Comparative Performance Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms for the Efficiency Improvement of E-learning Applications

M. Chandrasekaran*, N. Kannan**, Kalpana M***
*Assistant Professor ,Electronics and communication Engineering department at Government College of Engineering, Salem.
**Assistant Professor ,Computer Science and Engineering Department at Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy
***Assistant Professor , Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy.
Periodicity:August - October'2006


This paper mainly aims at suggesting methods to improve the efficiency of the e-learning applications by making use of the optimal TCP/IP Congestion control algorithm. This is done by first analyzing the various TCP Congestion control algorithms and comparing their performance. An investigation of some of the TCP/IP congestion control algorithms implemented in ns2 is done. Then the performance of these algorithms in a TCP/IP Network is studied. A Dumbbell topology with 9 source nodes each operates with a different congestion control algorithm is simulated using ns2. Using this topology, the performance of these algorithms is compared by evaluating their total throughput and bandwidth sharing of the bottleneck link. This comparison results into the suggestion of the algorithm TCP/Reno for improving the efficiency of the e-learning application, as it provides the maximum long term total throughput of all the algorithms.


E-learning, TCP/IP networks, Congestion control, ns2, Total throughput.

How to Cite this Article?

Chandrasekaran M, N. Kannan and Kalpana M (2006). Comparative Performance Analysis of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms for the Efficiency Improvement of E-learning Applications. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 20-23.


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