A Proposed Topology for Reduction of Power Consumption in ADHOC Wireless Networks

Subramanyam M.V*, K. Satya Prasad**
*Dept of ECE .,R.G.M.College of Engg and Tech Nandyal,Kurnool dist,A.P.
**Principal and Prof of ECE ,JNTU College of Engg.,Kakinada,West Godavari Dist.
Periodicity:May - July'2006
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.1.4.984


Wireless Technology has advanced tremendously over the past decade, introducing a wide array of devices with networking abilities. Adhoc networks are dynamically created and maintained by a group of wireless enabled devices(gargets) without the assistance of pre-existing infrastructure like Base Station(BS) for communication purposes. In this paper, we consider the issue of performance enhancement of wireless networks in terms of ‘overhead messages per node and power consumption’. Minimizing power consumption is an important challenge in mobile networks. Wireless network interface is often a device’s single largest consumer of power. To fulfill the above requirements, we have designed a topology management scheme for adhoc wireless networks. In our topology management scheme, MARI(Mobile Agents with Routing Intelligence) nodes are selected in such a way that, the MARI nodes have maximum power level among their one hop neighbors and all non-MARI nodes are within the transmission range of MARI nodes. These MARI nodes have the routing intelligence i.e. they make all decisions relating to routing. The gateway nodes having sufficient power level are selected so that they can forward packets between MARI nodes. Gateway nodes do not have routing intelligence. These MARI and gateway nodes stay continuously awake to route the packets of other member nodes.


MARI(Mobile Agents with Routing Intelligence), Base Station(BS).

How to Cite this Article?

Subramanyam M.V and K. Satya Prasad (2006). A Proposed Topology for Reduction of Power Consumption in ADHOC Wireless Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 1(4), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.26634/jfet.1.4.984


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