Glaucoma Detection Based on Fundus Images using Machine Learning Techniques
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Lung Cancer Diagnosis using LungNet-TL Model
Optimized Hybrid Model Combining Hidden Markov and Stochastic Neural Networks for Groundwater Quality Forecasting in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India
Second-Order Polynomial Interpolation Filters for Image Demosaicking with Perceptual-Based Tone Mapping and Quantum-Inspired Optimization
E-Commerce Product Recommendation using Machine Learning Techniques
Now-a-days companies are concentrating on more data to take informed decisions. Companies that are able to effectively use data are the world leaders in terms of wealth, development and growth. Even to survive, operate and compete in this age, organizations need to be able to effectively use their data. Huge amount of investment is made in storing and processing large amounts of data to make better decisions. Data lake is a massive, easily accessible data store/repository that allows for collecting large volumes of structured and unstructured data in its native format from disparate data sources. This paper describes Data Lake, Schema-on-Write, Schema-on-Read, Characteristics and implementation of data lake.
The evolution of information technology that transcends time and space has enabled organizations to leverage virtual team collaboration. New collaborative technology, such as Google Apps/Google Docs, has disrupted traditional assumptions about collaboration. This empirical study on virtual teams examines how social and technical influences shape collaboration. It analyzes the performance and process of collaboration to detect changes, if any, brought about by modern collaboration tools, as well as the implications to organizations that deploy virtual teams. The findings show that new tools promote changes in the process of collaboration from a sequential to an iterative cycle of discussion and production. Practitioners can benefit from the insights of this study by evaluating the nature of teams and the support provided for their collaboration. In addition, collaborative technology has differential effects based on the social dynamics that occur within virtual teams.
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack is a one-click attack, which is very common and widely known. The CSRF attack involves exploitation of session cookies when the victim is in the active session of their account on a website. The CSRF attack allows the attacker to perform unauthorized activities, which is unknown to the user. An attack is a forged HTTP request which exploits the current session of user in the browser. The attack makes the browser act on the forged HTTP without the knowledge of the user so the most important prevention is browser-based solution. The browser-based solution cannot always work because browser allows third party websites to perform a request to trusted websites. The CSRF attack exploits the trust that a website has in the user's browser. In this paper, the authors have proposed an additional authentication technique to prevent the CSRF attack.
The objective of this work is to develop Biometric based sender authentication in public key cryptosystems to overcome the man-in-the-middle attack or hacking issues and provide a high level of security. Biometric Technologies are automated methods for verifying or recognizing the identity of a person based on physiological or behavioural characteristics. In public key cryptosystems, authentication is provided either by HASH function, MAC (Message Authentication Code) function or Digital Signature. In this work, the authors have used a Biometric based sender Authentication using Speech Feature in public key Cryptosystem. Here the public key cryptosystem uses Diffie Hellman (DH) algorithm. DH generates a shared secret key between two parties over an insured communication, but DH does not provide Encryption/Decryption and authentication. The man-in-the-middle attack or Hacking is possible in DH, because it does not authenticate the participants. In this work, the authors overcome the authentication and the man-in-middle attack problem by using Biometric based sender authentication. Also the speech encryption and decryption are performed with the message for high security.
Due to rapid development in the network and communication field, it has become necessary to protect the unauthorized duplication of a confidential image. In today’s internet era, fortification of digital gratified during communication is a penurious. The Development of multimedia applications makes digital media to bring about conveniences to the people by easy processing of data. At the same time, it enables the illegal attackers to attack the works. For the protection of data, there has been a growing interest in developing effective techniques to discourage the unauthorized duplication of digital data among Cryptography, Watermarking and Steganography. This paper is a comprehensive review of diverse image processing methods and enormous number of interrelated solicitations in various disciplines, including various cryptography, Steganography, watermarking techniques. In this paper, different existing techniques are discussed along with their drawbacks future scope.
In this paper, the authors have done a comparison between the leading database systems currently used in industry as well as in academics. Relational & Non-relational are the two leading Databases currently used in both academic & professional industry. Database stores data, which generates rapidly these days, but database is not only about storage information. Database is also concerned about managing huge mass of data in a consistent & stable manner, which is also quickly recoverable or accessible when it is needed. The prominent features of both the databases with all specifications & comparisons are analyzed here. Relational databases are around us for so many years and are a choice of most technologies, but current growth of data and the internet market with the new emerging of web technologies leads us toward new trends like web 3.0. These technologies is new, leading us to a new challenge & management concept. NoSQL database, has become a very popular database, because it gives us an alternative to the relational database especially in dealing with massive data. As we already know, this is a main problem of DB management with high availability & scalability for distributed systems as they need fast access with no down time during problems. This paper present the concept of Non-relational database motivations & movement, and the needs behind it and also reviews the different types of Non-RDBMS and the issues related to both databases with application & security issues and their comparison with relational databases.