Bandwidth Estimation in Network Probing Techniques Utilizing Min-Plus Algebraic Methods
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
The Effectiveness of Jaya Optimization for Energy Aware Cluster Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Stress Analysis and Detection from Wearable Devices
Intrusion-Tolerant Sink Configuration: A Key to Prolonged Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks
Channel Estimation and It’s Techniques: A Survey
Performance Evaluation of Advanced Congestion Control Mechanisms for COAP
Impact of Mobility on Power Consumption in RPL
Implementation of Traffic Engineering Technique in MPLS Network using RSVP
FER Performance Analysis of Adaptive MIMO with OSTBC for Wireless Communication by QPSK Modulation Technique
DGS Based MIMO Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Applications
A Review on Optimized FFT/IFFT Architectures for OFDM Systems
Balanced Unequal Clustering AlgorithmFor Wireless Sensor Network
HHT and DWT Based MIMO-OFDM for Various ModulationSchemes: A Comparative Approach
Study and Comparison of Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
Diagnosis of Anemia using Non-Invasive Anemia Detector through Parametrical Analysis
The advancement in wireless communication technology has accelerated the use of patch antenna in the field of microwave and millimeter wave applications. This paper work illustrates the design and measurement of diamond shape microstrip antenna for 2.7/7.36/8.58 GHz applications. The antenna has been designed and simulated using Zeland IE3D 9.08 microwave simulator. The proposed structure consists of a rectangular ground plane, on which the rectangular section is rotated at an angle of 45°, which looks like a diamond-shaped section, in which diamond-shaped slots are incorporated, and the antenna is split into two parts at a gap of 0.5 mm to improve impedance bandwidth using slotted coupling. The bandwidth of the fractional impedance of the proposed antenna is 15%, 5.4% and 2.3%, respectively when simulated and 5.9%, 5.4% and 2.3% respectively, when measured with a maximum gain of 6 dBi.
Electricity is an integral part of our lives, and hence its consumption should be monitored and controlled. In most cases, consumers find it difficult to monitor electricity consumption of appliances. This paper creates a unique platform for both consumers and the power generation companies and helps to reconfigure the loads based on the needs of the consumers. The proposed meter is designed using Arduino Uno and a Wi-Fi module. The real time data obtained by the proposed meter are stored in cloud storage and the same is sent to consumers via the digital mode using IoT. With end-toend energy consumption estimates, a user can know the projected monthly electricity bill, and once two-way communication is established, both the consumer and energy producer can effectively control loads, leading to responsible consumption and production. This system provides information with greater clarity and helps consumers to cope with their monthly/annual budget for electricity bill.
Technology is evolving day by day with the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, sensory commerce, etc. With busy schedules, people commute between cities for job from home and waiting at a checkout counter in a shopping mall is considered to be a waste of time. The system proposed in this paper helps people to complete their shopping transaction with ease. With this system, a customer need not wait in the queue for the scanning for the product items for billing purpose. They can self-scan the products on their own with the barcode unit. As a result, billing can be conducted from the shopping cart itself, preventing customers from waiting in a long queue at checkout counter. Supermarkets can provide this facility to customers who have membership or loyalty card with the particular outlet or the chain of outlets in any city. In our proposal, this shopping trolley are specially made for the use of the customers who would be having membership with the supermarket. Supermarkets may use this technology as a strategy to increase the number of customers.
In this paper, band rejection techniques in printed Microstrip Ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna is reviewed and analyzed. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the frequency band 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz for the UWB system in 2002. UWB is a promising technology for future wireless communication systems but due to its wideband spectrum it has possibility to interfere with other narrowband systems. To overcome this problem a number of techniques are proposed by introducing a band rejection capability in UWB system. However these techniques have some disadvantages and limitations. In this paper, we studied different techniques proposed so far in open literature. After reviewing them we divided them into different categories for systematic comparison in a tabular format. The working operation and limitations of proposed designs are discussed. All techniques are critically assessed and based on specific advantages and disadvantages, recommendation is given to use the appropriate technique to satisfy the given design requirements. The future research work required for further exploration of UWB antenna is also proposed.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a developing area of research. In sensor network applications, monitoring of the detected amount of data, monitoring the status of a wireless touch terminal, processing and displaying data have become key components of sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which comprise of spatially distributed self-configurable sensors, impeccably meet the prerequisite. Since running real experiments is expensive and tedious, recreation is basic to contemplate WSNs, being the normal method to test new applications and conventions in the field. It requires a reasonable model dependent on strong suppositions and a suitable system to ease usage. Moreover, the results of recovery depend on the specific situation under investigation (environment), equipment and suspicions at the physical layer, which, as a rule, are not accurate enough to track the real behavior of the WSN, thus risking the reliability of the results. In any case, the detailed models take into account scalability and execution issues as there are a huge number of hubs that rely on the application to replicate. The goal of this study is to conduct a survey on various simulator uses for WSNs.