Speech Feature Extraction and Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques
Tapping into Emotions: Understanding the Neural Mechanisms of Emotional Responses through EEG using Music
Drowsiness Detection and its Analysis of Brain Waves using Electroencephalogram
Smart Wearable Phonocardiogram for Real Time Heart Sound Analysis and Predictive Cardiac Healthcare
A Review of Non-Invasive Breath-Based Glucose Monitoring System for Diabetic Patients
Blockchain 3.0: Towards a Secure Ballotcoin Democracy through a Digitized Public Ledger in Developing Countries
Fetal ECG Extraction from Maternal ECG using MATLAB
Brief Introduction to Modular Multilevel Converters and Relative Concepts and Functionalities
Detection of Phase to Phase Faults and Identification of Faulty Phases in Series Capacitor Compensated Six Phase Transmission Line using the Norm of Wavelet Transform
A Novel Approach to Reduce Deafness in Classical Earphones: MUEAR
A novel mathematical ECG signal analysis approach for features extraction using LabVIEW
Filtering of ECG Signal Using Adaptive and Non Adaptive Filters
Application of Polynomial Approximation Techniques for Smoothing ECG Signals
A Novel Approach to Improve the Wind Profiler Doppler Spectra Using Wavelets
A Review of Non-Invasive Breath-Based Glucose Monitoring System for Diabetic Patients
In general Pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques of a voltage source inverter (VSI) need a sinusoidal reference signal and triangular carrier signal to generate the required modulating signals for the desired output. Modifications in modulating techniques can be considered in two ways, namely modified reference and modified carrier. The existing multilevel carrier based pulse width modulation (PWM) strategies have no special provisions to offer good quality output, besides lower order harmonics are introduced in the spectrum, especially at low switching frequencies. This paper proposes a new topology of a cascaded multilevel inverter that utilizes less number of switches than the conventional topology with a symmetrical DC source 7- level inverter. Phase Disposition (PD) strategy for Sinusoidal, Trapezoidal and Triangular reference with Triangular, Saw-tooth and Inverted Saw-tooth carrier strategy are simulated with the proposed topology. The performance has been analyzed with MATLAB/SIMULINK. By comparing the various references with various carrier strategies, it is observed that Trapezoidal signal provides less THD and higher fundamental RMS output voltage.
This paper deals with the automated analyzing and retarding of the toxic industrial air contaminants let out by huge chimneys or other outlets at times of peak application process. Air pollution monitoring and control is of extreme importance as it has a direct impact over humans, and their heath conditions. Accordingly, the authors used a wireless sensor network [4] at the chimney tip, acting as a filter which evaluates all the toxic output by sensors (MG811,MQ6, MQ135), which in turn is controlled by a Atmega16 microcontroller's transmitting unit. It is placed at the industrial administration sector, and receives all the sufficient outputs from the transmitting unit. The outputs are simulated graphically and the extend of over-toxic waste are also evaluated under two conditions. The primary condition is to alarm the pollution control sector of both the private and the government department, and the secondary condition is to trip the grid of the industrial power source once the toxic output content is uncontrollable or is above the mark of the default toxic limit as defined by the pollution control board. This part of the system can also be linked with the press and the media for future references and as proof for toxic emissions. Thus, the following paper deals with the automated switching and analyzing of the industrial toxic output content and also acts as a temporary controller of the same.
Video compression is the practice of reducing the size of video files while maintaining as much of the original quality as possible. To accomplish this, an application known as “codec” analyzes the video frame by frame, and breaks each frame down into square blocks known as “macroblocks”. The codec then analyzes each frame, checking for changes in the macroblocks. Areas where the macroblocks do not change for several frames in a row are noted and further analyzed. If the video compression codec determines that these areas can be removed from some of the frames, it does so, thus reducing the overall file size. There are two types of video compression: lossy and lossless. Lossy compression results in a lower file size, but also yields a loss in quality. Lossless compression, on the other hand, produces a less compressed file, but maintains the original quality. Videos and images are one of the most important approaches to represent some data. Now-a-days all the communication processes are working on such media. The main problem with this kind of media is its large size. Also, this large data contains a lot of redundant information. Compressing the video helps to reduce the size and thus saves the transmission bandwidth and storage space to achieve a high compression ratio while preserving the video quality. DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) are the most common video compression techniques. DCT has high energy compaction and requires less computational resources, DWT on the other hand is a multiresolution transformation. But the compression ratio that can be achieved is low. The proposed method uses a Hybrid DWT-DCT algorithm on motion compensated frame by taking the advantages of both methods. The performance of the proposed method can be evaluated using compression ratio, PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noice-Ratio) and mean square error.
Cryptography and Steganography are the two techniques used for secure transmission. Here, chaos encryption is used to encrypt the confidential text data onto unreadable forms. After data encryption, the data hider will conceal secret data into the ElectroCardioGram (ECG) signal using Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching (APPM). In the data extraction module, the secret data will be extracted from Steganographic ECG signal using shared secret key. To measure Steganography ECG signal effectiveness Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) be used. Finally the performance of encryption and data hiding will be analyzed based on ECG signal and data recovery. Finally the performance will be analyzed based on ECG signal and data recovery. This technique grand minimum distortion with high security protection and ECG data should be diagnosable after the data can be recovered.
This paper has been withdrawn by author
This paper presents a research on signal denoising scheme. The major approach is to protect a signal from noise.There are many signal denoising techniques which are included. Signal denoising schemes have increasingly studied the demand for real-time secure signal transmission over the Internet and through wireless networks. Traditional signal denoising algorithm without using wavelet has many drawbacks like the distorted denoised signal. The signal amplitude has become too short and signal gets noisy. In this paper, the authors have proposed a new intelligence technique which is wavelet based signal denoising by using Dual Tree DWT in which signal is better denoised on the basis of auto thresold detection. The auto thresold detection takes the maximum value of denoising parameter. The signal is better denoised by using Quasi Static Rayleigh fading. In this approach, the authors used DWT combined with dual density dual tree & hence became double density dual tree DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform).