Modeling and Simulation of Single Phase Double Capacitors Induction Motor

Sameer Khader*
Vice President, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine.
Periodicity:July - September'2009


The aim of this paper is to study the performances of Single-phase Induction motor at varying Pulse Width Modulation signals (PWM) and adjustable switching capacitance. The control system is implemented in such a way that it allowed the change in motor speed and loading level.

The attractiveness of this configuration is the elimination of pulse generating unit, and the centrifugal switch. The  pulses are generated based on the back  e.m.f , and the duty period of the electronic switches  is controlled in  such a way with purpose to obtain optimized capacitor values that, in turn  leads to maximum torque and efficiency. The  electromagnetic processes are  modeled and  the  simulation results  are  presented  and  analyzed in order to obtain optimized  solution combining  maximum torque with low capacitors  values.

Matlab /simulink approach is implemented in processing the behaviors of Single Phase Induction Motor, where the most of the machine parameters are accessible for control verification purposes. Prototype model  for result verification should be described in future work.


Simulation, Synchronous Motors, Induction Motor, Capacitor Motors, Vector Computer Control, and PWM.

How to Cite this Article?

Sameer H. Khader (2009). Modeling and Simulation of Single Phase Double Capacitors Induction Motor. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 3(1), Jul-Sep 2009, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 27-33.


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