tool-Life Studies on Aluminium Matrix Hybrid Composites
Achieving Manufacturing Excelence by Applying LSSF Model – A Lean Six Sigma Framework
Design and Analysis of Piezo- Driven Valve-Less Micropump
Exergy destruction of heat transfer and turbulent convective fluid flow through spiral passage subjected to constant wall temperature is analyzed. Constant and temperature dependent thermo physical properties models of process fluid have been adopted. Heat transfer characteristics and both thermal as well viscous fluid friction exergy destruction are investigated. The local variation of total (thermal and viscous dissipation) exergy destruction was studied along the spiral passage. Some of second law of thermodynamic dimensionless parameters, such as Bejan (Be) and entropy generation (Ngen) numbers were considered. It is found that De (Dean Number) with its magnitude is a measure of the secondary flow, and has opposite influence on these two numbers along the passage. The study concluded that total exergy destruction was dominated by thermal effects due to temperature difference. But the influence of irreversibility due to pressure drop was found less significant. This effect is of a particular interest in the heat transfer and fluid flow in spiral passages where secondary flow phenomenon plays an important role in thermal mixing and conversion of viscous dissipation into thermal energy through narrowing passage.
Assistive Accessibility Suite is a cross platform desktop application written in python which is specially tailored for people suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and people with disability to take control over their computer using their voice without any modifications to the current UI by implementing a carefully designed GUI system that uses a transparent grid on the screen. Our use of the present-day cutting-edge technology enables our users to navigate and interact with the personal computer of their choice using nothing more than their voice instead of a traditional input device in a very simple, elegant and seamless manner. Our purpose can be flexibly extended to consumer goods like the television, which are better used with voice instead of the traditional remote-control method. Our specially tailored suite is designed and specifically trained to aid and improve the accessibility for those suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, making their interaction with the present day computers and mobile phone completely seamless and easy to use without the need for an adaptation of the host website nor the modification of the computer they use, making this research incredibly successful in economic and social terms. Further extension of this research enables ease of use for everyone, with the advancement of voice recognition, rendering the use of any sort of remote communicating device (remote, mouse, keyboard) less suited for low level commands. This makes the Assistive accessibility suite a very attractive model for development for the greater good of the society with least amount of strain on resources (time and monetary) on both the user and the developer.
The Six-Stroke cycle consists of a standard four-stroke Otto Cycle followed by a heat recovering and expansion cycle. Therefore, this processing power uses heat and increases the engine's overall efficiency. To recover the waste heat, various methods are being adopted, and significant modifications to the conventional internal combustion engine must be done. In this paper, the improvement of the Six-Stroke engine performance is observed by varying the working fuel used in the Six-Stroke. The limitation of the Six-Stroke is described, and an idea for the alternative six-stroke cycle is to increase the amount of heat recovered. The performance of the six-stroke engine is observed with Petrol, Methanol, Ethanol, and Propane fuels with required thermodynamic analysis. To know the amount of percentage of waste energy, additional strokes are recorded and thermal efficiency calculated. For the Six-stroke, the general design of the piston is noticed and simulated. It is concluded that Methanol and Ethanol had the most significant feature for the Six-Stroke engine.
Artificial lift system adds energy to the fluid column in the wellbore to start and improve production from a hydrocarbon well. It is necessary when natural drives of the reservoir do not support satisfactory rates or make fluids to flow by any means at times. It is one of the main techniques to improve oil production from wells. These are intended to overcome bottom hole pressure to enable a well to deliver at the ideal rate. This includes either utilizing a pump or infusing gas to lessen its hydrostatic pressure to give extra lift pressure down hole. Different types of artificial lifts are used in the petroleum industry. Their use depends on their design, formation type and various reservoir conditions. This paper has a detailed description of various types of artificial lifts, their design and application. The advantages and disadvantages that are associated with each artificial lift system play a crucial role in the decision of selection of the most convenient system in a particular reservoir.
The massive shaping processes (forging, rolling, extrusion, wire and bar drawing) play an important role to fabricate metal products. These forming processes undergo plastic deformations of the metal and acquire required shapes and sizes by application of suitable stresses such as tension, compression and shear. Thus due to the characteristics such as cost effectiveness, good mechanical properties of the product, flexible operations, higher productivity, no wastage of the raw material and faster production rate, the work on metals in effective way becomes highly important. Bulk forming and severe deformation process result in massive shape change. The surface area-to-volume of the work is relatively small and mostly done in hot working conditions. The broad topic of bulk metal forming includes many processes both as classical and modified categories. These classical bulk metal forming processes are still in great demand in many industry sectors. It does not seem that this trend will slow down as new technologies have been developed over recent years. These technologies are continuously modified for new demands, such as higher precision (near-net shape) forming, micro-/nano-forming for micro-components, and bulk-sheet metal forming processes for complex workpieces. Thus, it is important to have a broad knowledge of the classical theories of metal forming which was mainly an overview of metal forming processes and their fundamentals. With the growing competitive industrial vibe, it is important to develop into cost-effective production processes. Especially for some automotive components, it is suggested to incorporate bulk metal forming processes into sheet metals to produce high-quality sheet metal components commercially. Sheet-bulk metal forming (SBMF) processes are defined as sheet metal forming where the flow occurs in three dimensions similar to bulk metal forming. After computer-aided design of the tool geometry, the bulk metal forming tools are usually fabricated by machining processes. The main die manufacturing process may be divided into die design, rough machining, heat treatment, finish machining, manual finishing (polishing), or benching and hard coating. The main characteristic of these processes is that the final product has the dimensions of a magnitude similar to the sheet thickness, projecting out of the plane of the sheet. Based on this characteristic, only some special bulk forming processes can be applied on sheet metals. In this review paper, the authors describe the working of various types of bulk metal forming processes, historical development, importance, future scope and challenges, so that this paper may serve as a good reference for forming process selection and identification for researchers, engineers and students.