Bandwidth Estimation in Network Probing Techniques Utilizing Min-Plus Algebraic Methods
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
The Effectiveness of Jaya Optimization for Energy Aware Cluster Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Stress Analysis and Detection from Wearable Devices
Intrusion-Tolerant Sink Configuration: A Key to Prolonged Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
Channel Estimation and It’s Techniques: A Survey
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Congestion Control Mechanisms for COAP
Impact of Mobility on Power Consumption in RPL
Implementation of Traffic Engineering Technique in MPLS Network using RSVP
FER Performance Analysis of Adaptive MIMO with OSTBC for Wireless Communication by QPSK Modulation Technique
DGS Based MIMO Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications
A Review on Optimized FFT/IFFT Architectures for OFDM Systems
Balanced Unequal Clustering AlgorithmFor Wireless Sensor Network
HHT and DWT Based MIMO-OFDM for Various ModulationSchemes: A Comparative Approach
Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
All the nodes in the Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are decentralized with no fixed infrastructure as well as each of them acts as a node, a router and transmit the packets that are not in a range. Because of these characteristics, paths connecting to the source nodes with destinations may very unstable and go down at any time, making communication over ad hoc networks difficult. The Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) is an IP routing protocol which is optimized for mobile ad-hoc networks. OLSR is a proactive link-state routing protocol which uses Hello and Topology Control (TC) messages to discover and then disseminate link state information throughout the mobile ad-hoc network. Individual nodes use this topology information to compute next hop destinations for all nodes in the network using shortest hop forwarding paths. In this paper we compared the classic OLSR algorithm with the multipath OLSR. Simulation results show that MOLSR achieves lower delay and higher packet delivery ratio, throughput than the classic OLSR.
Vehicular Ad — Hoc Networks must enhance its safety measures, because many obstacles affecting the Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure communications during the message dissemination. In this paper discussed, about safety measure techniques in VANETs. There is different issue regarding to VANET safety message communication in Far and near vehicles. This work make available to understand some safety measures techniques in VANETs communications and to design new more efficient mechanism for protection.
FHMIPv6 was only designed to provide local mobility management, it still suffers from a lengthy handoff latency and packet loss during the handoff process when Mobile Node(MN) moves to a new network or different technology with a very high speed. Even more, since detecting MNs' detachment and attachment events remains challenging in many wireless networks, increase handoff latency. Such long handoff latency might disrupt seamless communication session and some interruptions. For example, handoff that might reach hundreds of milliseconds would not be acceptable for delay-sensitive applications like video streaming and video conference.
The use of the Media Independent Information Service (MIIS) in the IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH) framework to improve handoff performance for Fast Handoff in hierarchical Mobile IPv6 is explored. Integrating FHMIPv6 and MIH has been the concern of the proposal in optimizing handoff latency. This solution tries to preserve the quality of the streaming video upon each handoff, recovering the user video session spoiled by the high delay caused by MIP. The performance of the handoff latency, packet loss, throughput and video transmission quality were simulated tool using NS-2.
Indian electricity transmission and distribution system is encountering huge multifold problems in technical and non technical fronts, Thus induction of devices for analyzing, handling and predicting the problems for betterment of energy management. Looking at the scenario the on line monitoring and control system is the only solution to overcome the crises of loss occurred in transmission System, Hence the transmission of energy is monitored by deploying sensors on overhead transmission lines at a very close locations on the support structures on each span. In our work we have used voltage sensors, accelerometers and temperature sensors for collecting data. Thus the collected data will be delivered to the central control centre through GSM communication for immediate action and the data will be stored for further investigations.
The advancement in wireless communication is achieving a tremendous increase of low cost wireless sensor network. The activities around are sensed from the environment, gathered and transmitted to intended users. This paper focuses for a high efficient data gathering through the agent mobility with routing and event driven mechanism. Here the agent move towards the subhead of the event driven data, replacing the sink mobility and thereby reducing the energy consumption of the network. Based on the data gathering algorithm, the sub head chooses the closest fixed nodes along the path as roots to build a routing tree dynamically. The sub-heads perform data aggregation through direct communication area (DCA) between trajectories L1 and L2, multihop communication area (MCA) and sent to sink reversely by the tree. This paper has used priority based routing in which the sub heads are set with a priority according to which the agent moves. Since the energy consumption is minimized and the network lifetime is improved, the mobile agent-based data gathering protocol is better than others. Added to the agent based data gathering the priority based routing also increases the network lifetime.