Sustainable School Furniture Manufacturing: A Case of a Basic Workshop Innovation in Zimbabwe
Design and Testing of a Low-Cost Manually Operated Briquette Press for Sustainable Biomass Utilisation
Development of Arc Welding Defects for NDT Certification in Zimbabwe using Design of Experiments
A Comprehensive Examination of Various Edible and Non-Edible Oils
A Comprehensive Review of Tribological Performance of Coatings on Automotive Piston Rings
Design of Oil-Ammonia Separator for Refrigeration Systems
A Review on Mechanical and Tribological Characteristics of Hybrid Composites
Design and Experimental Investigation of a Natural Draft Improved Biomass Cookstove
Progressive Development of Various Production and Refining Process of Biodiesel
Optimization of Wire-ED Turning Process Parameters by Taguchi-Grey Relational Analysis
Evaluation Of Mechanical Behavior Of Al-Alloy/SiC Metal Matrix Composites With Respect To Their Constituents Using Taguchi Techniques
Multistage Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuel by Ionic Liquids
Isomorphism Identification of Compound Kinematic Chain and Their Mechanism
Development of Electroplating Setup for Plating Abs Plastics
A Comprehensive Review of Biodiesel Application in IDI Engines with Property Improving Additives
This paper helps in understanding the influence of filler on the impact properties of Polyamides (Nylon6) and its composites. Generally, it is known that ABS possesses more toughness than Nylon6 and hence an effort has been made to make Nylon6 tougher than ABS material. The Nylon6 is reinforced with Glass Fibre and Casio3 (Calcium Silicate). Low velocity impact investigations have been carried out using a vertical drop- weight testing machine. The tests were conducted on the samples at different drop heights of 320 mm, 620 mm, 1000 mm and different drop weights of 0.89 kg, 1.395 kg and 2.33 kg. Impact measurement under the above said conditions for the materials A, B, C and D indicated that the addition of Glass Fibre and Casio3 led to a significant improvement in the impact strength of the polyamides.
In modern vehicle suspension systems poses significant challenges to suspension system design. Consequently, novel suspension concepts are required to improve the vehicle’s dynamic performance. In recent years, attributed to the fact that active suspension systems have superior performance in terms of ride comfort and road-handling performances compared to their passive and semi-active suspensions parts. A feasibility study of the development of an active automotive suspension system using Linear motor actuator will be presented. This system developed the high performance and quick response with the reliability of passive dampers in a single package, offering safe superior suspension system. As a response to the expanding demand for superior vehicle suspension systems, this study describes the performance evaluation of a new Linear motor actuator in an active suspension system. Main advance of the solution is the to generate desire force acting between the unsprung mass and the spring mass of the vehicle opposite to the sprung mass displacement, providing reduction in sprung mass displacement providing good insulation against the road disturbances. It is to be tested in frequency/time domains for verification of the derived analytical and simulation models. The presented study is only a small portion of the growing research in this area, and it is hoped that the results obtained here will lead to the realization of a safer and more superior automotive suspension system.
Superplasticity is the ability of the materials to under go large uniform strains prior to failure. Super plastic forming (SPF) is a near net-shape forming process used in aero-shape and automobile industries. Superplastic forming of conical shapes invariably poses a problem so far as large thickness variation is concerned, which occurs between apex and base of the cone. The observed variation is inevitable in Superplastic forming. In the present investigations a nearly uniform thickness could be achieved in a conical dome shape by pre-profiling of the initial blank, while the present experiments were carried out with a model material Sn-Pb alloy of 60%Sn and 40%Pb. The same is applicable for other superplasic materials e.g., Al-alloys, Ti-alloys etc. Initial experiments were carried out with uniformly disc shaped blanks, which have shown a large variation in thickness at different stages of forming of conical shapes. A simple mathematical manipulation leads to a design of profiled blank, which was thicker at centre and thinner at periphery. After forming up to an average strain of 0.54, the experiment was halted and reasonable uniformity of thickness was noted at this stage of forming.
The distortion of thin-walled aluminum ribs under milling operations places a constraint on the achievable rib thickness and surface quality. End milling is the most common way of producing thin-walled aluminum structures such as ribs and webs. The cutting tools for this process could be significantly long, slender and deficient in stiffness. Hence, the combined elastic compliance of the thin-walled rib and cutting tool produces significant distortions, in terms of deviations in the thickness and surface flatness of the machined rib. This paper presents a study of such variations in the distortion of aluminum ribs machined by end milling at low and high spindle speeds. Unsupported thin-walled aluminum structures were end-milled to thin-walled sections at low and high spindle speeds, respectively. The resulting variations in thickness and flatness at both speed regimes were compared. The same machining conditions, in terms of feeds, depth of cut, and cutter tool paths were maintained. Also, the use of mist and flood coolant was respectively investigated to demonstrate the effect of environmental conditions on the achievable rib distortion.
In modern manufacturing arena the supply chain of the firms are given equal importance along with the products since it not only opens up an area for cost cutting but serves as a fruitful effort for profit making. Supply chain is a closed loop consisting of different functionaries like the suppliers, distributors and retailers. However, the profitability and the decision making in supply chain is not a confined task. To achieve the total supply chain profitability it is vital to maintain healthy communication between the different levels. Maximization of the profit is focused on each level but individual levels can not optimize it. Communication distortion and the information asymmetry result from lack of coordination, which becomes the major sources of the “bullwhip-effect”. This paper attempts to designing a system which would achieve the integration in supply chain levels which in turn will maximize the profit. One such model to design a system that brings quicker response and improved communication is discussed here as “TADS”. The “Total Agile Design System” facilitates the integration of the levels of supply chain which in turn tampers the “bullwhip — effect”.
In the present experimental work a computerized Single cylinder Diesel engine with data acquisition system was used to study the effects of oxygen enriched air intake on Ignition delay and Heat release curves. Increasing the oxygen content with the air leads shorter Ignition delay, elevated heat release curves and the ability to burn more fuel at the same stoichiometry. Added oxygen in the combustion air offers more potential for burning diesel. Engine test have been carried out in the above said engine for different loads and the range of ignition delay and Heat release curves with respect to different percentage of oxygen enrichment was discussed.
The present experimental work was conducted on a lathe machine to establish the effects of various roller burnishing parameters: burnishing force, burnishing feed and burnishing speed on the surface roughness and surface hardness of EN-31 steel. A simple designed roller-burnishing tool was used throughout the experimental work presented in this paper. It was observed that all the parameters studied; effect the surface finish and surface hardness to varying degrees. The surface roughness Ra first decreases and then increases with increasing burnishing force. The effects of burnishing feed and burnishing speed on the surface finish also showed similar trends. Results showed that the burnishing feed, burnishing speed and burnishing force has also significant effect on surface hardness.