Performance Evaluation of Sensor Node Distribution Patterns for Efficiency Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks

Kalpana M*, M. Chandrasekaran**
*Senior Lecturer ,Dept of ECE,Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engg College ,Perambalur,India.
**Assistant Professor,Dept of ECE ,Government College of Engg,Salem ,India
Periodicity:January - March'2007


Distribution of sensor nodes for efficient sensitivity is analysed in this paper for finding out the Routing Protocol along with the Congestion Control Algorithm that could be used in Wireless Sensor Networks.  The analysis is performed by the simulation of wireless sensor networks with two different routing protocols used in mobile ad hoc networks — AODV and DSDV. The Protocol assumed in the Transmission layer is TCP. Four variants of TCP congestion control are assumed. They are TCP/Tahoe (simply called as TCP), TCP/New Reno, TCP/Vegas and TCP/Fast. The Network is simulated using ns2, the event driven network simulator used by most of the network researchers. Five different node distribution patterns are assumed. Their efficiency is compared by evaluating the throughput in each network topology with a single mobile source node, a fixed base station node and sensor nodes in a distribution pattern. The results show that the sensor nodes if implemented with AODV Routing protocol and TCP/Vegas congestion control algorithm perform more efficiently.


Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensitivity Pattern, Node Distribution, Ns2, AODV, DSDV, TCP, Congestion Algorithms

How to Cite this Article?

Kalpana M and Chandrasekaran M (2007). Performance Evaluation of Sensor Node Distribution Patterns for Efficiency Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 1(3),79-84.


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