Performance Evaluation of High-Rise Diagrid Steel Structures with Different Angle and Base Width
Advancements in CubeSat Development: Applications and Structural Analysis
Analysis of the Erosion and Accretion Dynamics of the Teesta River: Shifting Patterns from 1993 to 2023
Advanced Computational Approaches for Structural Integrity Assessment: Multi-Scale Modelling and Experimental Validation
Transforming Disaster Response: The Role of Agentic AI in Crisis Management
Study on Strength Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate Concrete
A Step By Step Illustrative Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis and Find the Nodal Displacements for a Two Dimensional Plate Structure
Lateral - Torsional Buckling of Various Steel Trusses
Comparative Study on Methodology of Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis Over DSHA and PSHA
A Step by Step Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis of Beam and Bar Problems in Civil Engineering Including Sizing Optimisation of a Beam
Investigation on the Properties of Non Conventional Bricks
Analysis on Strength and Fly Ash Effect of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement using M-Sand
Investigation on Pozzolanic Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Effect of Symmetrical Floor Plan Shapes with Re-Entrant Corners on Seismic Behavior of RC Buildings
Effect of Relative Stiffness of Beam and Column on the Shear Lag Phenomenon in Tubular Buildings
This paper presents an overview of geosynthetics as a lightweight and sustainable material for wide range of applications in various fields of construction technology in J&K. Srinagar and Jammu are the main two cities-summer & winter capitals of the State, linked by 300km road, which passes through hilly terrain and steep slopes. Due to monsoon and heavy snowfall, there are always chances of landslides, snow avalanches and rockfalls all along National Highway thereby disturbing the normal life. For construction of road in a hilly terrain in J&K, it is necessary to trim the soil on one side and fill the same on the other side to get a level surface. Breast walls and retaining walls are used for stable road formation. But sometimes, in addition to the gravity force on the soil mass, the self-weight of these breast walls and retaining walls add to the instability of slope and the road fails. Thus, there is a dire need for a technically viable, economically feasible, lightweight and sustainable material for use in wider applications. There is a lot of scope for utilization of geosynthetic as a lightweight and sustainable material for construction of roads, rockfall protection, retaining walls, stability of slopes, railway project, erosion control, growth of vegetation, drainage etc., in J&K.
Cement concrete is porous in its basic structure as a result of which permeation of air, moisture and other deleterious agents occur, causing corrosion of reinforcement. Corrosion is defined as the deterioration of a material through a chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. The phenomenon of corrosion of reinforcement bar in concrete is a time dependent process. Under severe environmental conditions also, it takes years for the steel reinforcement to be corroded and to cause deterioration of Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures. However when it becomes imperative to evaluate the relative performance of different types of steel and binder in a short time, the accelerated corrosion test can be adopted. Effort has been made to present the corrosion resistance of M100 High Strength Self Compacting Concrete (HSSCC) with and without adding Hybrid fibers (Steel Fibers with aspect ratio 60:1 and Glass Fibers with aspect ratio 857:1). The specimens are tested after 28 days of curing. The corrosion process is initiated by applying a constant voltage of 6 volts to the system in which concrete specimens of 100x200mm cylinders with concentrically embedded rebar of 10mm are placed in NaCl solution of 1.2 molarity. The specimens are visually inspected at regular intervals of time for the onset of cracks. The accelerated corrosion test is terminated after cracking of the specimen is observed i.e., when there is onset of a large current increase corresponding to time and the results are interpreted in a current-time graph.
The focus of the study is on the structural behavior of integral bridges including the effect of soil-structure interaction specifically, under thermal loading. Towards this objective, a numerical example is considered in which, the thermal loading parameter and the soil parameter are varied. The multi linear spring stiffness of soil at abutment-backfill interface and at soil pile interface considered in the study are computed and adopted for the soil-structure interaction studies. The response of Integral Abutment Bridges (IAB) is studied, principally in terms of the displacements and bending moments in the superstructure deck. The study revealed that the response of the IAB is very sensitive to the thermal loading especially at larger temperature change. The effect of rise in temperature significantly affects the behavior of deck only adjacent to the abutments. However, elsewhere the effect is negligible. The influence of type of soil as backfill and around piles on the behavior of the deck girder is not significant.
The present investigation assesses the incorporation of industrial waste copper slag and fly ash in concrete. The combined effect of copper slag (CS) and fly ash (FA) as a partial replacement of cement on the compressive strength of concrete has been investigated. The hydration of cement with CS and FA was investigated through X-ray diffraction (XRD). Fifteen mixes were prepared at different replacement levels of CS (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% & 20%) and FA (0%, 5% & 10%) with cement. Results indicate that the compressive strength of concrete decreases as copper slag content increases for all curing ages. The reduction in compressive strength is minor up to 10% of copper slag but beyond 10% of copper slag, there is significant reduction in compressive strength. The addition of FA with 5% and 10% of CS slightly reduces the compressive strength, but addition of fly with 15% and 20% of CS considerably reduces the compressive strength of concrete. XRD showed that the addition of fly ash with 10% of copper slag slightly reduced the hydration of cement, but the addition of fly ash with 20% of copper slag significantly reduced the hydration of cement. The combination of (10% CS + 10% FA) is recommended as maximum replacement of cement.
Cold formed steel structures are structural products that are made by forming plane sheets of steel at an ambient temperature into different shapes that can be used to satisfy structural and functional requirements. In recent years, the demand for high strength materials for wide range of structural applications has been instrumental for more developments in cold-formed steel sections as compared to the hot rolled steel sections. Therefore, the understanding of cold formed steel performance becomes an important issue to be studied. This paper holds three works. First, it reviews an introduction on cold formed steel structures. Second, it summarizes special design criteria and local buckling and post buckling strength of cold formed steel constructions. Finally, it offers a conclusion on the need for innovative sectional profiles over the conventional sections for cold formed steel.