Experimental Study on Performance of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beams with Varied Proportions of Fly Ash
Assessment of Meteorological Droughts in Three Regions of Bengaluru, Karnataka
Comparative Analysis and Design of Integral Bridges: Thermal Effects, Soil-Structure Interaction, and Structural Performance
Evaluation of Bamboo Leaf Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material in Concrete
Deep Learning - Based Detection of Fine Cracks in High-Resolution Concrete Dam Surfaces
Study on Strength Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate Concrete
A Step By Step Illustrative Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis and Find the Nodal Displacements for a Two Dimensional Plate Structure
Lateral - Torsional Buckling of Various Steel Trusses
Comparative Study on Methodology of Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis Over DSHA and PSHA
A Step by Step Procedure to Perform Isogeometric Analysis of Beam and Bar Problems in Civil Engineering Including Sizing Optimisation of a Beam
Investigation on the Properties of Non Conventional Bricks
Analysis on Strength and Fly Ash Effect of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement using M-Sand
Investigation on Pozzolanic Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Effect of Symmetrical Floor Plan Shapes with Re-Entrant Corners on Seismic Behavior of RC Buildings
Effect of Relative Stiffness of Beam and Column on the Shear Lag Phenomenon in Tubular Buildings
Among major effects of high temperatures on structural materials include a dramatic change in thematerial behavior and a reduction in the load resistance capacity. In a structural system, the high temperatures from fire along with the changes occurredto the material properties and behavior may affect the system's integrity and capability to supportloads. As the fire persists in a building, structural components suffer a gradual degradation processthat may eventually lead to structural collapse. From the serviceability point of view, a building isconsidered a loss once fire spreads to a major portion of it regardless of whether structural collapseoccurs or not. However, the collapse prevention is especially important to the safety of fire fighterswho stay around or inside the building until the fire is completely contained. In this regard, animportant design consideration is how to treat the collapse issue in a design code. At the presenttime, fire protection coating remains as the only safeguard against fire in buildings. No specificguidelines exist to address design strategies to reduce the risk of collapse in buildings during fire.In an effort to clarify on design issues for buildings subject to high temperature arising from fire,this paper presents the results of an investigation into the behavior of structures subject to hightemperatures during fire. Floor systems made up of reinforced concrete slabs with or withoutintermediate beams were investigated under application of a loading that consisted of dead load andfire exposure. The effect of high temperature on material strength and behavior; creep and crackingin concrete; formation of localized failures; and structural degradation resulting from loss of stiffnesswere investigated using a nonlinear finite element analysis. The analysis simulated the loadingprocess and followed the step-by-step structural degradation of floor systems until a predeterminedcollapse criterion was reached. The results revealed a dramatic loss of structural stiffness after atemperature increase of about 400-500 ° C. The paper also describes the significance of fire loadsin structural analysis and design. Issues pertinent to design include: (1) prevention; and (2) designfor safe performance in a fire. These issues as related to a performance-based design code arereviewed and discussed.
A series of laboratory model tests has been carried out on a model strip footing to investigate the use of waste tire fiber as reinforcement to increase the bearing capacity of soil. Fiber content and depth of reinforcement at relative density 60% are considered to be the main parameters in this paper. The fiber aspect ratio of 12.5 (length = 25mm and width =2mm) was selected. The thickness of reinforcement was kept as 0.5B, 1B, 1.5B and 2B (B is the width of the footing) and four different fiber contents of 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.0% by weight were selected. It has been found that Bearing Capacity Ratio of soil is improved with addition of waste tire fibers at all fiber contents and thicknesses of reinforcement. A maximum value of 1.64 has been found at a fiber content of 0.75% and thickness of reinforcement 1.5B.
For the purpose of carrying different fluids to its operating units, generally a pipe rack structure having pipes of various sizes laid on it is used in an industrial refinery plant. Sudden opening or closing of pipe valves leads to water hammer effect. Also at pipe bends, this phenomenon is prevalent. A soil structure (pipe-rack) interaction is carried out. By coupling the infinite elements (H.R. Yerli, B. Temel and E.Kiral 1998) with standard finite elements, an ordinary finite element procedure is used for simulation of wave propagation in an unbounded foundation due to external forces. Example studied here indicates that the present approach can be useful for analyzing the transient response of soil-structure interaction problems.
In this paper a typical five-storied reinforced concrete plane frames with full isolation are analyzed, assuming two ground types namely rock and moderately soft soil. These two ground types are combined with fundamental vibration periods of 2, 3 and 4 seconds respectively in a high-risk seismic region with the overall isolation system. The isolation systems are made of in-parallel high-damping laminated-rubber bearings and supplemental viscous dampers. Real accelerograms at El Centro 1940 are considered and analysis is carried out with SAP 2000 Version 12 using time history analysis. It is concluded that a supplemental viscous damping at the base is appropriate for controlling the isolator displacement, so avoiding overly large isolators and it is found that displacement will reduce in both the soil conditions; also displacement is less for higher vibration period and a comparison is also made for a base isolated structure with and without supplemental damper.
Bridges and culverts form important parts of a rail or road or any other type of communication network and the major part of the project of the cost of the project goes into the construction of these structures. In order to cater to high speeds and more safety requirements of the traffic, modern highways are to be straight as far as possible and this has required the provision of increasing number of skew bridges. In brief the study includes the behavior of skew slab bridges with respect to support reaction and deflection of the slab under standard IRC 70R wheeled loading. The modeling of the slab is done by using both Finite element method (FEM) and Grillage method and results are compared.