Enhancing Mechanical Engineering Education in Zimbabwe through Identifying Critical Equipment, Facilities, and Maintenance Strategies for Effective Training at Universities
Additive Manufacturing: A Catalyst for Economic Development in Zimbabwe
Investigating Fiber Laser Marking Parameters for Titanium Alloy to Enhance Orthopaedic Implant Traceability and Corrosion Resistance
Mechanical Properties of a Composite Formed from Bamboo Granules and Glass Fiber
Seed Dropping Drone
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
In this paper, the authors have proposed a low cost solar powered automatic head light controller depending upon the traffic density on the roads. General automobiles have been provided with dual purpose headlights in the dark conditions where the scene is not visible. The low beam light and high beam light are used for different conditions or parameters which affect travelling on road. A 3D Mechanical Design has been done to check the feasibility of the solar panel, controller to accommodate on the stand, then fabricated the exact design with mild steel bars as a support in the form of a stand to the controller. With the help of LDR sensor circuit and dim and brightness controller unit they have successfully tested the unit. Even ultrasonic sensors are also used to detect the objects and activate the controller. At last the equipment is one of the low cost solar powered automatic controller.
Short Glass Fibers (SGF) reinforced thermoplastic are increasingly replacing metals and its alloys with the advent of new polymer alloys and blends. Concurrently the product designs are also becoming more complex, increasing the dependence on simulation software. In order to obtain accurate mathematical and simulation results, experimental data have to be carefully integrated into mathematical models used in these software.The effect of varying weight percentage of SGF from 0 to 15% on tensile properties of the Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) thermoplastic materials was evaluated using Moldflow simulation software and the results were compared with experimental and Finite Element Modelling Data. The Moldflow simulation software showed a drop in injection pressure above 10 wt.% SGF in ABS matrix. Experimental data also showed a drop in young's modulus above 10 wt.%.The Halpin-Tsai model for randomly oriented fibers showed an increase in young's modulus.Using the FEM approach, the reason for drop in injection pressure and young's modulus after 10 wt.% was analysed. It was observed that there is a critical inter-fibergap, below which the stress interaction effects begin to dominate and the stress between the fibers reaches the shear yield strength resulting in a drop in injection pressure and young's modulus. Critical inter-fiber gap for SGF-ABS composite is 60 micron.
Welding is the process of joining two or more similar or dissimilar metals with or without the application of heat or pressure to the work piece. Mild steel is gathered wide acceptance in the fabrication of pipelines, power plants, refineries, pressure vessels, nuclear reactors, building & bridges, automotive, trucks & trains, ships, offshore structures, aerospace structures and microelectronics. In any structural application, its weldability is of utmost importance as welding is largely used for joining of structural and process equipment components. Ast37 graded mild steel is mostly used for fabrication of pressure vessels which are used in process industries. The preferred welding process for mild steel is frequently arc welding due to its comparatively better strength for the material and better economy. To get better weld strength, many of the process parameters are greatly influenced. Some of mostly influenced parameters are welding current, electrode diameter and welding speed. The output parameters mostly considered are of its tensile strength, hardness and porosity of the weldments.
This work is based on vapour compression refrigeration system. In this research paper, entransy analysis, entropy generation analysis, exergy analysis and coefficient of performance of the system are analyzed. For these analyses, computer software is developed and visual basic language is used to develop this software. The developed software is used to analyze VCR system for different parameters at various operating conditions. Input energy ratio (W ), entransy r dissipation ratio (G ), entropy generation ratio (S ), exergy ratio (φ ) and COP ratio (COP ) are evaluated at different dr gr r r source and sink temperatures. These analyses are also done at different heat capacitances of condenser and evaporator. Then finally, performance characteristic curves are generated for VCR system. These curves help to identify those operating conditions at which optimum performance of VCR system can be achieved. This research work can be concluded as - at maximum source/sink temperatures (320K/273K), entransy dissipation and exergy both quantities are minimum with respect to designed temperatures (310K/263K). And for maximum condenser conductance/minimum evaporator conductance (8/2), entransy dissipation and exergy both quantities are again minimum.
This paper shows an evaluation of a flowability of developed agglomerated fluxes and has been determined. The basic constituents of these fluxes are CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 Minor additions of MgO, MnO, CaF2, NiO and Fe-Cr are mixed in the basic constituents as to see the performance in terms of flowability of these developed fluxes on weld metal. The flowability of these fluxes was good and welding behavior in terms of Arc initiation, Arc stability and weld appearance was also good.
Through a case study this paper depicts various innovative energy conservation opportunities in Open Cast Coal Mining. The research and development works are conducted in a particular Open Cast Coal Mine which belongs to Eastern Coal field Ltd(ECL), a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd (CIL), India. This paper will review the glimpse of methodology used and various energy conservation recommendations which are given in the Research and Developement project, followed by complete technical details of each and every recommendation. Mined coal transportation and coal handling plant are the two major energy intensive areas of opencast coal mining which are mainly emphasized in this endeavor. Finally, this paper concludes with the possible amount of energy savings with up-gradation of the mining system as per recommendations. It also indicates that the mine will also get huge monetary, safety and competitive advantages with the implementation of these energy conservation measures.