Computer Simulation and Analysis of Lateral Stability of a Railway Vehicle with Conventional Wheel-Set

L.A. Kumaraswamidhas*, P. Mannar Jawahar**
*Department of Automobile Engineering, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai.
Periodicity:February - April'2006


In this paper the lateral stability of a rail vehicle is analysed using multibody dynamics. The linear mathematical modeling of railway vehicle was developed with 17 Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF) system which considers lateral displacement, vertical displacement, roll angle and yaw angle etc. The second order differential equations of motions are derived for a car body with conventional wheel set. Then the second order differential equations of motions are transformed in to a standard Eigen values problem using state space approach. By solving the equation, the Eigen values and Eigen vectors are obtained. From the Eigen values the stability of the vehicle has been analysed. The influences of certain physical parameters like Wheel radius, Rail gauge, Axie load, suspension stiffness with conicity angle on the critical hunting speed was analysed. Over all, rail vehicle stability analysis carried out in this work has been found to be quite satisfactory and comparable with the standard available results.


Critical Hunting, Dynamic Stability, Lateral Stability, Linear Mathematical Modelling, Stability Analysis.

How to Cite this Article?

L.A. Kumaraswamidhas and P. Mannar Jawahar (2006). Computer Simulation and Analysis of Lateral Stability of a Railway Vehicle with Conventional Wheel-Set. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 1(3), 36-45.


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